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    2,000 fiscal printer jobs found

    I need a professional who can convert a NWD (Navisworks) file into a STEP or STL file suitable for 3D printing. The converted file will be used with an FDM printer using materials like PLA or ABS. The ideal candidate should: - Have experience with file conversions for 3D printing. - Be able to edit the mesh during the conversion process if necessary, to ensure it is suitable for 3D printing. - Have a good understanding of the requirements for FDM printing. Please ensure your proposal includes your relevant experience and examples of similar projects you have worked on. IMPORTANT - work starts immediately - should be done in max 24h

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    I'm looking to create an e-commerce website and mobile app for my Indian restaurant in London, UK. The main focus of this project is to facilitate online ordering via the website and mobile app. Key features to incorporate are: - Once an order has been placed, it needs to be retrived by the computer system currently in the restaurant and printed on a thermal receipt printer - Real-time order tracking: this will enhance the user experience and keep customers informed about their orders. - Multiple payment options: different payment options such as PayPal and credit/debit cards. - Need to have options such as delivery charge if under a certain limit, discount if over a certain limit, and coupons/vouchers Integration with third-party services: - Payment Gateways: The app and web...

    $1555 Average bid
    $1555 Avg Bid
    264 bids

    I require assistance with my fiscal year end bookkeeping and reconciliation. The task will primarily involve reconciling my bank statements. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in bookkeeping and financial reconciliation - Familiarity with various accounting software - Strong attention to detail and accuracy - Excellent problem-solving skills - Ability to meet deadlines

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Avg Bid
    15 bids

    I'm looking for a designer who can create simple, cute mini objects with hinged joint movements. These objects must be compatible with a Bambulab 3D printer with a 0.4mm nozzle Key Requirements: - Design simple, cute mini objects - Incorporate hinged joint movements - Ensure compatibility with a Bambulab printer with a 0.4mm nozzle

    $48 Average bid
    $48 Avg Bid
    37 bids

    my site. Files Included JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, CSS, PHP, SQL Software Framework Yii Software Version PHP 7.x, MySQL 5... Marchent. system infomation. Deliverables: Google API Fully redesigned custom checkout flow. PayPal, stripe and card payment integration. stripe German language integration. thermal printer integration for orders.

    $533 Average bid
    $533 Avg Bid
    204 bids

    ...below: Printer Detection: Automatically detects Epson printers connected to the system. in normal mode and firmware mode (IPL) Displays detailed information for each printer, such as model, serial number, and current status. Read important information from the EEPROM Reading Residual Ink Counters: Reads and displays the status of the printer's waste ink counters. Provides information about the percentage of fill of the waste ink tank. Resetting Waste Ink Counters: It allows the residual ink counters to be reset to zero (previously validating a serial number that the customer must purchase for this purpose). Verifies that the reset was successful and displays the new status of the counters. Reading Printer Information: Reads and displ...

    $226 Average bid
    $226 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a cinema seat booking ... I need to create a system for booking seats in a cinema. The cinema has two rooms to which multiple films are assigned, during the day at different times. The system must allow the operator to choose the day and time of the film and choose the seat, selecting it from a map of the room. Once the seat or seats have been selected (more than one) he must confirm and print a ticket using a ZEbra printer, connected to the PC. The platform used is wordpress, already available. The plugin to be used is free to choose. For acceptance of the project, it will be necessary to provide samples (print screens are also fine), so that I can submit them to the end customer for acceptance. The samples must arrive o...

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Avg Bid
    160 bids in 3D printing and cloud technologies to help me set up a 3D printer farm for mass production. The farm will use Lugo Pro L 210x210x300 printers, and will be controlled using a Raspberry Pi 4/5 with cloud capabilities. Key Responsibilities: - Configuring the 3D printer farm for mass production - Utilizing Lugo Pro L 210x210x300 printers - Setting up Raspberry Pi 4/5 for control and monitoring - Implementing automated job scheduling - Setting up marline-flavoured printer control - Ensuring the system is cloud-controlled Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Lugo Pro L 3D printers - Deep understanding of Raspberry Pi technology - Proficient in setting up cloud-based control systems - Familiar with marline-flavoured printer control - Experience in m...

