Vb6 code word pdf converter jobber


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2,000 vb6 code word pdf converter jobber funnet

Trenger en LSC fil generert i FBD format i henhold til et PDF dokument som beskriver oppgaven. 35-45 program blokker. Og en finksjonsbeskrivelse.

$300 Average bid
$300 Snitt bud
2 bud

Hi freelander. Do you know php? Do you know Mailgun? Do you know how to convert html code into a pdf file? I have a system developed in Scriptcase, which is a framework for code generation and php coding. I have been trying to access Mailgun from my system, using API. This worked for a while, but now I get errors and meet different challenges. I have tried to move to a different webserver , but my skills are limited on this and I need help. Before sending the email, I am trying to convert a html code into a pdf file. This pdf file is ment to be an attachment in the email. After upgrading to php 8.1, this also does not work any more, but result in an error message. Helping me to fix this, is also a part of the project. I need help fro...

$200 Average bid
$200 Snitt bud
3 bud

Trenger hjelp til å oversette 2 pdf filer. Oppsettet må være identisk til hvordan det er nå, og oversettelsen nøyaktig, ettersom det handler om brannsikkerhet.

$269 Average bid
$269 Snitt bud
28 bud

English: Hi! We are looking for a long-term partner to help us develop "Vipps" integrations on our website. We are located in Bergen. We run several e-commerce stores through Shopify, we want to develop Vipps Hurtigkasse as a payment alternative. This is a secondary button below the classic "Add to Cart" button. This button allows Norwegian customers who have the Vipps app installed to order a product with just 2 clicks. I enclose a video showing how this works. Our budget is quite high. Just send me an offer. We also want to work long-term with you if you are interested. I attach some useful links for more information: Please contact us as soon as possible. Thanks. Norwegian: Hei! Vi ser etter en langsiktig partner for å hjelpe oss med å utvik...

$2180 Average bid
$2180 Snitt bud
18 bud

PID controller for converter dc dc

$192 Average bid
$192 Snitt bud
5 bud

Hello, we are looking for someone who can control levels for a popular word game for mobiles. The game is available in many different countries and will now be launched in Netherlands. Good knowledge of the dutch language is a requirement! The job is to check the translation and in some cases replace words that do not match the level. There are 3500 levels to be checked and each level has three words with a maximum of 10 letters. When well done, the current content writing and region responsibilities be possible. More info on contact.

$314 Average bid
$314 Snitt bud
6 bud

Hello, we are looking for someone who can control levels for a popular word game for mobiles. The game is available in many different countries and will now be launched in Germany. Good knowledge of the german language is a requirement! The job is to check the translation and in some cases replace words that do not match the level. There are 3500 levels to be checked and each level has three words with a maximum of 10 letters. When well done, the current content writing and region responsibilities be possible. More info on contact.

$334 Average bid
$334 Snitt bud
5 bud

android app for

$149 Average bid
$149 Snitt bud
4 bud
Lag en nettside
Avsluttet left

Jeg ønsker å starte en norsk nettside med profiler (en slags kontaktside tenkt for rundt 10000 personer). Forsiden av siden må ha innloggingsfelt med brukernavn og pa...minimalistisk, hvit og enkel. Detaljene rundt hvor på siden ting skal være, kan vi ta når vi snakkes. Dette er altså en nettside for en minoritetsgruppe hvor tanken er at de skal kunne utveksle tips og annet og finne hverandre generelt og komme i kontakt. Bildet under er kun et eksempel. Mine ferdigheter: Jeg forstår noe html, men mine ferdigheter er ikke så mye å skryte av. Laget nettsider ved hjelp av Word, Frontpage og diverse ferdig html implenteringer for 15 år siden, så ja, jeg trenger hjelp til dette ;) Det må være mulig f...

$183 Average bid
$183 Snitt bud
3 bud

!11463&authkey=!AL7w_pwMT5fM9wU&ithint=file%2cpdf Please check the pdf for guidelines.. I want to do this ..

$29 Average bid
$29 Snitt bud
2 bud
Illustrer noe
Avsluttet left

Jeg ønsker en minimalistisk illustrasjon (1-3) på hvordan man måler en fot for å kjøpe online sko. 1. Hvordan man måler hælen (har bilde som man kan kopier) 2. Hvor foten skal stå på sålen (har pdf av denne) 3. Og illustre at fra store tåen trenger man 3-mm til enden (fra bilde nr 2).

$81 Average bid
$81 Snitt bud
6 bud

At importer data fra PDF fil til Excel fil

$41 Average bid
$41 Snitt bud
3 bud

converter para VB6 uma Unit do delphi

$17 - $143
$17 - $143
0 bud

password for pdf : 232 l;kldlkfvdskjvkljsdvlkmcsklmv......................................................................................................................................................................

