Tvorba loga jobs
Popis loga: 1. Hlavný symbol: Kruh ako hlavný tvar loga, ktorý symbolizuje celistvosť, harmóniu a nekonečný tok energie. Kruh bude mať jemné zlaté ohraničenie, aby zdôrazňoval symbol hojnosti a prosperity. Vo vnútri kruhu budú jemné prechody farieb, napríklad od odtieňov zelenej (rast a harmónia) po fialovú (mystika a kreatívna energia). 2. Dynamické prvky: Do kruhu môžeme pridať vlnovité línie, ktoré budú znázorňovať tok energie. Tieto línie môžu byť jemne ligotavé, aby pôsobili elegantne a dynamicky. Okolo kruhu môžu byť malé hviezdičky alebo guľôčky, ktoré bud&u...
...sales - Experience with Shopify is an advantage but not mandatory - Independence and reliability We Offer: - Monthly salary of 2.000 EUR - Percentage of revenue every 3 months - Opportunity for long-term collaboration - Chance for personal and professional growth If interested, please send us a message to pixelnixelyahoo for more information. We look forward to your response! Náplň práce: • Tvorba e-shopů na platformě Shopify • Vyhledávání dodavatelů • Nastavení procesů pro dropshipping • Správa sociálních sítí • Vyhledávání produktů • Nastavení platebních bran Požadavky: • Ambicióznost a ochota učit se nové ...
I am looking for a freelancer who is able to prepare a logo and graphic identity. The company is involved in Esport. It takes care of players and organises bootcamps. I am looking for a person who feels this atmosphere. I am looking for a not too complicated logo related to esports....related to esports. In addition to a logo, I need a whole graphic identity including a business card. Nazwa Firmy Esport Vibe. Feel free to cooperate. Szukam freelancerea który jest w stanie przygotować logo oraz identyfikacje graficzna. Firma zajmuje sie Esportem. Opieka nad graczami oraz organizacja bootcampów. Szukam osoby który czuje ten klimat. Szukam niezbyt skomplikowanego loga związanego z esportem. Oprocz loga potrzebuje całej identyfikacji graficznej wraz z wizyt&...
...friendly cat litter products and delivering them to the customers home. Strictly cats only and no other pets. The company is called: - Kitty Klumpers The description will be (this doesn't need to be incorporated into the logo): - Kitty Klumpers - eco friendly cat litter The slogan for the business is (this doesn't need to be incorporated into the logo): - Purr-fectly Green, Responsibly Clean! The loga should look very clean and professional and match the current theme of the website template (please note that the final website will be cats only). Contest entrants should focus on designing the main logo in two formats only (short form "KK" and long form "Kitty Klumpers"). THE WINNER WILL BE DECIDED BASED ON THESE DESIGNS. The contest winner will...
I want a website that will conduct the same business as this but own loga own design then it should be based in turkey I want you to go through the website that I want it to mimic , so you get a look what it's all about
I am looking for a skilled writer to create website copy for my project. The ideal candidate should have experience in writing engaging and persuasive content for websites. Requirements: - Proficient in crafting compelling website copy - Ability to understand and convey the unique selling points of the project - Familiarity with SEO best practices to optimize the content for search engines Specifics: - The content should be focused on the project and its offerings - Each piece of content should be less than 500 words If you are a talented writer with a knack for creating compelling website copy, please submit your proposal.
Logo Design for Personal Use - The purpose of this project is to create a logo design for personal use. - The client has some design elements that they would like to be included in the logo. - They are open to suggestions and ideas for the logo design. - The client needs 1-3 logo design variations. - The ideal candidate should have experience in logo design and be able to incorporate the client's design elements into the final design. - Creativity and attention to detail are important for this project.
Hello my name is Damon. I am an owner of Brett The in South Florida. We are a Premiere Fine Finish Painting and level Drywall company. We are shopping around for a graphic designer to redesign our loga and mascot. We paid a freelance artist for our current designs and are looking for something new but similiar to what we have. I would like the design to be a 3D character of our main owner Brett. i'm wondering if we can send you a photo of him and you animate it. attached are our current designs. please let me know what you think and what your ideas would be for our company. Thank you for your time.
