Skype api dial visual basic jobber
Need to make a android app. App design, see picrure and video attached. Function need to be connected to our database. Api will be provided. Also check excel attached for how app should work.
Er i oppstartsfasen av en universal nettbutikk, men trenger å endre design til noe mer etter min smak. Noe som er simpelt, eleg...layout/design, legge til og fjerne produkter osv. Bruker Shopify som plattform. Har anbud ute på flere freelancer nettsider som Upwork, Fiverr osv. Så legger ut her kun for å se prissammenligninger og hvor bred ekspertise det er å skille mellom. Ønsker en fastpris og vi blir enige om tidsramme samt hva som skal bli gjort så vi begge er fornøyde og unngår misforståelser. Kan fint komme på Zoom/Skype/andre steder hvor vi kan ha en samtale, da dette er lettere å forstå enn kun over meldinger. Snakker norsk (morsmål) og engelsk, men forstår det meste skandinavisk. ...
Hi freelander. Do you know php? Do you know Mailgun? Do you know how to convert html code into a pdf file? I have a system developed in Scriptcase, which is a framework for code generation and php coding. I have been trying to access Mailgun from my system, using API. This worked for a while, but now I get errors and meet different challenges. I have tried to move to a different webserver , but my skills are limited on this and I need help. Before sending the email, I am trying to convert a html code into a pdf file. This pdf file is ment to be an attachment in the email. After upgrading to php 8.1, this also does not work any more, but result in an error message. Helping me to fix this, is also a part of the project. I need help from someone who can assist me on my c... installed to order a product with just 2 clicks. I enclose a video showing how this works. Our budget is quite high. Just send me an offer. We also want to work long-term with you if you are interested. I attach some useful links for more information: Please contact us as soon as possible. Thanks. Norwegian: Hei! Vi ser etter en langsiktig partner for å hjelpe oss med å utvikle "Vipps"-integrasjoner på nettsiden vår. Vi holder til i Bergen. Vi driver flere e-handelsbutikker gjennom Shopify, vi ønsker å utvikle Vipps Hurtigkasse
Setter opp en Shopify butikk som skal ha ca 100k produkter + varianter. Leverandør BigBuy har API rest løsninger, som kan brukes. Problemet med mange betalbare tjenester er begrensinger på antall produkter jeg kan overføre. Ønsker en sømløs flyt mellom leverandør og nettbutikken. kanskje dette kan gjøres gjennom google regneark eller lignende. Om det er mulig i denne sammenheng, ønskes ferdigstilling av nettbutikken.
Hei, Vi holder på å migrere fra Mamut (desktop) og til Fiken. Vi ønsker å få overført ordre i Mamut-format inn til Fiken. Intranettet vårt generer ordre til en XML-fil (Mamut-format, GBAOX10), som vi ønsker å få kompatibelt med Fiken API. Kan noen bistå oss med dette? Utvikleren bør ha litt kjennskap med regnskapsprogrammer. Mvh, Daniel Moe
Jeg ønsker å koble whmcs opp til mitt crm system som er PerfexCRM. Jeg ønsker at all fakturering og brukere skal bli automatisk opprettet fra whmcs til PerfexCRM og omvendt
Ønsker å lage en webside som skal hente data fra Det er ønskelig at Hastighet, RPM, fuelstatus og lokasjon skal hentes inn. Dette skal presenteres på en webside, med kartløsning som viser lokasjonen i kartet. Løsningne må fungere både på desktop og ios. Jeg har webserver for å drifte løsningen.
Et skoleprosjekt i Informasjonsteknologi 1. Vi skal lage en database og nettside med forskjellige fjell i Norge. Du/dere skal HJELPE MEG, ikke gjøre den for meg. Du må snakke flytende norsk og må være i stand til å prate med meg på norsk enten via skype eller annet kommunikasjonsverktøy. Du må også være tigjengelig til å arbeide og evt svare på spørsmål igjennom en hel helg. Dette er helt basic koding og krever ikke akkurat så store ferdigheter. Enkle penger for dere:) (PS! Jeg må SELV forså koden, så dere må nok hjelpe meg litt med forståelsen også :p )
Skal lage en nettbasert tjeneste som skal matche ulike målgrupper (3 stk), innenfor samme sjanger som Trenger en backendutvikler til å lage denne, har frontend-utvikler selv. Ganske basic nettside, jeg er usikker på hvilken kompetanse man trenger, men må tilpasses for mye data (mange brukere).
