Add subtitles / captions / SFX / to a blank manga page

  • Status: Closed
  • Nagroda: $120
  • Uzyskane Zgłoszenia: 21
  • Zwycięzca: lajrk

Opis Konkursu

I have uploaded a few colored, but blank manga pages.
No context given.
No direction given.
This contest is to find a subtitle / caption / SFX artist who can put words to the manga stories I have.
The reason why there is no context or direction given is to see how much, or how little direction I would have to give on future work.

Entries that have -DIFFERENT- "fonts" for each character will stand out more than entries that have the same font for everyone.
Entries that add SFX text (sounds, actions, etc) will stand out more than entries that do not.
Entries that have a PRICE PER PAGE for future work will stand out more than entries that do not.

Thank you very much.

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  • darkcyeote
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 2 dni temu

    Winner selected.
    Thank you everyone

    • 2 dni temu
  • darkcyeote
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 5 dni temu

    Notice to all.

    I will end the contest early by the end of monday.
    I have seen all I need to see.

    I thank everyone for their entries, and will put everyone at 5/5 stars before the contest ends.
    The reason why I rated the way I did was out of easy separation of entries I kept my eye on.
    But everyone's ***legitimate*** effort deserves all the praise I can give. (some entries were just submissions of non-related artwork)

    Two freelancers here have already been offered further work with me.
    If I have not contacted you -AND- confirmed work, I decided to go with another freelancer.

    For the freelancers who "plan to place an entry" but have not, you do not have much time left, and I need to move onward.

    Thank you everyone.

    • 5 dni temu

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