Get Your Blog Seen: Plugin To WordPress

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There are many ways to improve your blog, the number of people it reaches and who sees it. This article will focus on getting your blog seen by as many people as possible, by sharing  effective ways to get your message out there using social WordPress plugins. Have a gander: 

Ultimate Social Media

Social media can bring an avalanche of traffic to your website. As a blogger, you absolutely must offer your audience the ability to share your articles on social media, and allow them to follow you on your own social media platforms. There are lots of social media plugins out there, some of which perform better for specific social media sites like Facebook or Pinterest. But for a good all-around plugin that effectively covers all these sites, Ultimate Social Media is a good place to start. This plugin covers hundreds of social media platforms, and gives the reader the ability to customize the appearance of the social media icon, where to place it in the post and throughout the blog.

SEO by Squirrly

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is an essential tool to use if you want to attract some serious traffic to your website. This plugin, developed by Squirrly, makes it easy to implement SEO-friendly material on your website. It gives you a long list of recommendations you can insert into your site to increase the effectiveness of search engines in finding and ranking your pages. Doing this will make it far more likely your site will turn up in popular search engines such as Google. The plugin will also send you a weekly update of how your site has performed, what has worked and what still needs to be changed. All in all a very valuable plugin if you want to gain an overview of your site’s activity and how to improve it.

Popup Domination

It is a well-established fact that using popups is one of the best-known ways to grow your subscriber list. There is a vast array of plugins out there that can provide this service for you, but Popup Domination stands out from the rest. It is far cheaper than the competitors, and you get a lot of added benefits even with the most basic package at $9 dollars per month. You get access to use the features across an unlimited amount of domains, access to unlimited popups and a guaranteed 30,000 popup views. This is a great way to get your site shared to the public at a very reasonable cost.

Content Locker Pro

This is one of the many plugins you can use in order to improve the sharing of your content on social media. You can add this plugin to any of your articles, and it will then display only a short preview of the article to the reader. The rest of the article will be unlocked after the reader shares it on social media. The plugin is easy to use and can be integrated with a lot of email marketing solutions such as MailChimp, AWeber and so on.


When you are trying to run a social blog, there is nothing worse than asocial behavior. This often comes in the shape of spam bots that are posting product or website advertisements on your site. One quick way to fix that is to use the Anti-Spam plugin. This plugin is able to keep your site clean, without using Captcha or any other feature that will annoy those readers who just want to leave a comment on your post.

wp Discuz

Now let's be honest - the default WordPress comment system sucks, and this is kind of tragic because comments are vital for your articles. They help to establish your credibility and the fact that your articles are engaging and useful. There are so many things your audience should be able to do with their comments, but they can't because of the default WordPress comment system. The wp Discuz plugin is an excellent choice for improving the overall functionality of your comment system. The plugin offers a clean and vibrant user interface with tons of features. Users can also edit their comments, and turn on notifications in case someone replies to their comment.

Better Click to Tweet

This plugin is a traffic driver, which lets you leverage the audience of other people who already have a large following. As an example, you can put a quote from Bill Gates in your article, tweet it with the Click to Tweet plugin, and include the @BillGates twitter name. Now the tweet you posted will be visible to all of Bill Gates' followers, along with a link to your article. If the article is relevant for them, it will certainly lead some traffic your way, and maybe even a few new followers.

Instagram Feed

This plugin lets you add an Instagram feed on your blog. This means that people will be able to follow you on Instagram and see content you have posted on Instagram in the past, directly on your blog. This is a good way to integrate your Instagram profile with your website in a visually appealing way.

"Pin it"-button Plugin

An essential plugin to have if you are running an e-commerce store along with your blog. Pinterest has become one of the main social media platforms to drive traffic to commercial platforms. If you want to get a piece of this pie, it would be a good idea to add the "Pin it" button to your articles or products, so that readers can share it on Pinterest. This will make it visible for other users on Pinterest, who in turn will come and visit your site.


Another good plugin for sharing the content you post. This plugin lets you share to social media platforms, shows related content and gives you vital statistics for tracking where your audience comes from, and if they are clicking on your shared content. The plugin lets you customize the share buttons, how it's played out and where it is placed. It also lets you add a headline to the sharing section. You can add as many or as few social media platforms to the sharing section as you like. Most people choose to add only the popular ones, to keep your audience from having to scroll through a hundred social media platforms they don't know about. 

Simple Social Icons

As the name implies, this plugin lets you put simple social icons on your blog. The plugin supports all of the popular social media platforms. The idea with this one is not to share your content, but to give the audience a chance to follow you or connect with you through the social media platforms they’re already using. So you type in the URL for your own sites and then add it to your blog. The reader will then be redirected to your Facebook page, Twitter or LinkedIn page when they click on the specific button.

Open Graph Plugin

Open Graph is a plugin that lets you control how your content is displayed on social media when you or other people share it. Typically when content is shared, the social media platform will simply grab the featured image as well as the title and a short preview of your article, and display that. With Open Graph, you are given the option to set a default meta description and images for the content you want to share. You can even change how it is displayed on different platforms, e.g. one display for Facebook, another for Twitter and so on. You will then be able to preview how your content will show up when shared.

What tactics do you follow to ensure you maximize the reach of your blog posts? Let us know in the comments below, and your profile might be the next one to get featured in our next Freelancer Community Blog Post.

Posted 18 August, 2017


Sales & Marketing Guru

Edward is the Sales & Marketing Correspondent for He is currently based in Sydney, and is a self-confessed ice-cream fan.

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