...gjort av evt. reparasjoner på enheten tidligere. I fra loggen/ kundebildet skal det blant annet kunne skrives ut tickets til kunde. Altså en kvittering på vår kvitteringsskriver på at kunden har levert inn sin enhet for reparasjon til oss. Vi ser også for oss at kunden når enheten skal hentes kan få betale via systemet. Betaling gjøres nå via iZettle hos oss. Er ikke sikker på om iZettle har noen API for dette enda. Vi vil altså ha en komplett løsning for håndtering av reparasjonsordre fra kunder. Fra kunden bestiller på våre nettsider, til den ferdige reparerte enheten kan hentes hos oss og kunde får betalt. Se på våre nettsider http:/ for videre tips om l&o...
Hei Eirik! Så at du var interessert i gjøre denne jobben på en WP site vi har laget... Eh, skjønte du hva jeg trenger hjelp til? Det er en template som må endres litt på og så skal jeg duplisere den til 3 domener (norsk, svensk og dansk i første omgang...) Det er ikke store jobben, men det kan kanskje bli litt mer underveis da jeg jobber med et p... Eh, skjønte du hva jeg trenger hjelp til? Det er en template som må endres litt på og så skal jeg duplisere den til 3 domener (norsk, svensk og dansk i første omgang...) Det er ikke store jobben, men det kan kanskje bli litt mer underveis da jeg jobber med et par andre WP prosjekter også... Endrer ikke noe på dette "budsjett" punkte...
...være en «One pager – full width» som har høy annerkjennelse for funksjonalitet, som er 100% kompatibel med Woo Commerce, og som dere vet vil bli vedlikeholdt i lang tid fremover. Betalingsløsning Nettbutikken skal være forberedt på å håndtere DIBS, NETS, Klarna, Epay og andre godkjente betalingsmoduler. Fraktintegrasjon Nettbutikken skal i fremtiden kunne integreres med Bring Fraktguiden API til WooCOmmerce. Erm/Crm Nettbutikken skal i fremtiden kunne integreres med fremtidig ERP-program og regnskapssystemer, enda ikke avklart, men en av de norske kjente ERP-program og regnskapssystemer. Integrasjon med Mailchimp og andre nyhetsbrevleverandører Nettbutikken skal leveres med nødvendi...
Vi trenger en ny lekker nettside for kampsportsenteret vårt. Vi flytter til nye lokaler om kort tid og vi... -Bygge på bilder som dere får utdelt. Eller gjør det beste ut av det vi har. Gråtoner og farger er fint , men vil gjerne se med farger også. -Englesk / norsk -Media Videoer / bildegalleri Vi tilbyr instruksjon i dette: Barnepartier - Kungfu Panda Kids 3-5år, Karate Kids 6-11år, BJJ Junior 12-15 år BJJ - BJJ Advanced, BJJ Basic, Submission Wrestling / nogi MMA - MMA Advanced og MMA Basic Thaiboksing - Thaiboksing Advanced og Thaiboksing Basic Knapper -Forsiden -Nyheter -Stilarter - BJJ - MMA - THAIBOKSING - BARN & UNGDOM -Klubben - Om oss - Instruktører - Våre fasiliteter ...
Hei, Jeg har leid en freelancer til å integrere min opencart-butikk til leverandøren Focalprice sitt api system. Kort forklart skal dette systemet gjøre følgende: Through API system, you can »Freely download images, products information. »Monitor the inventory of products, and if we update product information on our website, it will be took place on your website automatically. »Maintain your order management completely without any clicks. Jeg trenger ikke systemet undersøkt i detalj, men vil bare forsikre meg om at funksjonen som gjelder oppdatering av produktinformasjon på leverandørens side også oppdaterer seg på min side. Er dette en jobb dere kan hjelpe med? Gi beskjed om dere trenger mer info.
Hei, Jeg har leid en freelancer til å integrere min opencart-butikk til leverandøren Focalprice sitt api system. Kort forklart skal dette systemet gjøre følgende: Through API system, you can »Freely download images, products information. »Monitor the inventory of products, and if we update product information on our website, it will be took place on your website automatically. »Maintain your order management completely without any clicks. Jeg trenger ikke systemet undersøkt i detalj, men vil bare forsikre meg om at funksjonen som gjelder oppdatering av produktinformasjon på leverandørens side også oppdaterer seg på min side. Er dette en jobb dere kan hjelpe med? Gi beskjed om dere trenger mer info.
