Javascript Developers for hire in Taiwan

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Showing 1 results
  • Hire     BenjaminKJChao
Hire     BenjaminKJChao

    BenjaminKJChao BenjaminKJChao

    Taiwan $50 USD / hour
    Senior Software Developer
    0 reviews 0 reviews $50 USD per hour
    Experienced in big data architecture and application development in B2C market, including social marketing, digital ads and IoT analysis. - Big Data: Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Scala, ELK, BigQuery, AWS (RedShift/Kinesis/QuickSight) - MLDM: NLP, MLlib, SciPy, Word2Vec, Azure ML - Web: Full stack developer, jQuery, MVC,...
    Experienced in big data architecture and application development in B2C market, including social marketing, digital ads and IoT analysis. - Big Data: Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Scala, ELK, BigQuery, AWS (RedShift/Kinesis/QuickSight) - MLDM: NLP, MLlib, SciPy, Word2Vec, Azure ML - Web: Full stack developer, jQuery, MVC, HTML5/CSS, XML/REST, SQL DB, UNIX admin and shell scripts. - Programming: R, Java, C#, C/C++, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Win32 SDK, HTML5/CSS, XML/REST, SQL DB, UNIX admin and shell scripts. less
  • Hire BenjaminKJChao

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