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Avg Bid
    15 bids
    Trophy icon Modern Logo Design for "Qromio"
    4 days left

    I'm seeking a modern logo for my brand "Qromio". The brand is associated with printer cartridges, so the design should incorporate a 'Q' made from colorful circles, representing the cartridges. Key Requirements: - The 'Q' should be crafted from circles of pastel colors, reflecting a playful yet sophisticated use of the color scheme. - The logo should convey a sense of creativity and innovation. This is crucial as it aligns with the brand's identity and market positioning. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in modern logo design - Experience with playful yet sophisticated color schemes - Ability to convey brand messages through design - Proficient in creating designs that represent product functionality - Portfolio showcasing p...

    $22 Average bid
    659 entries

    ...ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT -Google Play - ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT -Fasthost Hosting -ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT -Customer Mobile App - ALREADY BROUGHT THE CODE -Restaurant Mobile App - ALREADY BROUGHT THE CODE -Driver Mobile App - ALREADY BROUGHT THE CODE -Kitchen Display App - ALREADY BROUGHT THE CODE -Tableside Ordering App - ALREADY BROUGHT THE CODE -Menu Clone Addon - ALREADY BROUGHT THE CODE -Thermal Printer Addon - ALREADY BROUGHT THE CODE Additional Functionally We are looking for a optional functions 1 a order is generated and when the order gets sent to a restaurant it self generates a random code for each order that when a driver picks up the order it doesn’t show the driver the delivery address until a member of staff at the restaurant puts in the code that’s ...

    $178 Average bid
    $178 Avg Bid
    35 bids

    I'm running a small car sales and repair workshop, and I need Odoo implemented to manage various facets of my business. The areas of focus include: - Accounting: Primarily, I need the financial reporting functionality for assessing the company's fiscal health. - Sales: The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features are crucial for tracking and nurturing my customer base. - Inventory: The warehouse management capabilities are key for keeping track of spare parts and car stocks. I am looking for a freelancer with substantial experience in implementing Odoo for small businesses, preferably in the automotive sector. Proficiency in Odoo's accounting, sales, and inventory modules is crucial, alongside a proven track record in financial reporting and CRM management. T...

    $2264 Average bid
    $2264 Avg Bid
    43 bids

    ...cabinets. Your design should be innovative and incorporate several key features. Key features to include in the design: - LED lighting: The design should have an effective and appealing LED lighting system. - Touchscreen display: A space for a touchscreen display is necessary. - Built-in speakers: The design should accommodate built-in speakers. Additional components to consider: - Printer: A space for a printer. - Bill acceptor: The design should include an area for a bill acceptor. - Logo: A designated spot for a logo. - Cup holder: The design should incorporate a cup holder. - Computer board: Space for a computer board. - Collin system: The design should accommodate a Collin system. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in designing gami...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    ...The POS system should be simple and intuitive, allowing staff to quickly process orders without unnecessary complications. - Order Processing: The system should be able to handle food orders efficiently, sending them from the iPad app to the kitchen printer. - Reset Functionality: The system should have a built-in feature to reset itself at the end of each night, eliminating the need to record and memorise any information. I want to be able to: -Select the pizzas the customer want (eg. 2 Margherita, 1 Salami). -Send the order to the kitchen printer. -Write on the side or under of the pizza if needs any special dietary requirement, or if they want to add or remove ingredients from the pizzas (eg. 1 Margherita Dairy Free, 1 Salami No onion). -Every printed dockets needs to ...

