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Naoko U.



Translator,Writer, Curation, Music expert

$20 USD / Hour
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Japan (6:12 PM)
Joined on May 18, 2022
$20 USD / Hour
I love to research fashion, history and culture, colours, also love music and languages. I am a native Japanese, but can speak English because I have had friends and lived abroad since childhood. At the last company I worked for, I mainly translated in English and created invoices and manuals. I want to spread the beautiful Japanese language to the world. I am very good at writing. I have a personal blog, which is very popular among my friends and people who read it. I studied counselling at a private school for 10 years and I also learnt make-up from an artist while working. Promise: I will submit by the deadline. I will not use machine translation. I guarantee the quality and satisfaction!
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Phulbari, Bangladesh
5 months ago
AI Training - Freelancer Global Fleet
AI Training - Freelancer Global Fleet
AI Training - Freelancer Global Fleet Japanese
Japanese AI Training - Freelancer Global Fleet
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