Photo Editing including details
- Status: Closed
- Prize: $10
- Entries Received: 58
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Contest Brief
What you want to do
1) I will provide actual pictures of the flooring pieces.
Enhance the product images to make the colors and textures look better and more professional.
2) I have pictures of 5 different flooring products with their details already stick on them, like the one I attached. Remove the physical labels with the text and add the same details digitally to each picture.
3) Keep the actual color and texture of the flooring the same—do not change the flooring color. Just make the picture look clean and professional.
These 5 flooring we have; add this details for all 5 types of flooring
1) European Oak
2) Grey Oak
3) Mid Grey
4) American Oak
5) Light Spotted Gum
"Per Square Meter: $ 19 + GST = $ 20.90
6 Pieces per Box
Covers approximately 2.10 m² per box
Per Box: $ 43.90
Thickness: 7 mm
✨ Features
100% Waterproof
European Embossed Surface
Attached Underlay"
Recommended Skills
Top entries from this contest
CreativeDesignA1 Bangladesh
JayEdits13 India
JayEdits13 India
Vlce200723 Colombia
shahadath84 Bangladesh
shahadath84 Bangladesh
shahadath84 Bangladesh
shahadath84 Bangladesh
asifulh Bangladesh
mdrubel8 Bangladesh
mdrubel8 Bangladesh
zubair905 Pakistan
zubair905 Pakistan
zubair905 Pakistan
zubair905 Pakistan
Afriin23 Bangladesh
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