    $537 Average bid
    $537 Avg Bid
    32 bids

    ...server. What image types are supported (e.g., transparent PNG, WebP, GIF), and does the website automatically generate thumbnails? What is the amount of bandwidth that can be used for the site, and what is the cost for additional bandwidth? Does the website you create have options only for placing orders, or is it also possible to generate invoices, and if so, what type of invoices—transactional or fiscal? On what platform or framework would the website be built, and do we have any responsibilities regarding it, such as module updates, license fees, etc.? Does the website come with SSL certificates, and if so, what kind—self-signed, or signed by a trusted root certificate authority, or something else? How do customers log in, how is their data protected in accordance ...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Avg Bid
    11 bids

    ...server. What image types are supported (e.g., transparent PNG, WebP, GIF), and does the website automatically generate thumbnails? What is the amount of bandwidth that can be used for the site, and what is the cost for additional bandwidth? Does the website you create have options only for placing orders, or is it also possible to generate invoices, and if so, what type of invoices—transactional or fiscal? On what platform or framework would the website be built, and do we have any responsibilities regarding it, such as module updates, license fees, etc.? Does the website come with SSL certificates, and if so, what kind—self-signed, or signed by a trusted root certificate authority, or something else? How do customers log in, how is their data protected in accordance ...

    $1241 Average bid
    $1241 Avg Bid
    129 bids

    Hello, I need assistance with making a Cargo Pro label dynamic. The current label is in HTML format, and we want it to automatically adjust to different printer sizes. Here are the main requirements: Dynamic Resizing: The label is currently 4x4 inches, and we need it to dynamically adapt to various printer sizes, automatically adjusting based on the printer's specifications without manual resizing. Single Page Output: The label should always fit onto a single sheet of paper, regardless of the printer or paper size. Maintain Layout: Ensure that the layout remains intact, readable, and well-structured despite any changes in size or printer settings. HTML Structure: The label is generated from HTML, and we need the code to be modified so it can dynamically a...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Avg Bid
    55 bids

    ...developer to assist in building an application for my thermal printer. This app is primarily intended for printing receipts, specifically detailing restaurant orders. Key Requirements: - App Development: Previous experience in Android app development is crucial. - Thermal Printer Integration: Familiarity with thermal printer integration is a plus. - Receipt Customization: The app should print receipts that include detailed restaurant order information. - Future Expandability: While the immediate need is for receipt printing, the app should have the potential to support printing for other formats (like labels or tickets) and compatibility with multiple printer models in the future. Skills & Experience: - Android App Development - Thermal Printer I...

    $496 Average bid
    $496 Avg Bid
    29 bids in 3D printing and cloud technologies to help me set up a 3D printer farm for mass production. The farm will use Lugo Pro L 210x210x300 printers, and will be controlled using a Raspberry Pi 4/5 with cloud capabilities. Key Responsibilities: - Configuring the 3D printer farm for mass production - Utilizing Lugo Pro L 210x210x300 printers - Setting up Raspberry Pi 4/5 for control and monitoring - Implementing automated job scheduling - Setting up marline-flavoured printer control - Ensuring the system is cloud-controlled Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Lugo Pro L 3D printers - Deep understanding of Raspberry Pi technology - Proficient in setting up cloud-based control systems - Familiar with marline-flavoured printer control - Experience in m...

    $524 Average bid
    $524 Avg Bid
    18 bids

    Subject: Customization of Karenderia Single Restaurant Website with Checkout and Payment Integration Description: Dear Developer, I am seeking an experienced developer to redesign and customize the theme for my single restaurant ordering website. I have already purchased the following items and would like to integrate them into the website: Karenderia Single Restaurant Website Karenderia Thermal Printer Integration Additional relevant Karenderia add-ons. Customization Requirements: General Flow: Main Website: The website's flow should resemble the Food Angels - Burgers Page. Checkout and Order Process: After adding items to the cart, create a custom checkout page instead of redirecting to the default checkout page. Example: Karenderia Full-Screen Preview - Checkout Page. Red...

    $1299 Average bid
    $1299 Avg Bid
    140 bids

    1. Write a Java program to simulate a distributed printer queue using ZooKeeper. You will be writing two programs the PrinterMaster and PrinterClient. Use Znodes to represent printer queue. Specifications for these components are given below. Your program should handle all invalid arguments a PrinterMaster Specifications: • Whenever the Master is invoked it should connect to one of the ZooKeeper quora as a client. • Master should create Znode to represent the printer queue. • This program should run indefinitely until you type exit on the console. • Your master should process the print job with least job id. We do not actually use a physical printer here, so just print on the console that a print job with a given id has been proces...