I want to create a rpg game with mission and boss with dugeom caves I also want to put a buy with real money loga put skin and weapons and bring events the game will be for Android
I am looking for someone to design a product logo for me. I have a very specific idea in mind, and I will provide details of what I am looking for to the chosen freelancer. In addition to this, I would like to have a few font options to choose from for the logo. I am open to creative ideas and look forward to seeing what kind of designs can be created. Thanks for your interest!
Vytvořit logo pro online marketingovou agenturu Digital Place, webová stránka Slovo v logu bude obsahovat "DIGITAL PLACE"
Hi, I need a loga for my company. We are doing photovoltaic plants, small for private houses and larger ones for company’s.
!!!!!! I WANT A NEW DESIGN.!!!!!!! something completely new and different as long as it shows some kind of connection to education, sports, students, schools, and insurance. Leave The Venbrook Company the same. I need a fresh new look for Student Insurance that will work with the parent company's current Venbrook logo. Please show a new Student Insurance Loga and what it will look like incorporating the Venbrook Company. 1 with A Venbrook Company 1 without Venbrook. Must use Pantone colors orange 151 c and blue 655 c and any other color. Please Show what it will look like printed. It must look the same printed on paper, fabric, and online.
I would like the word "PreCon" in a Loga that has to do with Construction. skyscrapers, or buildings. Perhaps something with a city in the background. Preferably in a Green Color. We do not design homes, so no houses. Only tall buildings.
Language: English to Amharic Background: LOGA media is an entertainment media, who provides high quality dubbing content to Ethiopian audience. We are now hiring qualified, motivated and artistic script translator for our upcoming dubbing project. Post number: 4 Description: Translators will be working with foreign TV series, delivering adaptive high quality translation from English script to Amharic Key tasks: • Translate foreign TV series from English script to Amharic; • sync/lip-sync Amharic script to foreign TV series • provide adoptive translation Required skills and qualifications include: • Artistic, good understanding of adaptive translation, able to take training • Bilingual in Amharic and English (written) • Linguistic educational...
Potrzebujemy logo na nową markę dla ogrodzeń elektrycznych dla zwierząt i produktów zootechnicznych. Nazwa marki to Zagroda Chcemy projekt optymistyczny, ciepły, sielski, rolniczy Dobrze gdyby pojawił się tam element zwierzęcy lub gospodarski lub wiejski, może kawałek kurnika, zagrody Załączam kilka zdjęć produktów konkurencji dla referencji
Molila bi vas izradu loga za apartman koji bi se iznajmljivao u mjestu Primosten u Hrvatskoj. Naziv apartmana bi bio Kristina.
I am looking to produce an advertising board to dimensions supplied at my local golf club. The sponsorship of a tee box will help create awareness of my franchised business in the area i play golf. JPEG required after design to include company loga and contact number etc
Mám nový nový projekt - vyrábím speciální sušící oblečení (osušky) pro psy a malá zvířata. Do budoucna se chystám vyrábět další výrobky pro psy a chci mít svůj eshop pro zvířata a nabízet moje výrobky do celého světa. Moje doména, pro kterou chystám nové webové stránky je Chtěla bych zadat výrobu loga pro tyto moje nové webové stránky PETLANDO
I want logo design for my new business NYCE247 which stands for NOW'S YOUR CHANCE 2 EXCEL
My name is ankush logo designer, Banner designer or Business cards designer and many logs create
We are a Roma-Slovak evangelistic band F6. In principle, we have created a logo and what it should be hidden is hidden in it. We decided to go another way - the way of clothes / t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps / and we need a more modern and attractive style. Attached is a sample of the current logo.
Its a business shop for digital items and its purchasing from a wholesale team
Dobrý den, hledám šikovného "programátora" se zkušenostmi se Sierra Chart pro tvorbu indikátoru.
I need to make in word or excel or pdf format following templates. Must be just ready to fill/use by even person without experience of word or excel with common sense. 1. Letter head 2. Invoice 3. Quotation 4. Proposal (execution p...which i already have. Simple Letter head, invoice , quotation, Any reporting template. Mine is a Marine and offshore business so use only sea waves like of color i.e blue and shades of blue. I will provide company LOGO svg or JPG or JPG of my business card for all details. If they need i can provide even provide photo of sample template for the each of four template i am asking. just add company loga and details and save so as to make it easy to fill as stansdard. Freelancer MUST read the scope first before saying time and price so as not to waste...
