Latest tamil songs midi format jobber


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2,000 latest tamil songs midi format jobber funnet

...49. • Gjennomsiktig materiale som opprettholder bildekvalitet og er kompatibelt med kapasitive berøringsskjermer. 4. Overflateegenskaper: • Ripebestandig og oleofobisk belegg. • Glatte, avrundede kanter for komfort og sikkerhet. 5. Funksjonalitet: • Skjermbeskytteren må være kompatibel med kapasitive berøringsskjermer og opprettholde full funksjonalitet. Leveranser: • En 3D-modell i et format egnet for prototyping (f.eks. STL, STEP). • Tekniske tegninger med nøyaktige spesifikasjoner, inkludert kurveradius, dimensjoner og tykkelsesprofil. • Eventuell dokumentasjon for å forklare hvordan de optiske kravene er implementert i designet. Forventninger til freelancer: Jeg søker en freelancer m...

$65 Average bid
$65 Snitt bud
3 bud

Trenger en LSC fil generert i FBD format i henhold til et PDF dokument som beskriver oppgaven. 35-45 program blokker. Og en finksjonsbeskrivelse.

$300 Average bid
$300 Snitt bud
2 bud

Hei, Vi holder på å migrere fra Mamut (desktop) og til Fiken. Vi ønsker å få overført ordre i Mamut-format inn til Fiken. Intranettet vårt generer ordre til en XML-fil (Mamut-format, GBAOX10), som vi ønsker å få kompatibelt med Fiken API. Kan noen bistå oss med dette? Utvikleren bør ha litt kjennskap med regnskapsprogrammer. Mvh, Daniel Moe

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 bud

...belum di input data meternya) 3. Input Data Meter terdiri dari 2 metode: - Input Meter Via Form Input - Input meter menggunakan metode camera/img to text (OCR) 4. Simpan Foto Meter, Foto Rumah & kordinat pengambilan gambar (nama foto sesuai dengan idpelanggan) 5. Export data meter format json 6. Memiliki tampilan google map untuk menampilkan garis rute perjalanan petugas catat bulan lalu, berdasarkan data kordinat bulan lalu. Catatan: - semua proses export import menggunakan format json baik secara online maupun offline - Kecuali file foto diambil secara offline - Penentuan lokasi penyimpanan foto external/internal card Jika anda berminat mohon lengkapi informasi berikut : 1. Framework yang akan digunakan 2. Pengunaan Databases apa 3. Plugin/l...

$361 Average bid
$361 Snitt bud
3 bud

...prompt to contact us to place order. I also need 4 disclaimer be put in the app function only. However I should be able override this if needed. With app, I should have page which tells about my company, facebook link, order and contact page. Also there should be option, where I can block out dates, so no orders can be placed during that period. Also need a to be able pull data into excel format for my reporting ...

$145 Average bid
$145 Snitt bud
2 bud

...prompt to contact us to place order. I also need 4 disclaimer be put in the app function only. However I should be able override this if needed. With app, I should have page which tells about my company, facebook link, order and contact page. Also there should be option, where I can block out dates, so no orders can be placed during that period. Also need a to be able pull data into excel format for my reporting ...

$19 - $158
$19 - $158
0 bud
Design en brosjyre
Avsluttet left

trenger en 4 siders brosjyre. Ønsker forslag på format også. Salgsbrosjyre av produkter og tjenester vi leverer innen markedsføring av eiendom. Content vil hovedsaklig bli levert men det må i tillegg produseres noe product mock-ups.

$78 Average bid
$78 Snitt bud
20 bud

Looking for database Need database in excel format

$2 - $8 / hr
$2 - $8 / hr
9 bud
Avsluttet left

Hei Stian, Kan du oversette dette fra Engelsk til Norsk ? Det er pdf format eller jpeg. Mindre enn 500 ord. Oppsettet er fra 0-2 altså 3 bilder som jeg legger ved. Trenger dette for idag, om du ikke får det til kan du bare si ifra så jeg får gjort det selv. Tusen takk Stian.

