Usb box driver jobber
...alerts • Traffic jam alerts (difficult) • Speed control alerts • Police alerts • Distance to the nearest alert, regardless of type, with an arrow indicating the direction, possibly with the road name or place name where the alert/control is located • Active speedometer Hardware: • It should blink red and emit a sound when you approach an alert location to capture attention and make the driver aware of speed and driving. User Interface: • Everything should be in Norwegian and work well on Norwegian roads in the proof of concept phase, and possibly across the entire Nordic region in the final product. There are maps and a lot of raw data that can be implemented, and another player that can be looked at for inspiration and understanding...
Vi trenger å designe ny nettside. Vi driver med webutvikling, grafisk design, annonsering, video og seo. vi trenger en nettside som ser proffesjonell ut design messig samtidig som den skal være informativ og selgende. Please contact us as soon as possible. Thanks. Norwegian: Hei! Vi ser etter en langsiktig partner for å hjelpe oss med å utvikle "Vipps"-integrasjoner på nettsiden vår. Vi holder til i Bergen. Vi driver flere e-handelsbutikker gjennom Shopify, vi ønsker å utvikle Vipps Hurtigkasse som betalingsalternativ. Dette er en sekundær knapp under den klassiske "Legg i handlekurv-knappen". Denne knappen lar norske kunder som har Vipps-appen installert, bestille et produkt med kun 2 klikk. Jeg legger ved en video som viser hvordan dette fungerer. Budsjettet vårt er ganske høyt. Bare send meg et tilbud.
Driver et advokatfirma og vil lage en ny side som gjelder arbeidsrett. Vi bistår både firmaer og private personer. Ønsker 1) en delikat forside 2.) 6-8 undersider om temaer 3) et kontaktskjema på første side - ønsker et moderne og delikat og brukervennlig design Law firm wants to create a new site that deals with employment law. We assist both companies and private individuals. Want 1) a delicate front page 2.) 6-8 subpages on themes 3) a contact form on the first page - want a modern and delicate and user-friendly design
Hei! Jeg driver med web utvikling i Norge, og leter etter en norsk person som kan av og til hjelpe meg med lette diverse oppgaver: innhold skriving, oversetting, prooflesing eller lingende.
Hei! Jeg driver med web utvikling i Norge, og leter etter en norsk person som kan av og til hjelpe meg med lette diverse oppgaver: innhold skriving, oversetting, prooflesing eller lingende.
...the below details: 1. Customer Name 2. Phone (H): 3. Phone(M): 4. Email: 5. Delivery Option : (radio button to select “Pick-up” or “Delivery”) 6. Address: (if delivery option is “Delivery” then should ask to put address) a. Address Line 1 b. Address Line 2 c. Suburb 7. Date of Delivery: 8. Time of Delivery: 9. Order: (Drop down list – details will be provided) 10. Pre-Payment: (check-box) 11. Source of Referral: With delivery date and time I need build in a logic to be put in place. If there is already and order in that time slot then it should not allow to book the order, and should give them option of next available time slot. (Order interval will be 30min). Order cannot be placed within 7 days, if this is the case then ...
...the below details: 1. Customer Name 2. Phone (H): 3. Phone(M): 4. Email: 5. Delivery Option : (radio button to select “Pick-up” or “Delivery”) 6. Address: (if delivery option is “Delivery” then should ask to put address) a. Address Line 1 b. Address Line 2 c. Suburb 7. Date of Delivery: 8. Time of Delivery: 9. Order: (Drop down list – details will be provided) 10. Pre-Payment: (check-box) 11. Source of Referral: With delivery date and time I need build in a logic to be put in place. If there is already and order in that time slot then it should not allow to book the order, and should give them option of next available time slot. (Order interval will be 30min). Order cannot be placed within 7 days, if this is the case then ...
Jeg driver en nettbutikk innenfor bilbelysning og bilstyling som heter Jeg søker etter en dyktig og rimelig SEO-person som kan hjelpe meg med å få søkeordene (keywords) til mine produkter høyt oppe på Google-søk og Google-ranking. Er du dyktig og rimelig, så vil flere prosjekter komme. Mvh, Alex
Jeg driver en bedrift som utfører maling av vegger, snekker arbeid og legger fliser. Mitt ønske med en nettside er: * Å få nye kunder. * Fremheve min kompetanse og kompetanse beviser. * Opprette tilit til mine kunder. * Henvise eksisterende kunder til min nettside for å vise kompetanse. * Åpenhet om hva slags utgifter en nettside vil ha per år i tilegg til fastprisen.