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 bud

Jeg har satt opp en nettbutikk ved bruk av Shopify, og templaten Responsive, av Out Of The Sandbox. Problemet er at denne templaten ikke er satt opp med den type sidebar meny jeg ønsker. Denne er detaljert vist i pdf-filen vedlagt. Her vises hvordan den skal se ut og hvordan den skal fungere.

$149 Average bid
$149 Snitt bud
8 bud

En artikel på 1500 ord som handlar om fakturabedrägeri. Mer info i dokument

$20 Average bid
$20 Snitt bud
1 bud
Avsluttet left

Hei Stian, Kan du oversette dette fra Engelsk til Norsk ? Det er pdf format eller jpeg. Mindre enn 500 ord. Oppsettet er fra 0-2 altså 3 bilder som jeg legger ved. Trenger dette for idag, om du ikke får det til kan du bare si ifra så jeg får gjort det selv. Tusen takk Stian.

$20 - $20
$20 - $20
0 bud
Do some Excel Work
Avsluttet left

croping web pdf formfilling etc

$129 Average bid
$129 Snitt bud
54 bud

Download and zip all code and files from Dotcloud app Skills: generic SSH (scp, rsync)

$44 Average bid
$44 Snitt bud
1 bud
Oversett noe
Avsluttet left

Hei, jeg har behov for å få oversatt teksten i word filen fra Dansk til Norsk. Viktig at ord og utrykk på stemmer 100%. Det kan sendes tilbake til meg en word fil som er oversatt til norsk med hotell navnet i tittelen, filnavnet kan lagres med versjon "norsk" på slutten. "Terraventura_hotel_norsk"

$30 Average bid
$30 Snitt bud
3 bud

Vi...da betalingen vi kan tilby er noe begrenest. Prosjektinformasjon: 1. Prosjektlengden er 5-7 uker (kan forhandles) 2. 50,000 ord (kan forhandles) 3. Flytende norsk er et krav 4. Evne til å arbeide selvstendig med en positiv holdning 5. Evne til selv å prioritere arbeidet og overholde deadlines 6. Grunnleggende kjennskap til SEO er et pluss 7. Sterke dataferdigheter og god erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbeider hjemmefra og sender inn arbeidet sitt via email Betaling: Lønnen starter på 2,500 kroner og kan forhandles ytterligere på bakgrunn av erfaringsnivå og hvor lang tid prosjektet tar/arbeidsmengde. Dette prosjektet starter fortløpende. Etter å ha mottatt din søknad vil vi kontakte deg snarest for ...

$740 Average bid
$740 Snitt bud
3 bud
PDF do DOC...
Avsluttet left

Potrebujem skript ktorý dokáže konvertovať doc,docx a iné textové formáty do PDF bez zmien vo formátovaní. Jednoducho nahrá sa napr. doc a prekonvertuje ho to do PDF. Taktiež potrebujem aj spätnú konverziu z PDF do doc,docx...

$580 Average bid
$580 Snitt bud
2 bud
Iphone kalender app
Avsluttet left

...til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore på rigg, samt for sjøfolk. Det finnes i dag flere slike på nett, men ingen til iPhone. Se på følgende link for som er en nettversjon av det jeg ønsker: I tillegg til de funksjonene som er der ønsker jeg å kunne eksportere "jobb" periodene til iPhone kalenderen, eksportere til venner via mail/sms ( i bilde/pdf format) og eksportere til "mine bilder" på iPhone. Når kalenderen genereres må det være mulig å kunne sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra inntil 3 venner som også bruker samme kalender....

$508 Average bid
$508 Snitt bud
2 bud

We are seeking a freelancer to assist us with signing our desktop application using an EV Code Signing Certificate. We do not currently possess a certificate. The project involves signing a simple application, for which we will provide the source code. Its very simple application. For Windows.. Thank you for your assistance and your help.

$250 Average bid
$250 Snitt bud
1 bud

...scaled plans (i.e. add double garage and stairs (location apparent from first floor plan) but to be provided in a handrdrawn sketch to assist, reverse 2 x door openings, add heat, smoke, co sensors, and identify fire exits - required amends to be shown on a hand-annotated image for ease of understanding. - Provided Files: 2 x floor plans in JPEG (without dimensions) and 1 x partial floorplan in PDF (created using Floorplanner, to scale and with dimensions). - Required Outcome: Two new (full) floor plans with basic layout and dimensions to scale (1:50). - Software: You can choose any software you prefer. Ideal candidates will have the skills required to perform the above - which I anticipate requires only basic skills with access to a suitable application. No previous examp...

