We are doing research about domestic violence toward women and income level.
We determined some variables which are variable1 is woman, var2 is age, var3 is how often you experience violence, var4 is what is the intensity of violence, var5 is income level and var6 is how many hours do you work in a week. We do not have any data now. But actually that is not very important to write valid data in that. The instructor only looks at whether we can use spss analysis or not. So, for example under var 5, you can write random income levels like $1000,$2000 etc. Just we should have 30 participants.
These are going to be analyzed in spss. In spss process, firstly, var2 must be nominal and classification variable, secondly, var3 must be ordinal scale preference, var4 must be second ordinal preferences, var5 must be first ratio scale dependent variable and lastly var6 must be second ratio scale dependent variable. Var5 and var6 must be related. We are looking for some analysis which should answer these questions:
measure the effect of var2 on var5.
Is th avarage on var5 different?
Measure the effect of var2 on var5 by using Kruskal-Wallis test.
Is the avarage of var5 different?
non parametric and goodness of fit
compare var3 and var4 for the first category of var2
compare var3 and var4 for the second category of var2
Is there a difference in var3 according to categories of var2
Is there a difference in var4 according to categories of var2
test var3 and var4 for normality
ıs there an association between var2 and var6 (hint: cross classify data according to var2 and var6. create 4 subcategories for var6)
find the prediction equation of var5 on var6
find the prediction equation of var5 based on var3 or var4
predict var5 based on two variables
test equations
which regression model should be used?why?
p.s.: We think that we have some problems with our data. Thus, we have problems with following analyzing steps. But, in this project the correctness of the data is not important. The instructor only looks at whether we can use spss or not. So, if it is necessary to change data (type of the data, name of the data even you can change the variables totally to make them fit that analysis, only the project must be domestic violence toward women and income level), AND, report in accordance to APA standards necessary. I am waiting for your answers immediately. Due date is 05/22 11 pm
I am a certified in six sigma statistics. first we need to understand why you need this info or where this info will be used. in step 2 .. need to understand bahaviour of each variable and run multiple regression to see any corellation.. and follow the data. hope that helps.