Treba nam izrada loga za tvrtku kao i vizualni identitet.
We are looking for a talented designer who will make a brand logo of our new product line. We need really catchy and original but at the same time stylish high class logo. The new product line is meant for high class audiophile people, mostly high-end quality cables.
I have a business that helps people get rid of stress, create personal empowerment by changing subcosciuos beliefs. The system is a combonation of Yoga techniques and PSYCH - K®. I have clients online, face to face as well as running workshops and programs live and online. I would like maybe a brain (2 hemespheres) in the loga (Maybe, open for ideas!) colours Blue Dark (prodominently)
Arsen, dobar Vam dan :) nikad dosad nisam radila na ovoj stranici, pa jos ne znam bas kako funkcionira, ali vidjela sam da ste se javili za izradu loga. S Vama se mogu lakse razumjeti pa Vam se zato javljam. Trebalo bi mi nesto jako jednostavno, nista profesionalno, nego tek toliko da izgleda lijepo. Ne znam jeste vidjeli slike s primjerima, uglavnom nesto u tom smislu. Pa se Vi javite s prijedlozima i cijenom ako ste zainteresirani. Hvala i lijep pozdrav, Ivana
mera name Ashu h me students hu please give me loga design part time job
Ponúkame Vám možnosť stať sa súčasťou nášho profesionálneho tímu na pozíciu: top, stredného aj malého manažmentu. Hľadáme projektového manažéra, bussines manažéra, náplň práce: - riadenie projektových činností podľa časového harmonogramu - tvorba a zadávanie pracovných úloh - kontrola vykonaných prác -hľadanie, identifikácia a rozvoj obchodných príležitostí - hľadanie a následná komunikácia s obchodnými partnermi - reporting a komunikácia s vedením spoločnosti skills: - english, manažment, projektový manažment, time management, internet, ...
Davide, Bavim se prodajom luksuznih futrola za mobilni. Potrebna mi je izrada loga za online prodaju, svetlecu reklamu i prodajne standove. Predlazem da se cujemo i vidimo, moj broj je 0604010840. Pozdrav, Mario Maric
I need a loga and a perfect banner for my youtube channel. Channel is regarding programming languages..
Sir making in world class loga better logo in world.
Hi Loga N., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Zatrudnię grafika do wykonania dla mnie loga firmowego, twarz rekina z hantlem w buzi. Logo + napis z nazwą firmy w podobnym designie jak logo. I will hire graphic designer to make for me a brand logo, shark face with dumbbell in his mouth. Logo + text with company name in similar design like logo.
Hi Loga C., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Dobrý deň, potrebujem vytvoriť malú PC aplikáciu pre zber údajov - cca 20 položiek a ich následné spracovanie na základe vstupných údajov do 3 podôb: certifikát určený na tlač (na základe dodanej predlohy) ženie vytvoreného .pdf do zložky v PC podľa mena,priezviska 3. vytlačenie adresy na obálku na základe údajov vložených pri zbere dát Malo by sa jednať o jednoduchý dotazník. perspektívne uvažujem o možnosti aby aplikácia dokázala otázky a formáty odpovedí (začiarkovacie poloíčko, slider,...) prípadne aj ťerpať z priloženého súboru formáte .txt. alebo iného....
...natural logarithm to verify that log2 8 = 3. (b) Use a calculator and the change-of-base formula with the common logarithm to verify that log2 8 = 3. Answer Exercise 2: It follows from logarithmic identity 2 that . Verify this by evaluating log4 7, then raising 4 to that power. Answer Return to Contents Properties of Logarithms 1. loga (uv) = loga u + loga v 1. ln (uv) = ln u + ln v 2. loga (u / v) = loga u - loga v 2. ln (u / v) = ln u - ln v 3. loga un = n loga u 3. ln un = n ln u The properties on the left hold for any base a. The properties on the right are restatements of the general properties for the natural logarithm. Many logarithmic expressions may be rewritten, either expanded or condensed, using the three prope...
I want to design my logo , with the brand name dinga
I want to decorate it for Tea business Loga and content is ready need attractive design