$20 - $20
$20 - $20
0 bud
Gjør 3D modellering
Avsluttet left

VIKTIG! VEDKOMMENDE MÅ KUNNE NORSK. Trenger hjelp med noen småting. 1. Trenger logo jeg har i full vektor format samt endring av farge på logo (enkel jobb). 2. Trenger et elektronisk newsletter som kan sendes til kunder på e-post med knyttelse til mailchimp. Det er et nødlader vi selger ved navnet level+ 3. Trenger en banner med produktet vårt med alle tre farger. Vi har foreløpig bilder av produktet men disse er i hver sitt farge. (bilder og info samt noe tekst blir oversendt) 4. Om ønskelig og om du kan, vil vi gjerne ha et html hjemmeside som vi allerede har kjøpt hos som er bare å redigere, sette inn bilder og info med tekst. Hvis du kan gjøre alle punkter er vi villig til å gi 1500 kr men du...

$471 Average bid
$471 Snitt bud
6 bud
Avsluttet left

Ta en eksisterende flash-animasjon og lage den som et canvas. Har originale filer i fla-format.

$94 Average bid
$94 Snitt bud
5 bud
Skrive en kalender
Avsluttet left

...dato for uken. Feks 1-7. *Vise dag for hendelse. *Vise klokkeslett for hendelse. *Vise hendelse. *Hoppe fram/tilbake en uke av gangen. Skal bruke javascript. Ingen ny innlasting (Ajax, Jquery, eller lignende) *Fin overgang mellom ukene. (Fade) Hovedkalender for å legge til og endre hendelser. Skal vises i "main" på hjemmesiden. *Vise en full kalendermåned. *Vise hendelsen i liten format på aktuell dag om lagt til noe. *Bla fra måned til måned via Ajax/Jquery eller lignende. *Ved å holde musen over aktuell dag. Skal farge endre seg. *Vise aktuell uke helt til venstre i kalender. *Ved å trykke på aktuell dag skal man få opp nytt vindu. Feks Modal-form i Jquery. -Der skal man kunne skrive in...

$95 Average bid
$95 Snitt bud
2 bud
Iphone kalender app
Avsluttet left

Jeg ønsker en skift kalender til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore ...ønsker jeg å kunne eksportere "jobb" periodene til iPhone kalenderen, eksportere til venner via mail/sms ( i bilde/pdf format) og eksportere til "mine bilder" på iPhone. Når kalenderen genereres må det være mulig å kunne sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra inntil 3 venner som også bruker samme kalender. Da må det være mulig å velge f.eks. forskjellige farger for hver person. Trenger du bilder som kan brukes som bakgrunn e.l. er det bare å gi beskjed så sender jeg ov...

$508 Average bid
$508 Snitt bud
2 bud

...Responsibilities Allocation Visualization: Create an additional graphic (or integrate within the main chart) that shows how responsibilities are distributed within the company. Use distinct color schemes or categories to group related roles. Requirements: The design should be modern, clean, and professional. Use corporate colors (to be provided upon request) and a readable font. Deliverable format: Vector-based files (AI, SVG) and PNG/JPEG for presentation. Must be editable for future updates (provide the source file). Compatibility with PowerPoint or PDF for business presentations is a plus. Reference Data: Below is the company structure that needs to be visualized: D'Agostino SRL (Italy) D'Agostino Carmine – Sole Administrator (Honorary Title) D...

$23 Average bid
$23 Snitt bud
27 bud

I'm seeking a freelancer to download anime trailers based on a provided list. The task requires downloading high-quality videos and organizing them systematically. Key Responsibilities: - Download anime trailers from YouTube or other platforms. - Ensure videos are in MP4 format with original quality retained. - Properly name the files as per the naming convention: AnimeName_Category_Trailer for easy identification. - Upload the files to Google Drive or a similar cloud storage service organized by Anime Name. Requirements: - Ability to download videos in high quality. - Proper file naming and organization. - Timely delivery within the agreed deadline. - Basic knowledge of handling cloud storage. Payment: - Payment will be made at the rate of ₹5 per video based on the number o...

$8 Average bid
$8 Snitt bud
6 bud

Upgrade the theme with the latest theme

$124 Average bid
$124 Snitt bud
1 bud

...Manager, or any standard image viewer). 4. You need to manually type the content shown in the image into a new Excel file. 5. Save each Excel file with the same name as the corresponding GIF image file. 6. Ensure the Excel files are saved using the same name format as received in the ZIP file. Typing & Formatting Guidelines: Use MS Excel 2007 or above. Font: Times New Roman Font Size: Headers: Size 14, Bold Data: Size 12, Regular (not bold) Alignment: All text should be aligned to the right side. Date of Birth: Must be entered in Text Format. Remove any hyperlinks from email IDs. Maintain the same case (uppercase/lowercase) as seen in the image — this is important to avoid spelling errors. Computer Date/Time should follow Indian Standard Time (IST) when sav...