    $269 Average bid
    $269 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    ...non-profits, organizations, government agencies, friends, and supporters. It works collaboratively to share information and resources to ensure the continuation of economic growth, development, and quality of life for all in the downtown and wider Brockton area. a word from Mary Waldron, Mary Waldron, President, Downtown Brockton Association “The Downtown Brockton Association is proud to be the fiscal agent for Black Owned Brockton and a strong supporter of their efforts. The work of the artists is a love note to downtown Brockton, its businesses, residents, and visitors. Thank you, Black Owned Brockton and the various artist, for investing in our community. With downtown’s historic past from Frederick Douglass and Thomas Edison, it is the vision of Black Owned ...

    $15 Average bid
    Urgent Guaranteed
    78 entries

    I'm in need of a seasoned C++ developer to create a Windows PCL XL (PCL6) Print Driver and Printer Port for multi-purpose printing. The driver should support: - Duplex printing - Color and grayscale options - Copies The printer port will simply write the PCL to a file and start an application telling it the path of the file, the application should be started in the user context. Print settings chosen by the user should be set in the header of the PCL file so that they can be read, the document title and user and any additional details available should also be included. This project requires not just coding skills, but also a deep understanding of print driver development. Experience with creating high-quality, reliable print drivers is a plus. Individuals with this e...

    $1385 Average bid
    $1385 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    I'm looking for a printer who can produce some quality cotton joggers for me. The joggers should be in a blend of small to medium sizes and in gray color. Design Requirements: - A design printed in the middle of the joggers saying "colder". Budget: I aim to keep the cost per pair between 10-20 GBP. Ideal Skills: - Experience in textile printing - Ability to deliver quality at a reasonable cost - Good communication skills for design confirmation.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    ( Notice: this qoute include wossim printer only without zebra printer, zebra will be extra cost) - hide after payment surcharge title - cut long name and cut address long name - And we need to add billing date in bottom paper "means current date" - we need to add "discount date" in bottom paper "means due date + 5 business days" - messageAvoidDisconnection >> hide in case company 2 - feature rules in company 1/2 in due date rules - design for company 1 and company 2 controller by enviroment - print dueDate above disconnect date - sequance to be show in paper >> wossim printer - new design of table period date >> woosim printer - duedate difereent in company 2 - increment business day except friday in...

    $550 Average bid
    $550 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I need a skilled developer to create a React.js and Node.js based web application for Bluetooth printing...also be compatible with all major web browsers, specifically tested on Google Chrome, with plans to ensure functionality on Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with React.js and Node.js - Proven track record in developing cross-device compatible web applications - Knowledge of Bluetooth technology and its integration in web apps - Familiarity with various printer types and their printing protocols - Understanding of web browser compatibility and testing Your role will be to develop a seamless, user-friendly web app that allows for universal Bluetooth printing, ensuring high compatibility and performance across all devices and major web...

    $313 Average bid
    $313 Avg Bid
    9 bids

    ...invoicing file from the point 1needs to generate a reporting file with the following data divided per month for each property showing Owner revenue – Our revenue – Number of nights reserved per month. Check the attached file Master one as an example. We can also think about a more powerful file with for instance revenue per night and other features 3) Invoice generator. We have to study the Italian fiscal system for Electronic invoicing in order to understand if it is possible to generate an xml file starting from the data we have from the point 1) 4) It would be very important to create some systems that are easy to modify and upgrade because the industry changes fast. 5) We have also another company in the same industry but with almost the same features. Only s...

    $1498 Average bid
    $1498 Avg Bid
    61 bids

    ...accounting services for my small company of 1-10 employees. The services required include: - Bookkeeping: Regular maintenance of our accounts, ensuring that our financial details are recorded accurately and efficiently. - Financial statement preparation: Generation of comprehensive financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assist in our company's fiscal management. - Tax preparation: Detailed preparation of all necessary materials for tax submission, potentially including strategies for tax minimization. Ideal candidates should be adept in using QuickBooks as this is our current accounting software. Proficiency in bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, and tax preparation is a must. Previous experience working wi...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Avg Bid
    69 bids

    I require a 3D model of a Canon Colorado printer, scaled down to the size of a Hot Wheels toy car. This model will serve as a promotional item and should come with several movable parts. Key Requirements: - The model should include a functioning lid that is it can lift off to reveal inkjet heads. The inkjet head carriage is a basic look. This machine has 2 carriages as per image. Only needs to be basic. Art is symbolic of the actual machine. - The level of detail should be moderate, with some textures included to enhance the model's realism. - The purpose of the design is for it to be 3D printable. - The finished size is a approx 65mm wide x 27mm high x 25mm deep. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and design, particularly for creating interactive mod...