Jeg driver en bedrift som utfører maling av vegger, snekker arbeid og legger fliser. Mitt ønske med en nettside er: * Å få nye kunder. * Fremheve min kompetanse og kompetanse beviser. * Opprette tilit til mine kunder. * Henvise eksisterende kunder til min nettside for å vise kompetanse.
Et instruktøverktøy for politiets trening av taktikk. Denne ideen bygger på tanker om en app der man har mulighet til å trykke på de momenter fra faktorskjema (et trappeskjema for progressjon og ulike påvirkningsfaktorer i taktiskktrening) man ønsker å ha med/ bygge opp leksjonen med. Slik får man da satt sammen leksjonen så individuelt...kan lagres på navn og med mulighet for å filme gjennomføringer knyttet til akkurat den leksjonen. Det må være muligheter for å skrive kommentarer til den enkelte gjennomføring/leksjon, samt kunne komprimere filen slik at den i sin helhet kan sendes på mail til personen som har gjennomført mtp egen evaluering. Maks 10 min filmsnutter. Det...
Hei jimlei. Jeg driver med et prosjekt som handler om å lage en nettside med mulighet for innlogging til brukere. Det er rettet mot en spesifikk industri, så det jeg jobber med nå er å få laget en prototype av denne nettsiden slik at jeg får testet om dette er noe som folk vil faktisk ta i bruk eller ikke. Kunnskapen min med webutvikling er altfor liten og jeg har merket, etter å ha prøvd i ca 2 mnd, at dette blir for vanskelig. Jeg er veldig interessert i webutvikling, og ville gjerne tatt meg god tid for å lære det, men sannheten er at det er viktigere å få laget denne prototypen i gang så fort som mulig. Derfor kontakter jeg deg, for å vite om dette er noe du er interessert i å vite mer om ...
Hei. Jeg driver en virksomhet innenfor lederrekruttering. Av og til trenger jeg prosjekthjelp til å kontakte nasjonale eller internasjonale kandidater. Konfidensialitet er et must, og eget konfidensialitetsærklæring må signeres. Vi ser etter noen som har en kommersiell bakgrunn med utdannelse som siviløkonom eller MBA. proejktmedarbeideren må kunne Norsk og engelsk meget godt, ha en klar vetrbal fremtoning og være systematisk i sitt skriftlige arbeide.
Jeg trenger en som kan skrive artikler. Omlag 30/40 artikler hver mnd! Hver artikkel, omlag 1000 ord. Tematikken er om grundere, for grundere og tilbud til bedriftseiere, info for interessant leseinnhovld for de som driver og vil starte firma i Norge. Dette skal til et magasin rettet til bedriftsledere og eiere i selskaper under 5år
Hei. Jeg driver et lite Content-byrå, og kunne gjerne tenkt meg å tilknytte meg en tekstressurs som hjelper meg når jeg trenger det. Akkurat nå har jeg tre whitepapers/mini-guides som jeg holder på å skrive, og har lagt ut et oppdrag for hver av dem. På den måten kan jeg teste noen tekstressurser ut. Dette oppdraget gjelder whitepaperet: "Regler for ferie og fravær". Det finnes ganske gode kilder på nett, så dette whitepaperet tenker jeg vil være relativt enkelt å skrive. Dette whitepaperet vil nok være et sted mellom 3 og 5 sider lengdemessig, med en innledning, ulike avsnitter og en konklusjon, og til slutt kilder. Si hvor mange timer du tror det vil ta pluss din timespri...
Hei. Jeg driver et lite Content-byrå, og kunne gjerne tenkt meg å tilknytte meg en tekstressurs som hjelper meg når jeg trenger det. Akkurat nå har jeg tre whitepapers/mini-guides som jeg holder på å skrive, og har lagt ut et oppdrag for hver av dem. På den måten kan jeg teste noen tekstressurser ut. Dette oppdraget gjelder whitepaperet: "Disse rådene bør regnskapsfører kunne gi sin kunde". Den er selvsagt enklest å skrive dersom du har regnskapserfaring. Hvis ikke må du drive litt Research på nett. Jeg har allerede skriblet litt stikkord i dokumentet og funnet frem til noen kilder, slik at du ikke starter helt fra scratch. Whitepaperne skal være 4-6 sider, med en i...
