Looking for WHMCS Developer for AI related projects

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The purpose of the "Brainstorm WHMCS Module" is to provide a convenient and efficient way for technical support agents to craft professional replies to customers while working within the WHMCS ticketing system.

Functional Requirements:

Configuration Page:

- The module should have a configuration page for setting up API credentials for OpenAI and the Prompt Builder.

- The configuration page should allow the admin to create pre-formatted prompts that are immediately available to staff in the ticketing reply screen.

- The prompts should be separated by "Department" as different support departments will benefit from different prompts defaults.

Support Ticket Reply Page Integration:

- The module should integrate with the Support Ticket Reply page form.

- The integration should have a clear, styled design and include a drop-down for staff to select from the predefined prompts.

- Staff should be able to add their remarks under the prompt by typing or using their voice and integration with Whisper, and the response from the output should be automatically inserted into the Support Ticket Reply for the staff member to review, edit and continue their reply.

Non-Functional Requirements:

- Security: The module should be secure and protect the confidentiality of customer data.

- Reliability: The module should be reliable and function consistently without any errors or bugs.

- Performance: The module should be performant and not cause any significant delays or impact the overall performance of the WHMCS system.

PHP WHMCS HTML Programvarearkitektur MySQL

Prosjekt-ID: #35982310

Om prosjektet

14 bud Eksternt prosjekt Aktiv 1 år siden

14 frilansere byr i gjennomsnitt $496 for denne jobben


Hello. Experienced Full Stack developer here with 9+ years of hands-on experience in Python, ML, NLP and have developed numerous AI based ticket integration platforms and I am sure that I am perfect for this project. Mer

$750 CAD på 7 dager
(102 Omtaler)

Hello, we’ve taken a look at the details that you have provided for your project’s needs as you are looking for Brainstorm WHMCS module. We are a team of mobile and web developers with more than 10 years of experience Mer

$500 CAD på 7 dager
(104 Omtaler)

Hello, Nice meet you! I have read your project requirements and then I am sure I can complete that project. I can help you. Thank you

$500 CAD på 7 dager
(16 Omtaler)

*Digital Marketing Expert* with 5+ years of experience. I am new to freelancing, We are goal-oriented person, delivering high-quality results within the shortest time. Finnovity Global Payments Pvt Ltd is complete sol Mer

$300 CAD på 30 dager
(0 Omtaler)