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to adapt our existing sailing team logo. Key Requirements: - Modify our existing logo to include our sponsor logo - Align the color scheme with our current branding Task: Take the circular logo in the .eps Remove the letters RGYC and replace it with J80 in Gotham-bold In the middle of the circle, remove the J80 and Gibraltar Fl...circular logo in the .eps Remove the letters RGYC and replace it with J80 in Gotham-bold In the middle of the circle, remove the J80 and Gibraltar Flag, and replace it with the Pretty Sailing Logo on the Grey Sail. It should still be the colour of the grey sail in the background, not white like in my copy and paste please :) The logo needs to be a high res .eps file so that we can sent it to the printer t...

    $10 Average bid
    144 entries
    $152 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...for sneak peeks of the new store!" > Visuals: Minimalist with clean lines, sneak peek visuals, or partial images of the new store setup. NOTES - Colors: Use earthy, natural tones to reflect the store’s brand identity. - Consistency: Ensure a cohesive design across all posters with varying messages but a unified visual style. - Design must be flexible for different platforms. Posters will be printer and also used on social media (instagram and facebook) - Call to Action: The “Follow us on social media” section should be prominent, with clear QR codes that can be easily scanned. This is required for ALL posters FORMATS - Print Posters: High-resolution PDF (300 DPI) - Social Media: JPEG or PNG (72 DPI) & PNG is preferred if you need transparency. -...

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Avg Bid
    39 bids

    I'm seeking a skilled Marlin firmware developer from India, with a focus on custom hardware integration. The job involves integrating this firmware with a custom board, which has similarities to the SKR mini E3 V2. Key Requirements: - Experience in modifying Marlin firmware for custom hardware - Proficiency in working with 3D printer components Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding of Marlin firmware - Hands-on experience with custom 3D printer boards

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Avg Bid
    2 bids

    I'm looking for a designer to help me develop a unique 3-in-1 Cash Register, Tablet and 80mm Thermal Printer POS system for use in a restaurant . The tablet screen should be 15 inches. Key requirements: - Design the product with a metal casing, ensuring durability and robustness for a restaurant environment - Provide all necessary drawings for the production of the product The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in product design , preferably with a focus on creating POS . Familiarity with the restaurant industry would be an added advantage. Creativity and the ability to translate ideas into practical designs is key.

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer...thermal printers (Bluetooth, Wireless, or POS devices) using Expo. The application needs to be compatible with both iOS and Android. Key Requirements: - Setup of a thermal printer using Expo - Development of a dual-platform (iOS & Android) app - Potential for future incorporation of varied functionalities like receipt, barcode, and label printing Ideal candidates would have: - Extensive experience with Expo - Strong understanding of dual-platform app development - Previous experience in setting up thermal printers - Knowledge of various printing functionalities Please note that while the project currently focuses on printer setup, there's the potential for additional functionalities in the future. A forward-thinking app...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Avg Bid
    11 bids

    I need an experienced professional who can prepare my 3D model from an FBX file for 3D printing. The model is ...finish - Create the object plane from the current fpx file, if somehow my design is not printable. - you should fit to the printed part measurement that you can find in the attached images Skills and experience ideally suited for this job: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience with 3D printing preparation - Attention to detail and understanding of design for art pieces. my LUGO printer size is 215 x 215 x 300mm the source file to preview; but I will give you a download link once you are awarded. My budget; 100USD Deadline: Over the weekend KST about 48 hours for the G-code with assembly parts and placement.