Hei. Jeg driver et lite Content-byrå, og kunne gjerne tenkt meg å tilknytte meg en tekstressurs som hjelper meg når jeg trenger det. Akkurat nå har jeg tre whitepapers/mini-guides som jeg holder på å skrive, og har lagt ut et oppdrag for hver av dem. På den måten kan jeg teste noen tekstressurser ut. Dette oppdraget gjelder whitepaperet: "Dette gjør bedriftene som lykkes med kundetilfredshet". I dokumentet står det noen stikkord og tabeller, men du må selv finne ut mer om hvordan toppbedriftene jobber med kundetilfredshet. Noe står nok på nettet, og dersom du er supertøff kan du også kontakte noen av bedriftene og spørre. Whitepaperne skal være 4-6 sider, med ...
Jeg driver et eget foretak innen alt som har med avhenigghetsbehandling å gjøre. Fortaket heter Addiktolog Terapi og hjemmeside: Ute etter ett proft design av loge som representerer mitt firma og det jeg driver med. I tillegg skulle jeg gjerne hatt noen til å designe en firma header som jeg kan bruke på twitter, facebook etc....
hei, siden du er norsk, så tenkte jeg høre med deg litt ang en side jeg driver med! betaler såklart! lettere og kommunisere meed noen på samme språk!
Jeg trenger noen til å sette opp flere registreringskjemaer til min nettside. Vi driver en multigaming community side, og har flere spillseksjoner som de kan søke seg inn på. Foreksempel: Guest er inne på nettsiden vår å ønsker og søke seg inn på arma 3 seksjonen, da velger han arma 3 søknad fra en dropdown meny og fyller ut søknadsfeltene som er for akkuratt dette spillet, om en annen guest søker etter cs:go så vil han få opp alle feltene for akkuratt det spillet. Admin kan også se over søknaden og godkjenne/avslå, om godkjent da blir han medlem av siden. Er dette mulig?
Arbeidsoppgaver Vi søker frilansere (Clickworkers) som kan skrive eller korrekturlese frie tekster, slik som for eksempel produktbeskrivelser, beskrivelser av byer eller hotellanmeldelser. Alt du trenger er en datamaskin med internettilgang. Du kan fritt velge hvor mange timer du ønsker å arbeide og hvor du vil arbeide. Om oss er en crowdsourcing-plattform. Våre klienter driver større prosjekter som blir fullført av frilansere som vi kaller clickworkers. Vi deler opp hvert oppdrag i flere småoppdrag og betaler clickworkers til å fullføre disse oppdragene. Ønskede kvalifikasjoner Perfekte skriftlige norskkunnskaper er nødvendig. I tillegg er gode språkkunnskaper i enten engelsk eller tysk n&os...
...brand identity and designing the packaging. Key Requirements: - Expertise in designing personalized gift products - Proficiency in brand identity development - Skilled in box design Ideal Skills: - Creative thinking for unique gift ideas - Strong understanding of brand consistency - Experience in packaging design I'm looking to create a brand that specializes in customizable gift products aimed towards individuals with a loved one incarcerated( these gifts are offered to inmates wanting to send a gift to their loved a focus on personalized items. You will need to design the packaging, specifically the box design, to align with the brand identity. Experience in creating eco-friendly packaging is a plus, but not a necessity. Please provide examples of previous wo...
... The project involves controlling a VFD and braking system using an Advantch USB controller 5801. Key Tasks: 1. Programming VFD speed based on RPM and frequency. 2. Implementing control for a pneumatic solenoid brake system. 3. Displaying various sensor data including wheel temperature, brake shoe temperature, ambient temperature, RPM, stopping distance, braking time and airflow velocity. 4. Measuring stopping distance via wheel rotations and time. 5. Allowing user to set operation cycles from 1 to 10. 6. Generating comprehensive reports of all sensor data with specified metadata. Requirements: - Proficient in LabVIEW programming - Experience with VFD and braking system controls - Familiarity with Advantch USB controller 5801 - Ability to integrate specific measurement ...