$51 Average bid
$51 Snitt bud
25 bud
Trophy icon Image Color Enhancement
4 dager left

I have 2 mages of the same statue that needs its colors enhanced. I am going to attach 2 images below: I need both enhanced and submitted as separate files. The image named: "Perfect Colours - Statue 1" has the perfect clothing shades as required and also has the lovely Halo above the head. I need this image enhanced and on a transparent background. The image named: Main ...and bold style. The final deliverables should be the enhanced image in HD quality on a transparent Background. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experience in color correction and enhancement - Ability to follow specific color enhancement instructions Please ensure you can provide the final HD file in HD PNG, JPEG, PDF...

$11 Average bid
9 bidrag
Modern HTML Email Templates
6 dager left

...mobile app emails. The templates should be innovative and edgy in style, reflecting a tone that is both contemporary, modern, and engaging. Key Requirements: - Design 5 HTML email templates that are simple, modern, and clean. - Include interactive elements like clickable logo image and social media icons. - Provide complete content for the templates so we can easily edit when necessary along with a PDF of all templates. - Ensure the design and content are aligned with an innovative and edgy tone. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing HTML email templates. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Ability to create content that is engaging and on-brand. - Experience with incorporating interactive elements into email templates. We'll prov...

$31 Average bid
$31 Snitt bud
50 bud

looking for a few people to sign up to shopping app Temu using my referral code. Requirements are simply you must be located in Australia, and a new user (as per your device) simple two minute task

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Snitt bud
5 bud

I'm seeking a WordPress expert with a strong grasp of WordPress Coding Standards to troubleshoot and refine my plugin prior to its submission to the WordPress repository. The review team has identified the following key issues that need to be addressed: Please note, the task is solely focused on resolving these highlighted issues. I require a prompt turnaround time and would appreciate a detailed cost estimate for the project. Thank you. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive experience with WordPress and its coding standards - Proven track record in plugin development and troubleshooting - Strong understanding of security measures within WordPress - Ability to deliver high-quality work under time constraints

$143 Average bid
$143 Snitt bud
58 bud

...with results. 6️⃣ Multiple Test Selection Modes Flexible test selection options: Test by Test (individual test selection). Multi Test Selection (multiple tests at once). Packages or Groups (predefined test bundles). 7️⃣ Advanced Reporting & Graphs Comprehensive lab reports with detailed analytics. Graphs for repetitive tests to track patient progress. Export reports in various formats (PDF, Excel). 8️⃣ User-Friendly Interface (UI/UX) Icon-based navigation for ease of use. Dark Mode support. Multi-language support with easy switching. ? Additional Features: Mobile application for patients and doctors to track bookings and results. Cloud-Based or Local Server setup. Demo version required before finalizing the contract. --- ? Budget & Timeline Flex...

$154 Average bid
$154 Snitt bud
24 bud
Modern Logo Designer for Startups
6 dager left

I'm seeki...with a modern aesthetic to help our startup clients establish their brand identities. Your designs should typically incorporate both text and icons, as they cater to a diverse range of sectors including technology, healthcare, and retail. Key Requirements: - Quick turnaround: Deliver a logo concept within 2 days. - Comprehensive deliverables: Provide a complete set of source files (Ai, SVG, EPS, PDF, PNG, JPG) along with high-resolution and transparent images. By partnering with us, you'll gain exposure to potential clients as we showcase your work with proper credits. If you meet these criteria and are interested, please share your relevant portfolio. I look forward to potentially collaborating to create impactful visual identities for startups. Best regar...

$28 Average bid
$28 Snitt bud
70 bud

I need a QR code that has dual functionality. When scanned offline, it should display a standard Vcard. When scanned online, it should redirect the user to my website's homepage. This QR code will primarily be used on print media. Ideal skills for this project include: - QR code generation and customization - Understanding of Vcard - Basic web development knowledge - Print media experience

$11 Average bid
$11 Snitt bud
9 bud

I'm making a custom CD of an unavailable, but previously available CD. It just so happens to be the image of the back cover doesnt exist online, and I cant edit it wel...cant edit it well enough myself in a high quality (without shadows and such). I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to enhance the resolution of the attached image. The final deliverables have to be in either JPG or PDF format. Since I can resize it myself, the dimensions of the CD cover are not a concern. However, it is crucial that the quality is significantly improved to a higher standard. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experience with image resolution enhancement - Able to deliver in required formats (JPG, PDF) - Attention to detail a...

