Swift is a programming language developed by Apple Inc. It is designed to work with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of existing Objective-C code written for Apple products. Swift developers are focused on using Swift coding language for coding applications for the Apple ecosystem. They produce fast, modern and secure code that can be used for mobile apps, game development, engineering, scripting and more.

Here's some projects that our expert Swift Developers made real:

  • Developing applications that process user input with an external API
  • Integrating various SDKs into existing projects
  • Enhancing existing projects to add CarPlay functionality
  • Developing React Native Plugins
  • Adding features such as angle calculations
  • Building original educational applications
  • Creating backend functionalities for existing iOS applications

At Freelancer.com, you can find highly skilled and experienced Swift professionals to help with all your Apple mobile app needs. You can post your project with the details of your requirements and budget to get started. Our developers are the perfect solution to get the end product you are looking for. Whether you need a simple app or a complex development project, you can find the right professional at Freelancer.com. Post your project now and get in touch with a top tier Swift developer today!

From 71,185 reviews, clients rate our Swift Developers 4.82 out of 5 stars.
Hire Swift Developers

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple Inc. It is designed to work with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of existing Objective-C code written for Apple products. Swift developers are focused on using Swift coding language for coding applications for the Apple ecosystem. They produce fast, modern and secure code that can be used for mobile apps, game development, engineering, scripting and more.

Here's some projects that our expert Swift Developers made real:

  • Developing applications that process user input with an external API
  • Integrating various SDKs into existing projects
  • Enhancing existing projects to add CarPlay functionality
  • Developing React Native Plugins
  • Adding features such as angle calculations
  • Building original educational applications
  • Creating backend functionalities for existing iOS applications

At Freelancer.com, you can find highly skilled and experienced Swift professionals to help with all your Apple mobile app needs. You can post your project with the details of your requirements and budget to get started. Our developers are the perfect solution to get the end product you are looking for. Whether you need a simple app or a complex development project, you can find the right professional at Freelancer.com. Post your project now and get in touch with a top tier Swift developer today!

From 71,185 reviews, clients rate our Swift Developers 4.82 out of 5 stars.
Hire Swift Developers


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    22 jobs found
    iPhone App Development
    6 days left

    I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a unique iPhone app. The specific purpose of the app, its features, and target audience haven't been defined yet, so I welcome your creative input and expertise. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly, engaging, and functional iPhone app. - Contribute to the ideation of the app's purpose, features, and target audience. - Ensure the app is compatible with the latest iOS updates and iPhone models. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in iPhone app development. - Strong understanding of iOS programming languages (Swift, Objective-C). - Excellent problem-solving skills and creativity. - Prior experience in e-commerce, social networking or productivity apps will be a plus.

    $7281 Average bid
    $7281 Avg Bid
    75 bids

    Relaxed work, on ,......RSS feed parse expert, within iPhone development , Swift sample codes able to find and combine. help coding or find API to parse RSS feed to live geolocation. Researching locating good sources of live data, RSS parse experience ...GEO parse experience . you are very good AI research that leads to real results ... Knowledge of ARKit. , apps with User location, understanding how to throttle data incoming data , animated sprites, beacons. Twitter API. Explain how you can really bring value and quick effective work, and how you are hr effective at finding solutions relating to this. Tell me what work style fits you best. Tell me why any of these topic area, I need someone like you.

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Avg Bid
    8 bids

    I need an iOS app developed that allows both Google and email-authenticated users to securely access and view data from an S3 bucket. The app should implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for enhanced security. Key Requirements: - Set up a new AWS account and configure it to support this project - Develop an iOS app that: - Enables users to display and view data from the S3 bucket - Uses MFA for user authentication - Establish access controls for the S3 bucket to provide users with full control (read and write) - Provide the final deliverables as: - The AWS setup - The iOS app code - Comprehensive documentation outlining the setup process Ideal skills for the job include: - AWS (Amazon Web Services) configuration and management - iOS app development - Implementation of Mu...