I'm in need of a vintage-style logo for my fishing business. The design should incorporate an anchor, in keeping with the nautical theme, and leverage a bold and bright color palette to stand out. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic Design - Branding - Illustration Experience with vintage design ...vintage-style logo for my fishing business. The design should incorporate an anchor, in keeping with the nautical theme, and leverage a bold and bright color palette to stand out. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic Design - Branding - Illustration Experience with vintage design aesthetics and understanding of fishing-related imagery will be a plus. i realy like the one i created in the box below but i want the colours to changed abit and Fishing the to..., so we can change the names of some Amazon reviews I have. It should also be bright and vibrant in color scheme. Key elements to include: - Photos of the product and packaging (supplied) - Some 5-star reviews (supplied, but names need to be changed) - Our logo (supplied) - Our website (supplied to the winner) - QR CODE (supplied to the winner) The product is user-friendly as it comes with a USB charged power pack, can be plugged into your mobile phone, and includes a Type C to Lightning plug adapter. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Graphic Design - Marketing - Social Media Promotion - Copywriting (for adjusting reviews) A fun and engaging tone is essential, and a background in creating flyers for product promotion would be a plus. maybe include t...
A mobile app is required to read NFC cards. ACR122 reader. The reader libraries are native but must be completed for a flutter application. Simple task just read and write balance in card.
I'm aiming to establish a distinctive streetwear clothing brand that appeals to a broad audience, from teenagers to young professionals and fashion enthusiasts alike. The primary focus of this brand will be on T-shirts, hoodies, and jackets. I included some pictures of similar designs that I would like created just with a different saying that would stand out. Key Requirements: - Exp...different saying that would stand out. Key Requirements: - Expertise in streetwear design - Understanding of unisex fashion - Experience in designing T-shirts, hoodies, and jackets - Ability to create unique and standout pieces Skills and Experience: - Fashion design - Graphic design (for T-shirts) - Knowledge of streetwear trends - Experience in the clothing industry - Creativity and out-of-the-b...
I need a professional with a creative mind to come up with unique and functional brick laying designs for my driveway using two colors of bricks - red cla...Incorporate a 6-8 inch high wall separating the driveway from the lawn. - Design two steps leading from the driveway to the lawn closer to the house. - Be able to integrate the two colors creatively. - Potentially suggest additional features like integrated lighting or intricate mosaic patterns. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in landscape design or masonry. - Ability to think outside the box and propose creative solutions. - Experience with using multiple colors in a cohesive design. - Strong understanding of practical design elements like walls and steps. - Knowledge of potential additional features that could enhance t...
I'm looking for a web developer to create a commercial website for selling a single variety snack box. Key Features: - Homepage: The centrepiece will be a click-animated cubebox. This will engage users right from the start. - Product Page: This will host pictures of the snacks. - Contact Page: A simple, user-friendly contact form. - Video Page: A video detailing the origin of the snacks. - Order Page: A straightforward interface for placing orders. Ideal Skills: eCommerce development, interactive web design, high-quality product visualization, user-friendly interface creation, basic understanding of video integration. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm looking for a designer to create a group of girls, dubbed "box Babes", in a realistic art style. Each girl should be in a specific uniform, looking a little different from one another. The design will feature a 'skybox' logo placed above and behind the girls, with each girl holding a different item - beer, pizza, and a football. Key Requirements: - I want all design files provided, so that I can edit them if necessary. - I would prefer the final output in Photoshop, in layers. The background behind the girls should be a plain color, and the facial expressions of the girls need to be 'smiling' and 'cheerful'. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in creating realistic designs - Experience with character design...
...minimalistic - A Calculate button that computes and displays in a list box the distance traveled at a given speed over a specified number of hours. - A Clear button that resets the input and output fields - An Exit button that closes the application The user inputs will be speed in MPH and number of hours traveled. The application should display the distance traveled for each hour up to the specified number of hours. For example, if the user inputs 40 for speed and 3 for hours, the output should show 40 miles for hour 1, 80 miles for hour 2, and 120 miles for hour 3. The application also requires basic input validation to ensure the text boxes are not empty and contain numerical values. If the input is invalid, a message box should be displayed. Ideal skills and experie...