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Avg Bid
    40 bids

    I'm looking to convert an FBX file into a G-code suitable for 3D printing. Requirements: - Convert FBX to G-Code...requirfpements The source file in fbx for viewing below and will send you the link for download if you are awarded. The printed part 1 For scale reference. Confirm with me first. Lugo printer slicer download: (L model, 215 x 215 x 300mm) The components need to be separate parts to fit on the Lugo printer in the image. Design for a quick assembly and printing is required as well as to be scaled right for the printed parts already. See the attached image for this and scales. deadline: overthe weekend

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I need an experienced developer to update m...smoothly on Windows 10/11. The software is built on MS Access and needs to be able to import contacts from a .csv file (in a specific format). Key requirements: - Modify print settings to support Epson receipt printers. This includes: - Custom print layout adjustments - Printer driver updates - Update the custom print layout for receipt formatting Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with: - Software development and updates - MS Access - Windows OS (Windows XP, Windows 10, Windows 11) - Custom printer configuration - .csv file data imports Please note, the specific features required for Windows 10/11 compatibility have not yet been determined. Your expertise in identifying and implementing necessary changes wi...

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced Android developer who can create a sales receipt design for a Shreyans 55mm mobile Bluetooth printer. Key Requirements: - Design a receipt that includes an itemized list of products. - Each item on the receipt should show the item name and quantity. - The receipt should be designed as a bitmap, ensuring it prints correctly on the specified printer. - The design should not include pricing, company logo, or barcode/QR code integration; just a text print with item & quantity. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android development. - Experience with designing for mobile Bluetooth printers. - Ability to create bitmap designs. I need android code demo project

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Avg Bid
    8 bids

    I'm looking to convert an FBX file into a G-code suitable for 3D printing. Requirements: - Convert FBX to G-Code and stl for 3D printing - ...requirfpements The source file in fbx for viewing below and will send you the link for download if you are awarded. The printed part 1 For scale reference. Confirm with me first. Lugo printer slicer download: (L model, 215 x 215 x 300mm) The components need to be separate parts to fit on the Lugo printer in the image. Design for a quick assembly and printing is required as well as to be scaled right for the printed parts already. See the attached image for this and scales.

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Avg Bid
    24 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled CAD designer to create a 3D design for a non-banking machine, similar to an ATM. The primary function of this machine is to serve as a Passbook printer Kiosk. Key Tasks: - Design the housing/casing for the machine. - Ensure the design is suitable for a Passbook printer. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD software. - Experience in designing 3D models for industrial equipment. - Understanding of housing/casing design. You will play a crucial role in delivering a precise and functional design. Prior experience with ATM-like machinery design would be beneficial. Please include relevant samples of your previous work in your proposal.

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Avg Bid
    11 bids

    I have two separate but similar designs for which I need a professional 3D modeler. The models will be used for 3D printing with an SLA/DLP printer, so they need to be highly detailed. Key requirements: - Transform reference pictures into precise 3D models - Ensure models are suitable for high-resolution SLA/DLP printing - Incorporate intricate details as per reference images - Deliver the models in STL format Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in creating detailed 3D models for 3D printing - Strong understanding of the specifications for SLA/DLP printers - Excellent skills in 3D modeling software - Attention to detail and ability to accurately interpret reference images

    $53 Average bid
    $53 Avg Bid
    26 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to create an app for thermal printing labels. This is an hourly project. Key Requirements: - The app must be designed to work with thermal printers. - The primary purpose of the app will be to print labels. - Labels will include product names and prices. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Android app development. - Prior work with thermal printer compatible apps is highly preferred. - Understanding of e-commerce label requirements will be beneficial. I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to make somewhat simple upgrades to simple app I have. Please advise your hourly rate and availability. I would like you to give me your actual hourly rate. If that is what you have put for your bid and its not an automa...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Avg Bid
    68 bids

    I'm seeking a professional to assist with setting up my HP printer to scan directly to a local folder on my iMac. I want you to dial in and remotely set up the task for me as I am not able to do this by instructions. Key Requirements: - Configure HP Printer to scan to a specific folder on my iMac - Troubleshoot any connectivity issues that may arise during setup - Ensure the process is seamless and easy to use Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Mac IT support - Previous experience with configuring HP printers - Strong troubleshooting abilities - Excellent communication skills to guide me through the process