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Avg Bid
    50 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced macOS app developer to create a simple app for me. This app needs to constantly monitor and log the process name, window title, or website URL of the current foreground window. Key Requirements: - The app should continuously log this information in real-time to a file in JSON format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in macOS app development. - Experience with real-time data logging. - Familiarity with JSON and file handling on macOS. Please note, the primary function of the app is to log this information to a file. So, the ability to create a reliable and efficient logging mechanism is crucial.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm seeking an experienced iOS developer to integrate three existing Xcode projects into a single, cohesive app. The design and user interfaces from each project should remain unchanged. There's no need to consolidate overlapping features, as each project serves a distinct purpose. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Xcode and Swift - Previous experience with iOS app development - Attention to detail to maintain existing UI/UX - Ability to integrate multiple projects into one - Strong communication skills for updates and clarifications

    $181 Average bid
    $181 Avg Bid
    33 bids

    I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create an engaging social networking application for iOS. The app should allow users to connect, share and interact in a seamless and intuitive environment. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop an interactive iOS social networking app - Ensure a user-friendly interface and smooth UX - Incorporate features typical to social networking platforms Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with iOS app development - Strong understanding of social networking app features - Excellent UI/UX design skills - Proficient in Swift and Objective-C

    $735 Average bid
    $735 Avg Bid
    66 bids

    1. App Overview This web-based app is designed for tracking interactions with key contacts. The app will allow the user (sinfge user) to add, manage, and track interactions with various contacts. It is crucial that only I, as the user, can access this app, and that no public access is permitted. 2. App Structure The app consists of the following core components: - Home Screen: Displays the main options like adding contacts, viewing a contact list, managing fields, and interaction history. - Add Contact Screen: Input fields for contact details (name, email, phone, company, etc.). - Contact List Screen: A sortable, filterable list of all added contacts, which links to individual contact cards. - Interaction List Screen: Displays all recorded interactions, including the ability to sort/filt...

    $1236 Average bid
    $1236 Avg Bid
    60 bids
    Calcola IMU
    4 days left

    I would like to develop an app in SwiftUI to calculate the IMU tax (valid only for Italy). I will provide all the calculation in Swift and the related DB. I need also the prototype in Figma. Thank you

    $213 Average bid
    $213 Avg Bid
    47 bids

    I'm looking for a freelancer to develop a bespoke MacOS application for me. This app will serve as a replacement for Xee3, which I can no longer upgrade to Apple Silicon. Xee3 is basically an image browser. Key Features of minimum viable app. Image Browsing: The app should allow for easy navigation through a folder. Forward and back by 1, 10 or 100. Sequentially or permuted. Permutation is automatically randomized as needed. Slideshow Creation: Reorder images in a folder based on tags or number prefixes. Image Editing: Basic editing tools for quick adjustments: crop, basic rotate. Sorting: Keyboard shortcut Cmd-7 moves current image to folder 7 of sorting folders. Keyboard shortcuts Cmd-0 to Cmd-9 work similarly. Image Format Support: The minimum viable app must ...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Avg Bid
    3 bids

    I'm looking for a simple iOS access control app with a Bluetooth-based tap-and-go function. The app has only three screens and supports two user types: Admin and Regular User. Admin Features: - Manage users: The Admin should be able to add, remove or edit user credentials. - Configure app settings: The Admin must have the ability to modify app settings according to requirements. Regular User Features: - Tap and go access: The Regular User should be able to use the Bluetooth-based tap-and-go function to gain access. Ideal Skills: - iOS App Development: Proficiency in Swift and Xcode is a must. - Bluetooth Integration: Experience in implementing Bluetooth functionality in apps is crucial. - User Interface Design: Ability to create a simple, intuitive interface. - Backend Development:...

    $404 Average bid
    $404 Avg Bid
    25 bids

    I need an experienced iOS Swift developer to implement a QR code generation system for my app. The primary use of these codes will be for payment processing. Key Requirements: - QR codes must adhere to Zatca standards, so a familiarity with these guidelines is essential. - The codes will need to embed specific information, primarily invoice details and customer information. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in iOS development using Swift. - Prior experience with QR code generation. - Knowledge of Zatca standards. - Strong understanding of payment processing systems. The successful freelancer will be able to seamlessly integrate this QR code system into my app, ensuring it is secure, efficient, and user-friendly.