$19 Average bid
$19 Snitt bud
77 bud

I need a seasoned Angular developer to update my Single Page Application (SPA) from Angular 13 to Angular 19. The update should focus solely on Angular-related dependencies without incorporating additional features or addressing any bugs, as the current application operates without issues. Key Requirements:...particularly versions 13 and 19. - Proficient in working with Single Page Applications (SPAs). - Competent in managing and updating Angular-related dependencies. - Familiar with the process of updating from one major version to another. Please note, this is exclusively an update task, with no new features to be added or existing bugs to be fixed. The ideal candidate will ensure a smooth transition to the latest Angular version, maintaining the current functionality of the ap...

$495 Average bid
$495 Snitt bud
47 bud
Catalogue Format
9 dager left

Format 60pages catalogue for a printing house

$50 Average bid
$50 Snitt bud
1 bud

I need a professional graphic designer who can recreate my logo to vector format. The new logo should be exactly the same as the original. I have a low-resolution version of the logo, but this will need to be used as a base for the recreation. The final deliverable should be a vector version of the logo saved as a PNG file. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator or similar software - Strong graphic design skills - Experience with logo recreation and vector graphics - End result needs to be minimum 300dpi .png file with transparent background, print ready

$23 Average bid
$23 Snitt bud
81 bud
Trophy icon Sustainable Fashion T-Shirt Design
4 dager left

...creative graphic or text-based design that resonates with sustainability. ✅ Materials & Printing Considerations: The design should work well on organic cotton, bamboo-lyocell, or bamboo-cotton and be compatible with eco-friendly printing methods (screen printing, digital print, or natural dyes). ✅ Aesthetic: Minimalist, earthy tones, clean typography, nature-inspired elements. ✅ Format: Submit in vector format (AI, SVG, PDF) for print-ready output. ✅ Deliverables: FABRIC COLOURS: WHITE, BLACK and BLUE 3 T-Shirts 3-Design Variations Mockups showcasing the design on T-shirts Source files and high-resolution PNGs Preferred Skills: ? Experience in sustainable fashion or eco-branding ?️ Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or Procreate ? Understanding ...

$11 Average bid
39 bidrag
Trendy Instagram Reels Creation
6 dager left

I'm looking for a talented video editor to help me create a series of Instagram Reels from my vacation videos and photos stored in Google Drive. The primary aim is to kept as memory and entertain my friends and family with trendy and energetic content. Key Skills: - Video Editing - Social Media Savvy - Understanding of Instagram Reels format and trends - Creative mindset with a sense of timing and rhythm What I Need: - Transform my raw footage and images into engaging, upbeat Instagram Reels that are in line with current trends - Utilize video editing software to ensure high quality and professional looking videos - Find the right balance of pacing, cuts, and transitions to maintain viewer interest and engagement Please only bid if you have a strong portfolio of similar work...

$13 Average bid
$13 Snitt bud
15 bud

I'm looking for a skilled writer with a strong background in electronics engineering to create in-depth, technical articles focused on the latest innovations and trends in the field. These articles will be aimed at industry professionals, so they should be written with a level of complexity and insight that will appeal to this audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - NO AI tool , NO paraphrasing - A strong background in electronics engineering - Experience writing technical articles for a professional audience - Ability to conduct in-depth analyses and present complex information in a clear, engaging way - Understanding of current trends and innovations in electronics engineering - Excellent research and writing skills

$75 Average bid
$75 Snitt bud
9 bud

I need a new freelancer of Junior level. I'm in search of a skilled 3D animator to bring my vision to life. you can use blender or any other latest software Key Tasks: - Create 3D designs - Develop a short, captivating 3D animation

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Snitt bud
5 bud

I'm seeking a skilled Digital Content Coordinator to manage and streamline our website's content. Key Responsibilities: We are seeking a Digital Content Coordinator to keep our news website updated in real-time with the latest articles and multimedia content. The candidate will upload and format content, edit for clarity and accuracy, and optimize for SEO. Strong writing skills in English and familiarity with content management systems are essential to ensure our website remains the most updated site minute by minute. - Oversee the website's content, ensuring its timely and accurate publication. - Coordinate with the editorial team to manage the flow of articles, videos, and infographics. - Ensure that all content adheres to our quality standards and brand ...

