Videographers for hire in Netherlands

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  • Hire     DirkKlinkenberg
Hire     DirkKlinkenberg

    DirkKlinkenberg DirkKlinkenberg

    Netherlands $50 USD / hour
    Translator-Proofreader-Transcription-Voice Artist
    0 reviews 0 reviews $50 USD per hour
    By Born German Living in Netherlands for more than 20 Years. I have been in USA for more than 15+ years. I also do have a Master Degree on French Language. In particular, if you need to have scientific or technical documents translated, I am just the person you are looking for. With a science degree and further...
    By Born German Living in Netherlands for more than 20 Years. I have been in USA for more than 15+ years. I also do have a Master Degree on French Language. In particular, if you need to have scientific or technical documents translated, I am just the person you are looking for. With a science degree and further studies in international technical communication behind me, I have extensive first-hand knowledge in these fields. Additionally, I hold the CIoL DipTrans (with distinction). I am a Chartered Linguist (CL) and a member of both the CIoL and the BDÜ. You can be sure that I understand the text I am translating – which means that you can be confident of receiving a translation that is not only of the highest linguistic quality but also uses the correct technical terminology throughout. Of course I am also available to translate documents in other fields, such as business correspondence, tender documents, contracts, information brochures, documents relating to health and safety and corporate environmental management, as well as general texts such as speeches, etc. less
  • Hire DirkKlinkenberg

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