$13 Average bid
$13 Snitt bud
24 bud
Creative Resume Reformatting
6 dager left

I need an expert in Word to reformat my resume so that the page breaks are in the right place and the font and type structure is consistent. Key aspects to focus on: - Ensuring consistent font and type structure throughout the document. - Correctly placing page breaks for an optimal reading experience. - Emphasizing my work experience and skills/competencies as per the original content. Your creative input will be valuable in using an engaging and modern font style that aligns with a creative resume. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Microsoft Word, have a keen eye for detail and a good understanding of creative resume styling.

$81 Average bid
$81 Snitt bud
105 bud

i need to make an application similar to USB over network that can share usb over network. Contact me if you can

$2154 Average bid
$2154 Snitt bud
41 bud

Preciso converter um website feito em HTML5, Tailwind CSS, JS para uso em Wordpress e estruturado com UX_Blocks do tema Flatsome. É sobre template kits da envato elements, que dem ser convertidos para suporte wordpress e editáveis com tema flatsome. As seções podem ser convertidas dentro de ux_blocks para depois consolida-las em uma página, se preferir. No entanto é necessário que as areas que contenham textos e imagens precisam ser convertidos para o padrão flatsome [ux_image] e [ux_text]. O menu deve ser desenvolvido à partir do próprio tema, aplicando as estilizações globais do template kit. As cores globais, tipografias e demais estilos que forem possíveis aplicar diretamente via persona...

$146 Average bid
$146 Snitt bud
43 bud
Copy typing
6 dager left

I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snitt bud
130 bud

...good margins on the sides -simple and clean design - the pack will include : all letters of English alphabet, numbers from 0 to 9, 5 animals of your choice , 5 nature cards (flowers , tree, mushroom, leaf for example). - each card should contain 2-5 colours - number and letter cards should contain a big yet not overpowering letter or numer , like on example. Animal card & nature should contain a word (i.e. flower, lion , etc. ) - all should consists of colour 'circles' as much as possible. Limit other shapes. -diameter of circles should bevsuitable for mandala play bits - like on example, with some room in between. -contestants should create couple of cards, not full set - to showcase their style, but the winning entry agrees to create the whole requested pack ...

$25 Average bid
19 bidrag

I have a digital product list that needs to be converted into a standard PDF. The final document should follow a simple text layout without any complex designs or elements. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient typing skills - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy - Familiarity with PDF creation

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Snitt bud
71 bud

...proficient Data Analyst to join our team. The primary responsibility of the Data Analyst will be to review, reformat, and transfer data from various PDF and Excel documents into a clean and digestible format in Google Sheets. The candidate must have exceptional attention to detail, consistency, and proficiency in handling various formats of data. Familiarity with payroll information and reports is highly desirable. As errors are unacceptable, all work will be cross-checked to ensure accuracy and quality. Responsibilities: Review and assess PDF and Excel documents containing data in various formats Meticulously reformat and transfer data from PDF and Excel documents into Google Sheets, ensuring accuracy and consistency Manually format and copy information while mai...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Snitt bud
45 bud

ich suche einen erfahrenen Freelancer, der mein Projekt "FlowCast" von Grund auf neu entwickelt. FlowCast ist eine No-Code-App, die Wetterdaten (via OpenWeatherMap-API) mit Aktivitätsvorschlägen kombiniert, um Nutzern passende Aktivitäten basierend auf Wetter und Präferenzen vorzuschlagen (z. B. Indoor bei Regen, Outdoor bei Sonne). Die Plattform ist flexibel wählbar – Adalo ist eine Option, aber andere No-Code-Tools wie Bubble oder Glide sind ebenfalls möglich.

$516 Average bid
$516 Snitt bud
20 bud

I need an experienced Photoshop professional to recreate an invoice for me. I will provide the original invoice design in PDF format, it is critical that the recreation is accurate and timely. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Adobe Photoshop - Experience in graphic design - Ability to work under tight deadlines The invoice will require: - My company logo and contact information - A detailed list of items or services with prices - Payment terms and due date I will share the PDF containing the invoice design after the project is accepted. The project is urgent and needs to be completed today. Thank you.

$14 Average bid
$14 Snitt bud
14 bud

I need a professional to format my Caravan Park Business & Development Plan (approx. 70 pages) to ...presentation. The final document must be well-organized, polished, and easy to navigate. Key Requirements: - Apply consistent fonts, colors, and styles throughout the document. - Standardize headings, subheadings, and paragraph formatting. - Ensure a uniform layout for tables and figures, including numbering. - Maintain professional spacing, alignment, and indentation. - Deliver the final document in Word format. Visual Elements: The document contains tables, figures, and graphs that need to be formatted uniformly. Font: The preferred font for the document is Franklin Gothic Book. Alot of the work is already done, it just needs a final polish up. Need within 48 hours of accep...

