An education enthusiast, an eager beaver and a go-getter- that’s what I am. My name is Ivana and I come from Serbia. I graduated from Faculty of Philology and I hold MA in English. I work as an English teacher in High School. Since teaching is my fierce passion and true vocation, I do it with pleasure through and through. I relish travelling, learning languages and reading books. I speak Serbian, English, Spanish, Russian and I am currently learning German and Italian. Others would describe me as a very communicative, diligent, self-confident and ambitious person. I would add one thing more- a tireless and zealous self-starter. As I am invariably engaged in some activity, I fervently support the following quote: “ Leisure is the time for doing something useful.” As a hobby, I take photographs. I love new clothes, fashion, being well-dressed, pop music, delicious food and hanging out with friends.