Maya mel script tutorial pdf jobber
Trenger en LSC fil generert i FBD format i henhold til et PDF dokument som beskriver oppgaven. 35-45 program blokker. Og en finksjonsbeskrivelse.
Hi freelander. Do you know php? Do you know Mailgun? Do you know how to convert html code into a pdf file? I have a system developed in Scriptcase, which is a framework for code generation and php coding. I have been trying to access Mailgun from my system, using API. This worked for a while, but now I get errors and meet different challenges. I have tried to move to a different webserver , but my skills are limited on this and I need help. Before sending the email, I am trying to convert a html code into a pdf file. This pdf file is ment to be an attachment in the email. After upgrading to php 8.1, this also does not work any more, but result in an error message. Helping me to fix this, is also a part of the project. I need help from someone who can ass...
Trenger hjelp til å oversette 2 pdf filer. Oppsettet må være identisk til hvordan det er nå, og oversettelsen nøyaktig, ettersom det handler om brannsikkerhet.
Jeg trenger et script som kan utføre diverse automatiske oppgaver som blant annet, 1. overvåking av domeneportefølje - Informere om enhver status endring. 2. Flytte domener til nye abonnenter. 3. Registrere nye domener. 4. Automatisk Whois og liste definert informasjon etc.. Dette er i grove trekk det jeg trenger. Jeg vet det finnes mange delte gratis script, det er helt ok for meg å bruke open source script, så lenge resultatet er velfungerende.
Er du fra Norge? Er norsk morsmålet ditt? Da er dette jobben for deg! PowerLing søker etter norske personer for å delta i et enkelt tale-opptaks prosjekt. Du vil registrere deg med e-post, telefonnummer og en invitasjonskode. Deretter ber du om å motta et manus. Du blir... Er norsk morsmålet ditt? Da er dette jobben for deg! PowerLing søker etter norske personer for å delta i et enkelt tale-opptaks prosjekt. Du vil registrere deg med e-post, telefonnummer og en invitasjonskode. Deretter ber du om å motta et manus. Du blir oppringt og da skal du lese inn linjene som står i manuset. Dataene blir brukt til å trene opp tale-gjenkjennings software på norsk. Hvert script tar 20-25 minutter å fullføre, og...
this 3d model heaight dett jestrike plane 3d model
!11463&authkey=!AL7w_pwMT5fM9wU&ithint=file%2cpdf Please check the pdf for guidelines.. I want to do this ..
Jeg ønsker en minimalistisk illustrasjon (1-3) på hvordan man måler en fot for å kjøpe online sko. 1. Hvordan man måler hælen (har bilde som man kan kopier) 2. Hvor foten skal stå på sålen (har pdf av denne) 3. Og illustre at fra store tåen trenger man 3-mm til enden (fra bilde nr 2).
At importer data fra PDF fil til Excel fil
password for pdf : 232 l;kldlkfvdskjvkljsdvlkmcsklmv......................................................................................................................................................................
Jeg har en emballage - papirsæk til mel som skal designes
Intergrate New Script for
Jeg har satt opp en nettbutikk ved bruk av Shopify, og templaten Responsive, av Out Of The Sandbox. Problemet er at denne templaten ikke er satt opp med den type sidebar meny jeg ønsker. Denne er detaljert vist i pdf-filen vedlagt. Her vises hvordan den skal se ut og hvordan den skal fungere.
Hei Stian, Kan du oversette dette fra Engelsk til Norsk ? Det er pdf format eller jpeg. Mindre enn 500 ord. Oppsettet er fra 0-2 altså 3 bilder som jeg legger ved. Trenger dette for idag, om du ikke får det til kan du bare si ifra så jeg får gjort det selv. Tusen takk Stian.
Hei, ser du er norge og fra Halden, kommer fra Halden jeg også. Jobber for tiden med et lite hobby prosjekt i HTML, PHP å Javascript. jeg er ingne programmerer men prøver å få gjort det meste selv. trenger en jeg kan leie inn for gjøre små ting i koden og bygge opp script jeg ikke klarer selv siden du er norsk så hadde du passet bra, er noe du tar på deg? Det som skal er kodes er php script og javascript. kanskje noen css inne mellom hvis jeg strå fast på noe.