...Windows (Linux would be considered) software application that takes input from an RFID tag, converts it to decimal, sends this decimal to a web API, and displays the returned result on the screen. The current output is HTML, but we can switch to JSON if necessary. The RFID tag readers are OmniKey 5022, with 13.56MHz ISO14443A tags. Currently, we have a simple web page setup with a clock, an entry box, and a submit button. We're using a third-party software to read the RFID cards, but it doesn't always work as intended due to startup sequence issues. This new application should: - Display the web API response on the screen - Not require any user authentication - Show error messages on screen for any issues, such as failed API calls or invalid RFID tags Ideal candidat...
...centuries-old brewing and distilling tradition. What We’re Looking For Bottle Label (Front and Back) A modern yet timeless design Inspiration drawn from Stralsund’s rich history and maritime culture Clear, easily readable typography and an appealing color palette Space for mandatory information (e.g., 40% Vol., 700 ml, manufacturer details) Packaging Design (Optional) A complementary layout for a box or gift packaging (if possible) A recognizable look that aligns with the bottle label A high-quality, elegant aesthetic that underscores a premium product Key Points Target Audience: Spirit enthusiasts, bartenders, and connoisseurs who value quality and regional authenticity Brand Image: Sophisticated, authentic, and vibrant — the Baltic Sea and Stralsund’s...
...logistics website that focuses on the booking of hyperlocal deliveries. This platform will not only facilitate deliveries but also incorporate real-time monitoring features and payment integrations. Key Features: - Booking System: The primary functionality of the site is to manage and streamline the booking of hyperlocal deliveries. - Real-Time Monitoring: Essential features include vehicle tracking, driver activity monitoring, and delivery status updates. The site must provide users with real-time updates on their deliveries and the status of drivers. - Payment Integration: The site needs to support multiple payment methods. This includes Credit/Debit card, PayPal, and Bank Transfer. The payment system must be secure and user-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Expertis...
As an experienced photographer and editor, I am looking to hire someone to work with me on editing existing logos in Photoshop. My current project requires a logo design and some Photoshop editing. I already have the designs ready and need someone who can take what I have and make small changes to it, as well as convert the finished product into a PNG it, as well as convert the finished product into a PNG file format. This job is going to require someone who is skilled in both logo design and image editing, as accuracy and precision are my top priorities. If you think you possess the skills necessary to work on this project and bring my vision to life, I would love to hear from you. Attention to detail and the ability to think outside the box will ensure the success of thi...
...Photos of the product as it looks now. The label design for the box. The label design for the bottle. What I Need: A realistic and professional image of the box (using a mockup that matches my box design and label). Multiple professional images of the bottle (using a mockup bottle with my label applied). An image of the box and bottle together in a professional setting. Extra Requirements: Include an additional image with a beautiful grown good looking girl 18+ smiling and showing her teeth while holding the bottle. This will help with marketing. Important: Do NOT just remove the background and use my raw photos on a white background. I want the images to look sleek and professionally designed. Use mockups for both the bottle and box that closely re...
Seeking a Professional Development Team for a Custom Website and Mobile Application We are looking to build a long-term partnership with a dependable and skilled development team. This is NOT a job for out-of-the-box solutions or one-off developers. If you plan to use pre-built templates or do not intend to provide long-term support, please do not apply! If you have relevant experience building custom web and mobile applications, and can provide examples of your work in your bid, related to recruitment and job-matching industry, keep reading. High-Level Job Overview We are a startup in the professional recruitment and job-matching industry. Our goal is to develop a custom website and mobile application (iOS and Android) that connects job seekers and employers in an innovative way...
I'm in need of a mockup for a box intended for medical product packaging. The mockup should exclusively focus on the box itself, as I will provide the necessary artwork. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a keen eye for detail and experience in creating product packaging mockups, particularly in the medical field. Key requirements: - Expertise in product packaging mockups - Detail-oriented - Experience in the medical packaging field is a plus - Proficient in using design software Please note, only the box mockup is required at this stage. The artwork will be provided.
