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Oan Q.
Mechanical / Production Engineer
$25 USD / Hour
Vietnam (6:35 PM)
Joined on November 18, 2017
$25 USD / Hour
With over 15 years of extensive experience in the steel manufacturing industry, I specialize in mechanical engineering, quality control, and production management. I have successfully designed and produced high-quality steel products for various industrial applications, including power plants, oil refineries, and chemical plants. My proven track record highlights my ability to deliver exceptional results and drive continuous improvement in complex projects.
Mechanical engineer with over 15 years of experience in manufacturing and quality
control. Proficient in production management, CAD software such as AutoCAD Mechanical ,AMETank ,PV Elite ,Tekla Structures and Autodesk Inventor.
Hồ chi minh, Vietnam
Dec, 2007 - Apr, 2020
12 years, 3 months
Mechanical Engineer
2002 - 2007
5 years
2002 - 2007
5 years
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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