$417 Average bid
$417 Snitt bud
18 bud

...battery consumption, and the device's internet status. Key Features of the App: - Resource Monitoring: The app needs to display CPU and RAM percentages, battery usage, and download/upload speeds, if possible. - Internet Status: The app should show if the device is connected via WiFi or mobile data. - User Interface: The main page should present information using bar charts, as this is the preferred format. Simplicity is key. - Data Collection: The app should utilize suitable tools and libraries to gather system data related to battery, network connectivity, device info, and other system data. The ideal candidate for this project should be well-versed in Android development and have a solid understanding of system resource monitoring. Experience with designing intuitive use...

$157 Average bid
$157 Snitt bud
34 bud

Seeking expert assistance to configure my Runescape private server on IntelliJ IDEA. Key Tasks: - Setting up the cache correctly with the server's latest updates. - Ensuring the client runs smoothly post-setup. -Connecting teamgames system that includes 5 tasks such as voting , donations, leaderboards etc.. -changing code paths to new media This project requires a local setup on my Windows machine. You should possess: - Extensive knowledge in configuring Runescape private servers. - Proficiency with IntelliJ IDEA. - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve any setup issues. -JAVA Please ensure your bid reflects your experience and ability to complete this task efficiently.

$49 / hr Average bid
$49 / hr Snitt bud
28 bud
Conference Assistance in Cape Town
6 dager left
Verifisert can find some older association too at event, just get the feedback and say hello to those guys. You have to take snap during event. The conference will be for 2 days, just enjoy the time and have fun. The conference is on March 11 - 12, the end we want the card you have collected should be sent to us by post, snap you have taken and a report on the event should be sent by email. The format of report will be given by us. Person should be frank enough and have good communication , Knowledge in Affiliate Marketing will really help to relate the product .we are only looking for local freelancer of Cape Town. Only bid if you can do in projected budget. Key tasks include: - Attending various sessions of the conference - Actively networking with potential clients - Distributi...

$17 - $143
$17 - $143
0 bud
Tear Sheets
9 dager left

Hi TP, I will call you on this EMVision, Titomic, BCAL Diagnostics. Overview of company Links to latest press releases and presentations Links to recent research reports (if on the website) Share price chart and data from yahoo finance

$50 Average bid
$50 Snitt bud
1 bud

Hi Mohamed, As discussed you have agreed to the following additional work for our project - 1. Provide sections & elevations with 10m building line and previously approved building heights superimposed - as per the examples given 2. Provide solar study and shadow diagrams - as per the examples given 3. x3 markup changes to plans including walls, windows, beams, panels, stairs, awnings...additional work for our project - 1. Provide sections & elevations with 10m building line and previously approved building heights superimposed - as per the examples given 2. Provide solar study and shadow diagrams - as per the examples given 3. x3 markup changes to plans including walls, windows, beams, panels, stairs, awnings, colours, materials etc as required Provide work in a CAD, Revit and ...

$93 Average bid
$93 Snitt bud
1 bud

I'm seeking a diligent QA professional for my Android and iOS mobile apps. The focus will be on ensuring optimal functionality, usability, and performance. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct both manual and automated tests - Perform regression testing to ensure consistent app performance - Test across a wide range of devices, not just the latest models Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in QA for mobile apps - Proficient in both manual and automated testing - Familiar with a wide range of mobile devices - Able to assess functionality, usability, and performance - Experience in performing regression testing

$304 Average bid
$304 Snitt bud
26 bud

We are developing a Coffee Roasting Control App for Android tablet. We need an experienced Jetpack Compose UI developer to design and implement a modern, clean, and responsive user interface. ✔️ Build...a beautiful and interactive UI using Jetpack Compose (Material 3) ✔️ Design real-time data visualization (temperature graphs, roasting controls) ✔️ Ensure UI responsiveness ✔️ Implement animations, transitions, and UI interactions ✔️ Work with ViewModel, LiveData, Flow for state management ✔️ Optimize performance for smooth user experience Jetpack Compose (Material 3) Kotlin + Android Studio (Latest Version) Navigation Component (Single-Activity Architecture) Coroutines & Flow (for Data Handling) Charts/Graphs for Roasting Data (MPAndroidChart or Compose-based solution)

