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Srinadha Reddy K.



PyDev With 7+ Years Experience

$35 USD / Hour
Flag of
India (12:34 AM)
Joined on June 30, 2020
$35 USD / Hour
I've built many, many websites over the last several years in all kinds of industries. I pride myself in doing quality work and maintain excellent communication. You'll always know what's going on with your project and I'm quick to reply to questions or concerns. My key skills are: * Website Fixing(error and Hack) / Upgrade - Python / Django / Scrapy/ Excel / Postgres / AWS / Heroku / Digital Ocean - JavaScript(React) / JQuery - Bootstrap / HTML5 / CSS3 - Secure Coding If you have or need a website and/or an update to your current website, please contact me directly or invite me to bid on your project. I look forward to working with you.
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