    $274 Average bid
    $274 Avg Bid
    14 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced IOS app developer to create an app named "SmartFlash". The purpose of this app is to assist users in reviewing knowledge by creating their own Q&A flashcards. Key Features: - User-generated Content: Users can add their own questions and answers to the app. - Randomized Question Bank: The app will randomly shuffle the question bank. - Interactive Flashcards: One side of the card presents the question, and the other side the answer. Users can tap to flip the card. Additional Requirements: - No User Authentication: The app does not require any form of user authentication, such as email or social media logins. - Simple Organization: Ideally, the app should allow for a simple organization of questions and answers, but no specific system (like ...

    $88 Average bid
    $88 Avg Bid
    31 bids

    like the company turo or getaround

    $1287 Average bid
    $1287 Avg Bid
    140 bids

    Looking Shadowsocs + Vmes + VLESS app SWIFT source code for iOS minimal target OS 15 + TV OS must compiles with Xcode 15 Source code must have example how to connect server, how set route, remoteDNS, udpFallback, get data RX/TX , handshake

    $1136 Average bid
    $1136 Avg Bid
    41 bids

    I'm seeking a part-time iOS developer.

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Avg Bid
    22 bids

    I am looking to kickstart a project for developing an e-commerce app on the iOS platform. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop an intuitive and user-friendly e-commerce mobile application for iOS. - Ensure the app is scalable, secure and performs well under high traffic. - Collaborate with me to understand the specific features and functionalities required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in iOS app development, particularly e-commerce apps. - Strong proficiency in Swift and Objective-C. - Excellent understanding of UI/UX principles for mobile apps. - Prior experience with secure payment gateways integration. - Portfolio showcasing successful iOS app projects.

    $442 Average bid
    $442 Avg Bid
    75 bids

    i have a project already done on flutter and i need help deploying

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Avg Bid
    59 bids

    I need a Cydia expert to assist me in downloading and setting up WhatsApp ++ on my iPhone. Cydia is already installed on my device.

    $299 Average bid
    $299 Avg Bid
    2 bids
    Swift/C++ data transfer
    1 day left

    I have a class in C++ that processes an array of numbers of type long. Each long corresponds to an ARGB value, where each byte has a value for A, R, G, and B. Long is not a data type in Swift, but the closest in this context is UInt32 (I think?). I need to be able to instantiate the class (in C++ or Swift), pass data to it from Swift, have it process the data, then return the data back in a format (likely Uint32) that Swift can process. I have attached file the classes and a sample main function to give you an idea of the order of operations that you will need to do in Swift. Here is what I need your code to do: 1) Instantiate an instance of this C++ class and pass in from Swift a Uint32 array and the size of the array. 2) Process the array as an array of type long on the C++ side. 3) R...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Avg Bid
    8 bids

    Please see the attached document for detailed information on how to play the game and how I would like it to be delivered. What style of card game are you looking to develop? Accumulation Card Game (President, Scum, Kings & Asshole) What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Please provide previous experience (work done) and a detailed project proposal for this app. What programming language should be used? Swift, but I am open to suggestions on other languages. How soon do you need your project completed? No time limit. Ideally before the end of the year.

    $1312 Average bid
    $1312 Avg Bid
    12 bids

    I am in search of a skilled iOS app developer with expertise in creating e-commerce applications. As the details of the specific features are yet to be finalized, the developer should have the ability to adapt and incorporate potential attributes such as inventory management, payment gateway integration, or user reviews and ratings. Also, potential integration with existing e-commerce platforms or APIs might be a possibility and the developer should be capable of doing so if required. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in iOS app development - Experience in developing e-commerce apps - Ability to incorporate diverse features and integrations - Flexibility to adapt as per requirements.

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    217 bids

    Criar um aplicativo de mobilidade urbana em Swift

    $486 Average bid
    $486 Avg Bid
    36 bids

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