As an experienced and talented web and mobile application developer, I have a deep understanding of data manipulation, especially in spreadsheets like Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. I have successfully executed projects that required intricate filtering and matching functionalities, just like what you need here. My particular proficiency in Visual Basic, which is highly compatible with Google Scripts, will ensure that this task will be completed swiftly and accurately.
In addition, I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality outputs within stipulated timelines. Efficiency, precision, and ensuring the perfect end-product are some values that guide my work ethic. As stated in your project description, your time is valuable - with me on board, you can be rest assured that your project will be handled with utmost care and professionalism to deliver results that match or exceed your expectations.
Finally, I would like to note that my commitment to professional growth has been acknowledged through industry awards such as the 2018 Webby for Best Navigation and Structure. I believe this not only demonstrates the quality of my work but also my relentless drive to enhance user experiences. With all these skills and accomplishments behind me, I am fully confident in my ability to successfully transform your complex dataset into a tool that simplifies your assigning process effectively. Looking forward to discussing this project with you further!