[login to view URL] E-commerce Site Development

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Seeking an experienced [login to view URL] developer to build a fully functional E-commerce site. The project encompasses:

- Implementing all key e-commerce features including a shopping cart, product search functionality, and user reviews.

- Collaborating closely with our team to ensure all features are seamlessly integrated and user-friendly.

Ideal candidates should have a strong background in [login to view URL], with prior experience in developing E-commerce sites. Proficiency in implementing complex features and ensuring optimal site performance is crucial. A keen eye for detail and a commitment to delivering high-quality work on time are essential.

Next.js Node.js

Prosjekt-ID: #39055121

Om prosjektet

41 bud Eksternt prosjekt Aktiv 1 måned siden

41 frilansere byr i gjennomsnitt ₹108482 for denne jobben


i have 13 years Experience in same required Skills, We already did kind of project many times, We provide support for over 150 technologies worldwide, ensuring comprehensive solutions for our clients. Our global rea Mer

₹112500 INR på 7 dager
(1 anmeldelse)

Hhi I am experienced in this and I can start right now but i have few doubts and questions lets have a quick chat and get it started waiting for your replyyy ! r

₹112500 INR på 7 dager
(0 Omtaler)