Det skal lages en app til vårt nettbaserte HMS-system. Systemet er skrevet i klassisk ASP med en SQL-database i bunnen. Det må lages et api mot systemet. Appen skal ta bilder og legge dem på prosjekter inne i systemet. Man skal også kunne registrere avvik med den. Designet skal være enkelt og ren, i stil med vår logo, og våre farger.
Jeg trenger en som kan utvikle en kombinert spill og treningsapp. Man skal kunne tjene poeng ved å gjennomføre treningsøkter (irl) for å kjøpe div utstyr i spillet, for å nå nye nivå. Den skal kunne koples mot Spotify og div sosiale medier, visa og PayPal betalingsløsninger. Vil ikke avsløre mer enn nødvendig. Søker en som har kunnskap om hvordan man lager apper ...medier, visa og PayPal betalingsløsninger. Vil ikke avsløre mer enn nødvendig. Søker en som har kunnskap om hvordan man lager apper både for iphone og Android. Er du interessert i trening, er det en fordel, men ingen krav. Betalingen vil være et engangsbeløp og x-prosent av salg I appen. Interesser...
Vi ønsker å lage en integrasjon for WooCommerce og Pckasse (Ordresystem, POS). Beskrivelse av API er vedlagt
Dette er ikke til en programvare eller noe lignende, men til en masteroppgave hvor denne delen er litt tekninsk og er ca 5% av oppgaven. Det skal settes opp en kort datamodellering og kort script. Dette haster og trenger det ferdig ikveld. Dette trenger ikke å være korrekt men må vise forståelse. Se vedlagt filer 1. Read "API users and Grantor ID for " Draw up a data model containing the following entities "API user", "Grantor ID" and "Company ID" "Create " Construct a JSON to that creates the right "CMO-STO-100-M" for a user identified by user id "5570729955492368384" with a monthly recurring time interval starting today.
Vi skal utvikle hjemmeside og nettbutikk i Wordpress for kunde. Samtidig trenger han en integrasjon til regnskapssystem som heter Tripletex her i Norge. Les gjerne om dem på: Tripletex skriver at dem gir tilgang til et API for integrasjon. Vi ønsker nå bare en nogenlunde pris på denne integrasjonen så tar vi dette videre til kunde. Om deres pris er høyere enn vårt budsjett legg inn bud alikevel da vi vil vurdere alle bud
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile READ WITH ATTENTION OUR RULES : 1) THE JOB MUST BE FOLLOW FROM US DAILY HOW : A) UPLOADING THE CODE ON DROPBOX AFTER A TEST OF YOUR IPA (THAT IS A WAY TO CHECK YOUR WORK) B) MUST BE UPLOAD THE IPA ON (IS A MUST ) C) KNOW HOW TO MAKE API CONNECTING TO OUR SERVER D) WE PROVIDE THE ACCES TO OUR SERVER WHERE YOU CAN TEST THE SCRIPTS E) BE ALWAYS ON CONTACT WITH US BY SKYPE (IS A MUST) 2) THE PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY ESCROW AND WITH MILESTONE ...NO ADVANCE , FOR THE BEGINNER ONLY AT THE END OR AFTER A PROOF OF YOUR PROFESSIONALITY SO CAN BE MADE BY MILESTONE 3) WE ARE NOT HERE TO CHEAT NO ONE OUR EXEPERIENCE IS HIGHT SO PLEASE PING US ONLY WITH GOOD INTENTION OUR APP ARE
We need a seasoned Blockchain Engineer to aid in the development of a Casi...Casino Game for one of our clients. Key Responsibilities: - Work collaboratively with our team and the client to post a project overview and a technical meeting - Development of a custodial wallet - Ensuring seamless blockchain integration into the game Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in blockchain game development - Proficient in custodial wallet development - Familiar with nunjunks and node API - Capable of reviewing project architecture - Exceptional collaboration skills for client interactions Please note, that the project encompasses both front-end and back-end development. The project document & Architecture will be shared with the short-listed candidates for review before having a technic...
I'm seeking a design expert to review my WordPress landing page. The primary goal of this page is to increase sales for my services. I'm aiming for a professional and corporate tone, so I'm looking for guidance on how to enhance the page's visual appeal and convey the right message. Key Requirements: - Review of current landing page design - Suggestions for professional and corporate style images - Recommendations on image placement for maximal impact Ideal Skills: - Expertise in web design, particularly WordPress - Strong understanding of e-commerce and sales-oriented design - Ability to convey a professional and corporate style I will implement the updates based on your suggestions. I'm particularly interested in your advice on what pictures to use, and...
