KILLCOPY I took a look at your web sites, and the one that's up looks pretty good to me (I'm a big fan of working from home, by the way). I thought of a few suggestions for your text, based on my understanding of customer motivations and values. Also the story at the beginning didn't ring true for me, as a reader I would have concluded the whole thing was fake at that point. At any rate, I had some ideas right off the bat and some questions I'd ask your business to help zero in on what your reader needs in order to be convinced to take action.
I don't have as much web writing experience as others on this site, but I'm interested in the project and in cutting my teeth on a Dan Kennedy-style sales letter. I have some very powerful resources for marketing copy, some strategies I'd like to test out, and some ideas of my own which I think could radically increase your response rate. I won't make any promises, these are just possibilities, but the risk is pretty minimal on your end.
If I may say so myself, I think you're lucky to get me while I'm starting out, since my rates are disturbingly low now and I need to build my portfolio. About where I'm coming from--I really want to reality-test the techniques I've read about and thought up. I've just started a practice and put up my website (which I'm not permitted to mention here), and my house mate recommended I look at getafreelancer, so that's why I'm posting here.
One other thing about me--I don't do pressure, I work at a relaxed pace, and I don't take on too much at once. That's so I can be sure to get the job done thoroughly and carefully and even have a few "slop" days before the deadline. If you're on a tight deadline, I'm not the person to pick, but if you can afford to take a slow and steady approach, that's my style and I think you have a good chance at results.
At any rate, thanks for considering my bid and I'd be grateful for a chance to take a crack at increasing your sales.