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...strictly adhere to a pre-provided layout plan. I need a professional to help me with the rack and stack of a considerable number of servers, firewalls, and networking devices. Address:60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Technicians will be Racking and Stacking following Equipment in one Rack. Technicians will be labelling all cables on both sides with Cable Labels( provided). Would require a laser printer to print cable labels. Tech would need to run all the cables and velcro them neatly and turn up the devices. POwer up all the devices and Configure ILOM port on Servers with IP address provided, FOrtigate 200-F with out of band IP address and Switches with out of band IP address. PowerEdge R750 Server - Quantity 8 FortiGate 200-F - Quantity 2 Dell EMC Networking S4148T - Quanti...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Avg Bid
    9 bids

    I need a driver where it is possible to enable or disable the print cutting function into strips for photobooth prints in the 4x6 option, with or without cutting into two 2x6 strips. At the moment, the printer using CUPS drivers allows for selecting various print formats, some of which even appear to have the option for cutting. Unfortunately, when printing via AirPrint, the prints are not cut.

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Avg Bid
    13 bids

    ...strictly adhere to a pre-provided layout plan. I need a professional to help me with the rack and stack of a considerable number of servers, firewalls, and networking devices. Address:60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Technicians will be Racking and Stacking following Equipment in one Rack. Technicians will be labelling all cables on both sides with Cable Labels( provided). Would require a laser printer to print cable labels. Tech would need to run all the cables and velcro them neatly and turn up the devices. POwer up all the devices and Configure ILOM port on Servers with IP address provided, FOrtigate 200-F with out of band IP address and Switches with out of band IP address. PowerEdge R750 Server - Quantity 8 FortiGate 200-F - Quantity 2 Dell EMC Networking S4148T - Quanti...

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Avg Bid
    17 bids

    I'm looking to convert an FBX file into a G-code suitable for 3D printing. Requirements: - Convert FBX to G-Code and stl for 3D printing - Low-detail model for prototyping purposes - Create the object plane from the current fpx file (I will provide my local pc access for you to generate the g-code) Ideal Skills: - Prof...sheetId=YTRjNDM3N2EtNTljZC00NTFkLThlNmItYmIyNjY5NDMyYjY4 The printed part 1 For scale reference. Confirm with me first. The three files i)³t6n the Files menu are from a freelancer, but it doesn't match the link above and the components need to be separate parts to fit on the Lugo printer in the image. Design for a quick assembly and printing is required.

    $80 Average bid
    $80 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    I am seeking support for the dissolution of my company in Hong Kong, including the necessary audits and tax filings. The company has already ceased operations, with the last transaction occurring in June 2023. The profit tax returns for the fiscal years 2022/23 and 2023/24 have not been filed. Based on the above information, I would like to request an estimate for the audit, tax filing, and dissolution fees required to complete the process.

    $955 Average bid
    $955 Avg Bid
    20 bids

    We are seeking a qualified PCAOB auditor, verifiable via , to conduct thorough audits of our financial statements for the fiscal years 2022 and 2023. The chosen auditor will also be considered for auditing our fiscal year 2024 upon its completion. It is imperative that the auditor strictly conforms to PCAOB standards. Our company has approximately 350 transactions each for the years being audited. Skills Needed: Accounting, Audit, Compliance, and Risk Management

    $1698 Average bid
    $1698 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    I'm looking for a specialist in AutoCAD who can design small plastic componen...silicon rubber injection molds, so experience in this area is highly desirable. Key Requirements: - Expert in AutoCAD with a focus on small plastic devices - Skilled in designing for liquid silicon rubber injection molds - Access to a 3-D printer for prototyping - Able to design high precision, durable, and non-toxic component parts Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in AutoCAD - Previous work with small plastic component design - Knowledge of liquid silicon rubber injection molding processes - 3-D printing experience and access to a printer - Ability to create high precision and durable designs I'm seeking a professional who can deliver precise and functional designs...

    $392 Average bid
    $392 Avg Bid
    4 bids