I'm looking for a creative designer to create packaging for our biryani. The task involves designing a box for the biryani, and subsequently, developing our brand logo. Key Responsibilities: - Design a functional and appealing box for biryani. - Collaborate with us to create a unique and memorable brand logo. - Potentially assist with future designs incorporating nutritional information and cooking instructions. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design background. - Experience with food packaging design. - Creative thinking and branding experience. - Proficient in design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop). Please provide a portfolio showcasing your relevant experience and prior design work.
I'm looking for an innovative designer to completely redesign my current logo. The new design should incorporate more colors and a fresh take on the existing elements. As I'm open to the designer's suggestions for color choices, creativity and a good understanding of color theory will be crucial. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Brandin...and a fresh take on the existing elements. As I'm open to the designer's suggestions for color choices, creativity and a good understanding of color theory will be crucial. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Branding - Color Theory - Creative Thinking Please note, I am open to a complete redesign of the logo, so feel fr...
I'm seeking a freelancer who can provide a comprehensive analysis of how much services like Uber Eats, Menulog, and DoorDash pay their drivers in Canberra, ACT. Key Requirements: - Detailed breakdown of driver earnings per delivery and per kilometer. - Comparative analysis between the three delivery services. - Use of diverse data sources including official reports, driver testimonials, and independent research. Please provide an initial quote for this project.
I'm looking for a professional to perform black box vulnerability and penetration testing on my mobile application. The app is for both iOS and Android platforms backend web admin and my primary concern is data breaches. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough vulnerability testing on the mobile app - Perform penetrative testing to identify potential security threats - Focus on detecting vulnerabilities that could lead to data breaches Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer for this project should be an expert in mobile application security testing with a strong background in both iOS and Android platforms. Proven experience in identifying and rectifying data breach vulnerabilities is a must.
Project Overview Develop an Android application to manage a photobooth setup that includes: Capturing photos using a connected DSLR or the device's built-in camera. Displaying a Google Pay QR code for payment integration. Providing an interactive user interface for photo preview, countdown, and frame selection. Printing photos using a wireless or USB-connected photo printer. Generating a QR code for downloading the digital version of the photo and ensuring privacy by deleting images afterward.
An NDA will be required to be signed before any additional information is provided. We are seeking a talented designer to posts to promote the product. The ideal candidate will have experience in packaging and brand design, with a keen eye for detail and an understanding of market trends. If you're passionate about creating visually appealing designs that resonate with consumers, we would love to hear from you. More work will come with new product and collaboration. What We Need: 6 baggie designs (flavors). 2 box designs (product boxes). Logo creation. Menu design. Social media promotional materials. If you’re passionate about crafting visually appealing designs and excited about future collaboration opportunities as we expand our product range, we’d...
I'm looking for someone to help me enter plain text into editable text boxes in a PDF. The text will all be plain, without any need for formatting or special styles. Ideal Skills: - Attention to detail - Proficient in data entry - Familiarity with PDF software Please note that the text will only need to be entered as plain text, without any need for formatting or specific fonts.
...extensive experience in building e-commerce websites to help create a personalized, interactive online store that sells customizable gift boxes. The store will offer a unique, mystery-box-style shopping experience, allowing customers to curate their own boxes or leave the curation up to us. Additionally, we want to create a fun, engaging platform with options for personalization and surprise, as well as room for future growth with dropshipping options like custom t-shirts and mugs. Key Features & Requirements: Interactive Box Customization: Box Sizes & Pricing: Customers will choose from a variety of pre-defined box sizes (e.g., 3-4 items, 5-7 items, 8-10 items) that will affect pricing. Curated Themes: Customers should be able to choose from diffe...
Über mich: Ich bin die Gründerin von BlushyBox, einem Unternehmen, das sich auf bequeme und schöne Dessous-Aboboxen für Frauen spezialisiert hat. Jede Box enthält ein stylisches Dessous-Set und kleine Überraschungen wie Schlafmasken oder Bodylotions. Für meine Social-Media-Kanäle auf Instagram, TikTok und Facebook suche ich kreative Unterstützung, um meine Marke bekannter zu machen und eine Community aufzubauen. Deine Aufgaben: Content Creation: Erstellung von ästhetischen Fotos und Reels im Stil von Unndr Lingerie. Entwicklung von kreativen Konzepten, die meine Marke und meine Produkte hervorheben. Produktion von Trend-Inhalten für TikTok und Instagram. Social Media Management: Planung und Veröffentlichung von Posts und...