Dette er ikke til en programvare eller noe lignende, men til en masteroppgave hvor denne delen er litt tekninsk og er ca 5% av oppgaven. Det skal settes opp en kort datamodellering og kort script. Dette haster og trenger det ferdig ikveld. Dette trenger ikke å være korrekt men må vise forståelse. Se vedlagt filer 1. Read "API users and Grantor ID for " Draw up a data model containing the following entities "API user", "Grantor ID" and "Company ID" "Create " Construct a JSON to that creates the right "CMO-STO-100-M" for a user identified by user id "5570729955492368384" with a monthly recurring time interval starting today.
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
Potrebujem skript ktorý dokáže konvertovať doc,docx a iné textové formáty do PDF bez zmien vo formátovaní. Jednoducho nahrá sa napr. doc a prekonvertuje ho to do PDF. Taktiež potrebujem aj spätnú konverziu z PDF do doc,docx...
...til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore på rigg, samt for sjøfolk. Det finnes i dag flere slike på nett, men ingen til iPhone. Se på følgende link for som er en nettversjon av det jeg ønsker: I tillegg til de funksjonene som er der ønsker jeg å kunne eksportere "jobb" periodene til iPhone kalenderen, eksportere til venner via mail/sms ( i bilde/pdf format) og eksportere til "mine bilder" på iPhone. Når kalenderen genereres må det være mulig å kunne sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra inntil 3 venner som også bruker samme kalender....
Looking for someone to install my newly purchased template on Laravel and setup Mysql ://
I need guidance on creating bold and colorful text-based images for my social media platforms, specifically Instagram and Facebook. Key Responsibilities: - Teach me how to design these images - Help me understand the requirements for each specific platform Ideal Skills: - Graphic design expertise - Proficiency with social media content creation - Experience with creating visually appealing, bold and colorful designs Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past.
I'm seeking a professional with strong skills in architectural 3D modeling. The task involves creating a basic parametric model of an architectural projec...seeking a professional with strong skills in architectural 3D modeling. The task involves creating a basic parametric model of an architectural project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D architectural modeling software - Experience in creating parametric models - Able to deliver basic exterior-only models - Capable of generating high-quality rendered images for PDF The final deliverable should be a PDF containing rendered images of the model. Please note that the model should only include exterior details, as it's a basic level of detail. If you have this expertise and can meet the requirements, ...
I need a freelancer to change the format of my existing PDF brochure into 6 smaller single-page flyers. The freelancer must also be able to translate the brochure into 6 different languages: Philippine, Cantonese, Mandarin, Nepalese, Hindi, and Portuguese (Brazilian). I have attached brochure PDF that is to be on the top of page as is and the JPG to show the layout including the 6 smaller brochures on the bottom that have to be translated as stated above. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Experience in graphic design and brochure formatting - Proficiency in the specified languages for accurate translation - Ability to work with PDF files Please note, it is crucial that you can handle both the design and translation aspects of this project.
I'm seeking a software developer who can design and develop an assessment program which would be based on controls applicable to the user. The assessment would be set of questionnaire that would be structured / presented to the user . The users will be ...User should be able to save the assessment and once the assessment is complete, the user should be able to view, edit and generate a summary (with chart / score) and a detailed report with recommendations. There would be an approver user who would be reviewing the assessment and provide comments on the assessment. The user would then be notified of the approval and to view / download the report in pdf format. The software program should include user login, admin login, questionnaire master, assessment details module, report mo...
I'm seeking a Python developer who can create a script for me based on a Chinese govt website search. This script should facilitate searching a specific government website through a search bar, allowing for the extraction of text data. The purpose of this project is primarily for data analysis. See sample scripts. See details in doc. Must finish by Thursday. Key Requirements and Responsibilities: - Develop a Python call function that can be used to search the government website. - Script should enable the extraction of relevant text data from the site. - Data should be formatted and saved as a CSV and a txt for easy access and analysis. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and experience with web scraping. - Familiarity with data analysis techniques and tools. ...