We are looking for a skilled freelancer to create clean, responsive HTML web pages. Proficiency in HTML5 and CSS3 is required, and basic knowledge of JavaScript is a plus. Experience in designing HTML optimized for email is essential. All content will be provided. **Offer:** $25.00 per project, a positive review, and potential for long-term collaboration. **Turnaround:** Immediate availability is preferred. To be considered, please submit samples of HTML work you have completed.
I'm seeking module development for Prestashop. Here is Market API, v1, OAS3 documentation
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me create an Excel sheet to manage match schedules. This isn't just a simple schedule, but a comprehensive table of teams and their selections. Key Features: - A visual calendar for easy understanding of match schedules - Inclusion of team logos in the table Ideal Skills: - Advanced Excel skills - Experience in sports data management - Ability to create visually appealing and functional spreadsheets I want the final product to be a user-friendly and detailed Excel sheet that can help me keep track of upcoming matches and team selections.
I am looking for a skilled professional to assist me in listing clothing products on my Shopify store. I have between 1-50 items that need to be listed. Key Responsibilities: - Product listing: Accurately input product details, images, and pricing - Description refinement: He...assist me in listing clothing products on my Shopify store. I have between 1-50 items that need to be listed. Key Responsibilities: - Product listing: Accurately input product details, images, and pricing - Description refinement: Help improve partially written product descriptions - SEO: Implement basic SEO strategies to enhance product visibility Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Shopify - Background in e-commerce, preferably in clothing - Excellent writing and editing skills - Basic und...
I'm seeking a talented Elementor professional to refine and elevate the design of my WordPress site. Your tasks will encompass modifying templates, adding bespoke features, and ensuring the design is responsive and visually appealing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Elementor and WordPress - Strong understanding of res...the design is responsive and visually appealing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Elementor and WordPress - Strong understanding of responsive web design principles - Prior experience with website design enhancement - Ability to create custom features Please note, while I've not specified particular areas for improvement, your expert input on enhancing the site's layout, visual elements, and function...
I'm looking for a video editor to help me edit my vlogs for my YouTube channel. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw vlog footage into a polished final product ready for upload - Select and incorporate suitable background music into the vlog The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience in video editing, particularly for vlogs - A good understanding of pacing, audio-visual sync, and overall flow of a vlog - A creative touch for selecting appropriate and engaging background music
I'm seeking a unique blend of talents for a project. Primarily, I need an exceptional creative writer who can pen beautiful poetry. The project also requires some graphic design, specifically using Photoshop, to visually represent the poetry. Ideal skills include:...need an exceptional creative writer who can pen beautiful poetry. The project also requires some graphic design, specifically using Photoshop, to visually represent the poetry. Ideal skills include: - Expertise in creative writing and poetry. - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly in Photoshop. - Ability to translate the written pieces into Arabic. Experience in intertwining poetry with visual design is a plus. This project is perfect for a multifaceted creative who can bring words to life both in writin...
I need a proficient Java Springboot developer for integrating REST APIs of flight reservation system, specifically for data retrieval from various third-party APIs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Java Springboot - Proficient in REST API integration - Familiar with retrieving data from third-party APIs - Experience in software development, particularly back-end development. - Competency in problem-solving and troubleshooting. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
Check and make sure API get and sync (Cronjob, API, Remove Unused file) Can be done in one day and tRPC for efficient API communication. Ensure the backend supports all CRUD operations and is scalable for future enhancements. Integration Readiness: Ensure the flashcard system is modular and can be seamlessly integrated into the main application. Provide clear documentation for APIs, database schemas, and integration steps. Testing & Quality Assurance: Write unit and integration tests for both frontend and backend components. Perform rigorous testing to ensure the system is secure, reliable, and bug-free. Qualifications Strong experience with React and related tools (React Hooks, Context API). Proficiency in backend development using Node.js, tRPC, and Prisma. Experience designing and implementing relational databases. Familiarity with best practices f...
I need an experienced mobile app developer to create a meditation app with a primary focus on guided meditations. The app should cater to users seeking sleep aid, stress relief, and focus enhancement through various guided sessions. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in mob...meditations. The app should cater to users seeking sleep aid, stress relief, and focus enhancement through various guided sessions. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development (iOS and Android) - Previous experience in developing meditation or similar wellness apps - Understanding of UI/UX principles for creating user-friendly interfaces - Ability to incorporate audio and visual components into the app - Experience with implementing in-app purchases or subscription models if...
