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Muhammad A.
Architectural Designer
$10 USD / time
Egypt (8:05 a.m.)
Ble med juni 19, 2021
$10 USD / time
(Welcome to my Profile)
I am an Architect with more than 5 years of experience. I have worked on 310 engineering projects.
- Why should you choose me?
★ We always guarantee you high-quality work and also the right price for you
-I can provide you with excellent results in the following fields:-
★ AutoCAD
★ Building Architecture
★ Interior Design
★ 3D Modelling
★ Engineering Drawing
★ Architectural Rendering
★ Revit Architecture
★ Autodesk Revit
★ Home Design
★ 3D Rendering
★ 3Ds Max
★ Adobe Photoshop
★ Adobe InDesign
★ Photoshop Design
★ Lumion
★ Navisworks
★ Microsoft Office
His CAD expertise and keen eye for detail in Autodesk Revit have exceeded my expectations. His 3D model from AutoCAD floor plans was exceptional and instrumental in visualizing the project's potential. His professionalism, timely communication, and precise work make him a top-tier professional. I highly recommend his services and look forward to future collaborations.
Working closely with a team of other professionals such as building service engineers, construction managers, quantity surveyors and architectural technologists.
Applying for planning permission and advice from governmental new build and legal departments.
Writing and presenting reports, proposals, applications and contracts.
Specifying the requirements for the project.
Adapting plans according to circumstances and resolving any problems that may arise during construction.
okt., 2020 - nåværende
4 år, 4 måneder
Junior Architect
sep., 2018 - sep., 2020
2 år
sep., 2018 - sep., 2020
2 år
I work as an architect creating building designs and highly detailed drawings both by hand and by using specialist computer-aided design application like AutoCAD and Autodesk Revit in Egypt or other countries using international code.
sep., 2018 - sep., 2020
2 år
Cairo University
2020 - 2021
1 år
Master Degree of architectural technology
2020 - 2021
1 år
Thebes Academy
2012 - 2017
5 år
Bachelor degree
2012 - 2017
5 år
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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