Internet Marketing Services | SEO | Online Reputation Management | Logicxsoft
$10 USD / time
India (11:35 a.m.)
Ble med juli 13, 2011
$10 USD / time
About Logicxsoft -
Logicxsoft I was founded in 2008 with a mission to be the most preferred business process outsourcing solution provider to global clientele. We offer a full range of Website Design and Development (WEB), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services through a scalable, cost effective and predictable delivery platform.
With a team of professionals, we have successfully delivered. We pride ourselves for majority of our business coming from repeat customers!
We are very pleased with the result... got achieving position in google more than expectations! Great job and be ready for next SEO task! 5 star group!
I am happy with the Experts24 once again, as per as initial progress and ranking i am sure that site will be in top 5 with few days as we are seeing good traffic in minimum time frame. Thank for your effort and will use your services in my next project which i have posted at Freelancer. Good Luck!