AJAX Developers do zatrudnienia w Peru

  • AJAX
  • Peru
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Wyświetlono 1 wyników
  • Zatrudnij     ntsolutions
Zatrudnij     ntsolutions

    ntsolutions ntsolutions

    Peru $50 USD / godzinę
    IT Company, Blockchain, App and Web development
    1 ocena 1 ocena $50 USD na godzinę
    We are a company with 21 years of experience on the market, offering the whole scale of services Internet, Development, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, Bot development, scrapping, API development, and Blockchain. We use web technologies as JSON, HTML5, XML, JS frameworks (nodeJS, AngularJS, ReactJS,...
    We are a company with 21 years of experience on the market, offering the whole scale of services Internet, Development, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, Bot development, scrapping, API development, and Blockchain. We use web technologies as JSON, HTML5, XML, JS frameworks (nodeJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, ExpressJS; three.JS web3.JS and so on), PHP, Python, C#.Net Core, Java, portable mobile technologies as IONIC, React Native for Android, iOS platforms. We are masters in CMS web development as Moodle, Prestashop, Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, inclusive we possess our own system CMS developed by us several years ago. We are experienced in blockchain cryptos, scrapping, chrome extension, and more. Our Clients are in the USA, Spain, Latin America, Brasil, Europe and India. We are at your service. N&T Negocios y Tecnologias SRL mniej
  • Zatrudnij ntsolutions

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