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Alaa K.



Digital Marketing Manager

$7 USD / Hour
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Morocco (7:45 AM)
Joined on June 27, 2017
$7 USD / Hour
Hello, my name is Alaa Kandil, I recently graduated from Cardiff University with 2 years of experience in the internet marketing industry. I have a dynamic, outgoing, and charismatic personality, always looking to learn and perfect my craft which is to create content, and leads with a high conversion rate. I specialize in Internet Marketing, (SEO) Search Engine Optimization, Google AdWords, and all social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and Snapchat. I am always doing research about the content users consume on a daily basis to better understand their needs. This helps me understand where to advertise and how to obtain a higher conversion rate from leads to customers. I think I am a great candidate for these positions based on my skill level, experience, and high energy!
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