i am a hard working and driven challenge. i m passionate about my work. i would describe myself as an open and honest person .
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writer of any skills into any kinds languages.
feb., 2019 - nåværende
6 år
Debim writers.
feb., 2019 - Nåværende
6 år
knowledge of English language.
excellent written communication skills.
persistence and determination.
excellent verbal communication skills.
the ability to use your initiative.
the ability to come up with new ways of doing things.
ambition and a desire to succeed.
knowledge of media production and communication.
we writing content for various publications and channels, such as websites, press releases. blog posts, internal corporate communications, emails, grant writing, proposal or newsletters.
feb., 2019 - nåværende
6 år
Cyprus International Institute of Management
2017 - 2019
2 år
Masters in English language teaching
2017 - 2019
2 år
2019 to 2023
Excellent written communication
Time management
Personal organisation skills
Research skills
Commercial awareness
The ability to agree and meet a brief
An excellent grasp of narrative and structure
The ability to act on feedback
Attention to detail.
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