$148 Average bid
$148 Snitt bud
35 bud

I have wedding invitation text that needs to be translated from English to Cantonese. The invitation is in a digital format (Word), and I only require the text to be translated. The wording doesn't need to be exact.. it just needs to make sense and have all the necessary information. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in English and Cantonese - Translation experience, preferably with invitations or similar documents - Attention to detail to ensure accurate translation of the text

$15 Average bid
$15 Snitt bud
25 bud

I need a professional writer to help put together a business plan for a startup Registered Training Organisation (RTO). I have a specific format that needs to be followed and all the necessary information to be included. The plan needs to be compliant with ASQA website requirements. This project involves: - Using a specific format to compile the business plan - Including sections such as the Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Financial Projections, Company Description, Organization and Management, Service Offerings, Marketing Strategy, Funding Request, and Appendix Ideal skills and experience: - Prior experience with business plan writing, particularly for RTOs - Familiarity with ASQA requirements - Excellent writing and organizational skills Please note, all necessary i...

$222 Average bid
$222 Snitt bud
54 bud

I'm seeking a talented transcriber to convert a 4 minute rock piece into detailed sheet music and fixed the vocal line. The transcription should encompass parts for drum, guitar, and bass. Key Requirements: - Transcription in sheet music format - Detailed dynamics and articulations included - Covering parts for drum, guitar, and bass Ideal Skills: - Proficient in music transcription - Deep understanding of rock music - Able to accurately notate detailed dynamics and articulations

$30 - $250
Forseglet Taushetspliktsavtale
$30 - $250
3 bud

I'm looking for a web developer proficient in contemporary e-commerce website creation. The primary purpose of this site is e-commerce, and it needs to reflect the latest trends and technologies in the web development sphere. Key Requirements: - The site should include an 'About Me' section to share my story and vision with potential customers. - A project showcase section is necessary to display the products and services offered. - Contact Information needs to be clear and easy to access, facilitating communication with customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development. - Proficient in modern web development technologies and trends. - Excellent understanding of UI/UX principles. - Ability to integrate payment systems and...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Snitt bud
44 bud

I have 6-10 pet photos with a common issue: the yellow eye effect. I need a skilled photo editor to remove this unwanted yellow eye from all the pictures. - File Format: All photos are in JPEG. - Other Edits: No other edits required, just the removal of the yellow eye effect. Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in photo editing software, attention to detail, and experience with pet photography. A portfolio demonstrating previous photo editing work, particularly with similar tasks, would be beneficial.

$67 Average bid
$67 Snitt bud
60 bud

I'm looking for a freelancer to create 8 short social media reels for me each month. YOUR BID IS FOR THE MONTHLY WORK. This job can continue every month as long as the work is acceptable. This is for a social impact brand that sells artisan goods from Africa. These reels will primarily focus on products being sold in our online store and telling the story of the charity which bene...of photos and videos of our products as well as the artisans who make the products. - Style: The preferred style for the reels is video clips and animated images of our products. Experience in editing and creating engaging live video content is a plus. You don't need to include music in the reels. I'm typically using Canva to create these, but it's taking too long. I'm open to changing...

$125 Average bid
$125 Snitt bud
55 bud

we are looking for a professional pitch deck to attract investors and secure funding for our startup. Scope of Work: Design a compelling and visually appealing pitch deck. Clearly articulate our business model, value proposition, and market opportunity. Include key financial projections, competitive analysis, and startups. Strong understanding of financial markets, trading platforms, and broking services. Ability to present complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. Expertise in PowerPoint, Google Slides, or other presentation tools. Proven track record of helping startups secure funding is a plus. Deliverables: A professionally designed 10-15 slide pitch deck in PowerPoint or PDF format. Editable files for future modifications. Delivery with...

$33 Average bid
$33 Snitt bud
3 bud

...educational media and resources to patients. Please note that our current public-facing site, found at 3D Practice, is not the focus of this project. The platform itself, which is critical to the patient experience, will be shared with you upon reviewing your proposal. - Goal: To modernize and improve the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) of the platform. The design should reflect the latest trends in healthcare tech while ensuring ease of use, accessibility, and trustworthiness, key elements for medical platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze and understand the existing platform’s design, functionality, and user feedback. - Collaborate with internal stakeholders (including developers and product managers) to gather project requirements and insights. - Propo...