$106 Average bid
$106 Snitt bud
16 bud

I'm lo...Amazon Connector integration. The project involves a few specific requirements: - Automatically adding an Amazon label to all Sales>Orders originating from the Amazon Connector, placing it in the 'Etiquetes' column. - Integrating the 'Order Number' into all Sales>Orders from the Amazon Connector. This should be placed in the field "Nº de Pedido Cliente". - Modifying the Inventory>Delivery Notes>Pdf Print to include the email from the delivery note form and the "Nº Pedido Cliente". The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Proven experience with Odoo and its modules, particularly the Amazon Connector. - A keen attention to detail to ensure all changes are implemented correctly and consistently. - A...

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Snitt bud
50 bud

...Google Maps API for location input 3. AI-Generated Property Descriptions Integration with OpenAI API Generates automated, editable property descriptions 4. Exposé (Property Brochure) Generator Three types: Teaser, Standard, Investor Users select images & documents PDF export with custom templates 5. Dashboard & Filtering Admin approval system for listings Property list with filters for agents & investors Archive system for old listings Technical Stack: Backend: WordPress (PHP, MySQL) Frontend: Vue.js/React APIs: OpenAI, Google Maps PDF Generation: TCPDF/Dompdf Project Timeline & Deliverables: We have a structured 8-week development plan, with clear milestones for Backend, Frontend, Design, and Testing. Would you like me to provide a detailed brea...

$3902 Average bid
$3902 Snitt bud
119 bud

I'm in need of a web-based application designed for customized document reading with AI integration, specifically focusing on processing PDFs. The application should harness AI capabilities primarily for content extraction and summarization. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in web application development - Proficiency in AI and machine learning - Experience with PDF processing and manipulation Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly web application for reading PDFs - Integrate AI capabilities for content extraction and summarization - Ensure the application is customized to meet specific document reading needs

$339 Average bid
$339 Snitt bud
17 bud

I need a professional who can convert a PDF document into a Microsoft Word document. The converted document must retain the original layout and formatting, and be suitable for editing and updating content. Key requirements include: - Preserving the document's layout and formatting - Ensuring custom fonts and styles are accurately converted Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in document conversion and a keen eye for detail. Proficiency in Microsoft Word and familiarity with PDF conversion tools is essential. Please bid only if you can guarantee a high-quality, precise conversion.

$25 Average bid
$25 Snitt bud
57 bud

I have a Python script I've written that works in comparing two files and getting statistics from it. o File #1 is the input where a user can enter their data. o File #2 is the master list where we are comparing a specific column from file #1 to another column in file #2. I need the output to print to a PDF with multiple different stats and visuals derived from the output (comparison between file #1 and file #2). In addition, we need a UI built for this simple program. I have a quick mockup build that I can share once you are selected. We'll also want to ensure that there is Legal verbiage/license agreement that is accepted. Lastly, the program should only work for 14 days as a trial and they should be guided to contact the sales team afterwards. We'l...

$281 Average bid
$281 Snitt bud
56 bud

...I need them separated. each pdf will take 10 mins to 1 hour to be separated depending on your skills. The pay is fixed at $1 per pdf. Task: Splitting a PDF Based on Specific Keywords Overview You will be provided with a PDF file containing multiple pages. Each page contains different keywords at the top. Your task is to separate the original PDF into multiple smaller PDFs based on three specific keywords: GB022-24 GB022-24(BE) B022-24K(BE) Each new PDF should contain only the pages where the respective keyword appears. Example Explanation Let’s say the original PDF file is: ? SP_GB022-24(K)_7747101981_2010-04 (all) If the keyword GB022-24(BE) appears on Page 2, Page 4, Page 6, and Page 10, then: You need to create a new PDF...

$1 / hr Average bid
$1 / hr Snitt bud
50 bud

...as per the attached instructions or any alternative that produces equivalent output. - Deliver the .mp3 files as 3 individual ZIP files, corresponding to each word list. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel - Strong attention to detail (ensuring all output files are consistent in volume) - Familiarity with the Italian language (not compulsory, but preferred) - Native or advanced proficiency in simplified Chinese or Arabic (a plus, as we can discuss extending the project to include these languages) Additional Information: - A female voice should be used for female-specific words, and a male voice for all other words. - The provided word lists are mixed, not organized by gender-specific words. Assistance in organizing them would be beneficial. - Use a standard pronunciation...

$35 Average bid
$35 Snitt bud
13 bud