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Erlina W.
Supplier and Product Sourcing Agent
$30 USD / Hour
Indonesia (11:31 AM)
Joined on March 17, 2014
$30 USD / Hour
Having background at buying agency bussiness for 11 years from junior to senior staff.
Good sound in vendor sourcing, merchandising, negotation skill as well product quality controller.
Have worked with various project and items as well client scale.
Having experience in managing factory people.
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This project in Indonesia was almost impossible from the beginning. The great differences in raw materials in Indonesia compared to China made this a very difficult project. Erlina completed the scope of work, but all the factory quotes where much higher than I expected. Erlina even went beyond the scope of work and tried to find factories in Vietnam by phone. She was great in communicating with me all along the way.
1. Searching Product in Indonesia and offer to client or as per project required
2. Identify potential supplier and pre-screening them by phone and email
3 Get FOB prices, Payment terms, Negotation
4. Manage supplier samples development process and samples checking
Jan, 2014 - Oct, 2017
3 years, 9 months
Universitas Padjadjaran
1991 - 1994
3 years
1991 - 1994
3 years
Export Import Documentation
Indonesian Export Import Association
Boomzaken : Export, Import and Customs
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