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Benjamin K.



➡️ Senior Full-Stack Developer | 100% Completion

$50 USD / Hour
Flag of
United States (6:55 AM)
Joined on September 24, 2024
$50 USD / Hour
G'day I am an Excellent problem solver and a veteran full-stack developer with 10+ years of professional software engineering experience in delivering software projects. I have worked as a software consultant predominantly in Australia and US. I have worked and led teams in dozens of projects to successful completion as my core focus is always on the customer rather than the tech. ✔️ Tech Stack: ‣ Languages: C# ‣ Python(Flask, Django, Pyramid, AIOHttp) ‣ Frameworks: .Net, .Net Core, .Net MVC ‣ Client-Side: Angular, Vue, Canvass, React, Bootstrap, Custom, JS. ‣ Server-Side: PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Node.js ‣ Agile Methodologies, Scrum ‣ GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, CI/CD ‣ Databases: MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis ‣ CMS : WordPress, Shopify, Joomla, Magento, Webflow, Wix.
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