I have a PDF of a building's exterior walls, but it doesn't include square meters. I need someone to help me calculate the measurements using AutoCAD and then draw it for me. The project is in PDF. Requirements: - Calculate wall area, window area, gutter length, and other details - Deliver 2D AutoCAD drawings in PDF format Please note that I only require 2D drawings, not 3D models.
I'm in need of a personalized Pine Script for TradingView that implements a Heiken Ashi trading strategy. Key features of the script: - Both Buy and Sell alert signals multiple time frame The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Pine Script and TradingView - Deep understanding of Heiken Ashi strategy - Ability to create precise and reliable alert signals
I have a folder containing approximately 2000 videos, which include both episodes from various series and movies. I need a script that will sort these videos into folders based on their corresponding series names, and name these folders appropriately. Key Requirements: - The script should be capable of identifying and sorting videos based on series name, as indicated in the video titles. - It should take into account various delimiters and patterns in the titles, including hyphens, underscores, and spaces. - In addition to organizing series, all movies should be sorted into a single folder. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in scripting languages (Python is preferred). - Experience with file manipulation and organization tasks. - Ability to understand and implemen...
Maya scene Fully modeled final with good topology, appropriate names, frozen transforms, deleted history, centered pivot and object at origin point (0,0,0). Use mesh cleanup tool to make sure you have no ngons.
1. About the Bus...childish. • Logo Layout Preference: • Primary: Icon to the left of the name. • Secondary: Icon above the name (stacked format for social media and merchandise). • Font Preference: Bold, easy-to-read, professional (no overly cursive or script fonts). • Icon Ideas (Not Mandatory): Dog, Dog paw, poop bag, shovel, duck hunt theme (Nintendo Video Game). 3. Required Deliverables All winning designs must include: ✅ Full-Color & Black/White Versions (for different use cases) ✅ CMYK Version (for printing) ✅ RGB Version (for digital use) ✅ Vector Files (AI, EPS, PDF – fully editable) ✅ High-Resolution PNG & JPG Files ✅ Embroidery File Formats (DST, PES, or other standard formats for apparel) ✅ Source Files (Adobe Illustra...
? Job Post for AI-Generated YouTube Video: "Shaktimaan vs Frost King - The Frozen City" (15 min) ? Project Overview: I want to create a 15-minute cinematic, AI-generated live-action-style YouTube video based on my provided script — "Shaktimaan vs Frost King: The Frozen City." The video should feature AI-generated characters (Shaktimaan & Frost King), AI voiceovers, music, and full video editing to create a realistic superhero showdown. I am looking for a turnkey solution — you handle everything from start to finish, and deliver a ready-to-upload 15-minute video. ? Project Requirements: ✅ Characters & Style: Shaktimaan (Indian superhero) in modernized costume, Mukesh Khanna face, but AI-generated. Frost King (like a royal ice king with a cro...
I'm seeking a skilled PHP developer to enhance the backend of my website. 1. Do email / welcome message using template provide registration code in email plus username / password 2. update php script convert args to json and insert in db 3. provide backend php script to create event backend for photography event, insert into db 4. provide backend php script to update user profile Key Requirements: - Proficient in PHP with a strong understanding of backend development. - Experience with a variety of site types. - Ability to identify and implement necessary changes. - Experience with user authentication, database management, and API integration would be a plus.
I need a professional to convert an image (can submit in high res pdf, png, jpg etc) into a custom contour cutout vector file. The primary use of this vector file will be for signage and large-format printing. The finished size of this cutout will be approx 36" in length. If this needs to be resized or res'd up please let me know. Key Requirements: - The cutout vector should be simple, with bold, clear shapes. - The final vector file needs to be in SVG format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in vector graphic design - Experience with creating files for large-format printing - Strong understanding of SVG format.
