PhotoBook App + Responsive Website
₹37500-75000 INR
Paid on delivery
Need to make an Android App + iPhone App + Responsive Website
App / Website Name - LUDIFU / [login to view URL]
Reference website - www. [login to view URL]
App - Iphone and Android
[login to view URL] is a subscription based - Single Product Website. It allows users to upload pictures from their phones/pc/laptops. Date, Time and Location where picture was taken is captured and is imprinted on the Left side of each image. Post Uploading up to 100 pictures, User makes their respective payment and Checkout. Finish.
WE will NOT be using the subscription based model, we will instead be making it a regular Single Product E-commerce website (without the subscription as given on [login to view URL])
All the rest of the work is done on the backend by Admin. Pictures downloaded by Admin and work done ahead is all Offline.
I need you to make a copy of the app. The Responsive site has to be a replica of the app post the user logs in to the website.
We need this within a week's time so we can proceed to testing (beta) + launch it by 20th September 2016
Project ID: #11448121