For this Illustrator Project, there are three basic tasks: 1. Remove Locking Mechanism 2. Close House Doors 3. Make House More Grey See for details. If you want to see the Illustrator Files, I can upload them for you.
...and functionality. • Synchronize all templates with the platform’s dynamic services. • Provide detailed documentation for the new templates and their integration. Requirements • Proficiency in Laravel 11. • Expertise in HTML, CSS, and Blade templates. • Experience in designing and integrating invoice templates into Laravel applications. • Familiarity with dynamic data synchronization. • Basic knowledge of tax systems like GST is a plus. What We Provide • Detailed design ideas for invoice templates. • Existing invoice template codebase to guide development. • Access to platform services for integration and testing. Application Details To apply, please share: 1. Examples of similar work or portfolio. 2. Your ex...
...(8 hours per day) with a fixed monthly salary. Key Responsibilities: Create and design content using Canva. Build and publish newsletters through Beehiv. Manage and optimize CRM on Update and develop the website Manage social media platforms, including creating and enhancing video content. Perform basic graphic design, video editing, and digital PR tasks. Requirements: Proficiency in tools like Canva and Beehiv. Basic knowledge of CRM systems and content marketing strategies. Creativity, attention to detail, and ability to work independently. Availability to work full-time (8 hours per day). What I Offer: A collaboration contract with a fixed salary. Opportunity to work on innovative projects and contribute to a growing marketing ...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Karagala Road, Pananwala, Delgoda, Sri Lanka • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access •...
I'm seeking a seasoned app developer to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for an innovative automobile service platform. This app will connect users with nearby certified mechanics for basic vehicle services such as doorstep repairs, health reports, and real-time service tracking. Key Features: - User Registration/Login: via Email and Phone Verification - Service Booking: for basic repairs and maintenance - Real-time Service Tracking - Payment Gateway Integration: with Paytm, PhonePe, GPay, UPI - Push Notifications - Basic Admin Panel: for Service Management, supporting Admins, Certified Mechanics, and Customer Support The app will need to be developed for both iOS and Android platforms, featuring a standard app navigation interface. Ideal candidates should...
...exercise monitoring. 3. **Exercises**: Implement detection and counting for **6 simple standing exercises**, including but not limited to: - Dumbbell Bicep Curls - Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise - Squats - Lunges - Standing Dumbbell Row or any standing exercises to show for the project review. 4. **Feedback Mechanism**: - Provide visual or textual feedback on posture (e.g., “Straighten your back” or “Lower your arms more”). - Count repetitions automatically. 5. **Simple UI**: - A minimalistic interface to display: - Live video feed. - Exercise instructions. - Rep counts. 6. **Customization**: - Easy addition of new exercises or adjustment of existing thre...
I am working on a website for my charity organization using Wix and I need an experienced website editor to assist me. The project involves creating a simple, modern and clean, 5-page website with some basic functionality. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate on my existing Wix site - Create a 'Who We Are' page - Set up a Contact Form - Integrate Social Media links - Link to a variety of resources Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Wix - Web design experience, particularly for non-profit organizations - Ability to deliver a modern and clean design - Strong communication skills for seamless collaboration
...Additional Chat Models - **OpenAI Chat Models**: - Free: ChatGPT 4o Mini - Paid: ChatGPT 4o, o1 - **Other Chat Models**: Setup with AIMLAPI (API available in `chatAPI/management/commands/chatModels`): - **Gemini**: - Gemini 1.5 Flash (Free) - Gemini 1.5 Pro (Paid) - Gemini 2.0 Flash (Paid) - **Llama 3**: - Llama 3.2 3B Instruct Turbo (Free) - Llama 3.1 (405B) Instruct Turbo (Paid) - **References**: - Pricing: []() - Documentation: []() --- #### 5. Django Account Login - **Login Requirements**: - Login is mandatory for accessing paid models
I'm looking for a skilled C# ... particularly the Milestone Server API. The objective of this project is to enhance an existing C# Windows service to query the status of CCTV cameras via the Milestone Server API. Scope of work: - Implement a function that queries the status of CCTV cameras from the XProtect 2021 R2 Milestone Server API. - Develop an API within the Windows service that lists cameras and displays their status as either "online" or "offline". Key Requirements: - Proficient in C# and Windows service development. - Prior experience with the Milestone Server API is highly desirable. - Ability to create and implement APIs. Please note that if a camera is found to be offline, the service should simply state "offli...