...super admins can add another team members. Sign up is not needed. Main user will be set up by us, and that main user can create team members. - Design - - No stack preference Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in web development with prior experience in creating similar websites. - Strong understanding of PDF generation from web applications. - Experience with Excel data integration. - Ability to implement basic data validation checks. - Good communication skills for understanding project requirements. Please note, the primary focus of this project is to create a user-friendly website that automates the document generation process as much as possible. field details -
I need a freelancer to help me edit an existing PDF file. The primary task is to add text to the document. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in PDF editing software - Attention to detail - Good understanding of layout and design - Strong English language skills
I need two Word documents converted for Amazon Kindle compatibility. This includes both hardcover and softcover formats. The project involves: - Co...hardcover and softcover formats. The project involves: - Converting documents to 6 x 9 inches and 7 x 10 inches sizes. - Adjusting text size and line spacing as per Kindle specifications. - Creating a Table of Contents. - Potentially adjusting text and the book cover. and deliver in a printable PDF as per Kindle specifications The ideal freelancer is someone with experience in Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) formatting. You will need to deliver the documents in two sizes, and the book cover as a printable PDF meeting KDP requirements. Also deliver me blank word template. No payment will be released until Softcover has been a...
I need a PDF spec sheet for high bay LED lighting. It should include dimensions, weight, power consumption, and efficiency. The layout should be a single page overview. Please show me your portfolio to be hired for this project.
We are looking for a creative and professional tri-fold brochure design for MaxFuel, a leading vitamin and supple...information, social media links, website URL, and a call to action (e.g., Visit our website for more information!). Design Specifications: Style: Modern, clean, and professional. Color Scheme: Use the company colors (please specify if you have specific colors), complemented by vibrant, energizing tones. Fonts: Clear, readable fonts that align with our brand identity. Deliverables: High-resolution PDF file Editable source file in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop format Mock-up of the brochure in a real-life setting VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.MAXFUEL.COM. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET ALL THE INFORMATION AND PICTURES OF PRODUCTS FROM THERE. PLEASE USE THE TRI-FOLD TEMPLATE ATTA...
I'm looking for a skilled voice over artist from Thailand to narrate a script for a radio project. Key details: - Type: The voice over is for a narration project. - Tone: The narration needs to be delivered in a professional tone. - Length: The script is less than 5 minutes long. Ideal Skills: - Native Thai speaker with clear, professional diction. - Experience in voice over, particularly for radio. - Ability to convey a professional tone through voice. Please provide samples of previous work if available.
...specifications. The design should be engaging, modern, and stand out on a store shelf while maintaining a premium, high-quality feel. Resources: We are partnering with Colab Brewing, and their website can serve as inspiration for the label design: Deliverables: Two high-resolution print-ready label designs (Lager & Hazy IPA) Files should be submitted in .ai / .eps / .pdf formats with outlined fonts and embedded images A brief explanation of the design choices and how they align with Armorsteel branding Judging Criteria: Brand Alignment: How well does the design incorporate Armorsteel branding? Creativity: Is the design engaging and unique? Clarity: Are all required details presented clearly and legibly? Printability: Does the design adhere to label specs and printing
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a form-filling website for me. This website will take data from an Excel-based wizard and automatically generate PDF documents. Key Features: - The website should be able to read from an Excel sheet I will provide, which contains the wizard and all necessary documents. - It will need to use both direct field population from the wizard into the documents and manual data entry for some documents. - Basic data validation checks will need to be implemented for the wizard inputs, such as identifying required fields. - After filling the initial wizard, user will be asked to also collect few signatures and those signatures can be placed on all other documents manually (click of a button) - There will be a team member option. super admins...
...tracker. Key Features: - The ability to create additional filming records by only filling out the differences in details (scene title and date). - Existing models should be selectable and have their data (such as address, DOB, ID copies, etc.) auto-filled once a model record is created. - All data should be placed into all forms after being provided a single time. - after all form data is provided a PDF should be generated and placed into a completed directory organized by document type. - ideally signatures can be captured via mobile phone camera or being signed on screen Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in creating Docker compatible web applications. - Experience in developing record management systems or similar applications. - Knowledge of creating systems with admin roles and f...