a custom made character from oddcast needs to be programmed into a flash site. The voice samples made by the character should interact with different texts on different (in page ) pages and links on the flash site
You can download a (flash 8) example from : [login to view URL]
I tried to extract the coding myself but I did not succeed I only need to know how its done so I can continue building my website. Another thing is the removal of the current dragonhead and switching it with the animated versikon witch was especially created .
You may choose to mannually intergrate soundfiles or trough the use of online scripting solutions > Please advice me on this ( fair advise )
## Deliverables
the character is made especialy for the flash website and needs to interact with it . This means that the character has to respond on mouseOvers and clicks on the webpage.. The codes that will make this happen are a mistery for me , I would like to know if it is possible. I also contacted the character providing company and asked them more details so I can compare the biddings with their prices , my expirience with oddcast learnd me that they are very expencive and not that wonderfull in contact, so therefor I prefere that a expirenced coder from RAC completes the project.