$143 Average bid
$143 Snitt bud
113 bud

I need a forensic-level comparison of two scanned signatures to identify any potential forgeries. The signatures are currently in scanned image format, so you'll need to assess their authenticity and pinpoint any discrepancies. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in forensic document examination - Experience with signature verification - Ability to provide a detailed, comprehensive analysis - Familiarity with working with scanned images Please note, the comparison report will need to be as detailed as a forensic examination.

$540 Average bid
$540 Snitt bud
16 bud

I am in need of a modern-luxury-styled business card that is bright and vibrant in its color scheme. The card should be able to effectively showcase my name and title, contact information, and my company logo (will be provided in any format that you require). Key Requirements: - Design a modern, minimalist business card - Use of a bright and vibrant color scheme - Inclusion of my name and title, contact information, and company logo Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Branding - Modern design aesthetics

$42 Average bid
$42 Snitt bud
127 bud

Download a dataset from Kaggle () relate...(minimum 5 articles from authentic journals in relevance to the topics) – APA • Complete the tasks fully but concisely and as directly as possible. Follow all specific instructions for individual questions. • Answer all tasks in your own words. Do not copy any text from the notes, readings or other sources. Total Word Count – Approximately 2000-3000 Words (DO NOT EXCEED) Assessment Format: Standard academic presentation is required, including: • Concise and appropriate language • Fully referenced using the (APA) method, containing all sources used for each piece of work • all work should be spaced at 1.5 • Use the (Times New Roman) font, regular style and font size (12) • Ins...

$383 Average bid
$383 Snitt bud
49 bud

I'm looking for a skilled audio engineer to restore and enhance some of my old songs. Key Tasks: - Remove the background hiss that's present in various tracks - Improve vocal clarity so the lyrics are clear and crisp - Enhance the quality of the instruments in the mix - Boost the overall volume to a competitive level Final Deliverable: - An MP3 version of the enhanced tracks Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in audio editing software - Experience with noise removal and audio enhancement - A good ear for music and sound quality Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.

$55 Average bid
$55 Snitt bud
34 bud

...features such as limiting the duration of membership and the number of items that can be purchased within the plan. "recommendations from the freelancer are listened to”. NOTE: I will only review those proposals from candidates who write to me and indicate an action plan and have experience. I will not accept automatic responses. Budget USD290 Time: 5 days The delivery must be in add-on format to add to the platform. The final delivery will be marked as complete when it is installed on my system, all tests have been done and the operation is 100% correct. To start the project, the freelancer is required to write a roadmap indicating all the tasks to be developed and the duration of each point. It should also be indicated that the work will not be marked as co...

$484 Average bid
$484 Snitt bud
73 bud
Need a UX/UI designer
6 dager left

...interfaces, and provide a idea for the improvement of the project. Responsibilities: Design visually appealing and responsive website layouts and user interfaces. Create wireframes, prototypes, and mockups to effectively communicate design concepts. Develop and maintain website style guides and design systems. Collaborate with me to implement designs and troubleshoot issues. Stay up-to-date with the latest web design trends and technologies. Qualifications: Proven experience as a Web Designer with a strong portfolio showcasing website designs. Proficiency in design tools such as Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, or similar. Strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals. Knowledge of responsive design principles and mobile-first design. Understanding of user experience (...

$163 Average bid
$163 Snitt bud
134 bud

Scope: A professional portfolio including company overview, services, team, projects, achievements, and contact details. Deliverables: Designed portfolio (PDF & editable format) with branding elements and up to 10+ revisions. Timeline: 3-5 Hours Pricing: 45$

$45 Average bid
$45 Snitt bud
1 bud
You Play, I Sing!
6 dager left

I'm looking for a versatile musician who can play instruments and perform at a private party. The ideal freelancer will have experience in engaging with the audience and creating a vibrant atmosphere. Musical Responsibilities: - A mix of performing specific songs from a provided list and improvising - Playing a mix of Pop/Rock, Jazz/Blues, and Classical/Instrumental - Being able to engage and interact with the audience Skills & Experience: - Proficient in playing multiple instruments - Strong vocal performance - Experience in working at private parties - Ability to play a variety of music genres - Experience in audience engagement The goal is to create a fun, interactive music experience at the event.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snitt bud
7 bud