Itec anatomy and physiology level 3 online course jobber


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2,000 itec anatomy and physiology level 3 online course jobber funnet

Jeg har et prosjekt på gang som går ut på å oppdatere koder og funksjoner på en nettside. Den som tar dette oppdraget må kunne skrive og forstå norsk da siden og koder er på norsk. Kun koding i core PHP

$426 Average bid
$426 Snitt bud
4 bud

Hi, we are a bunch of doctors and others who are going to start a new web-based health-related course company. We will develop the project on the course platform Kajabi, which also has websites with embedded templates. We will operate in Norway for the first few years, but will go far beyond Norway's borders in some years years. We need help with simple designs such as logo development, design template, webdesign and more. We use our own private money in this project. It is professionally very complex and will not involve any external investors - so we try to find someone who can do a job here with a slightly limited budget and be happy to help us throughout the project. The first thing we need is help with logo, design template and g...

$1312 Average bid
$1312 Snitt bud
13 bud
HEXCasino online
Avsluttet left

Vi leter etter en kompetent og motivert forfatter med gode norskkunnskap for oversettelser og skriving av tekster.

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bud

iPhone/iPad App iPhone og iPad Jeg trenger den designet og bygget Hei-jeg trenger hjelp med å få laget en app .Jeg har ideen og hvordan den skal være ferdig forklart. Trenger bare noen som kan virkeliggjøre min ide til en ordentlig fungerende app. Trenger også hjelp til p legge den ut på Applestore og android googleplay butikk. Mvh Hodan

$541 Average bid
$541 Snitt bud
5 bud

Hei leandrobh, jeg har lagt merke til profilen din og vil tilby deg prosjektet mitt. Vi kan diskutere detaljene over chat.

$45 Average bid
$45 Snitt bud
1 bud
$75 Snitt bud
1 bud

Hello, we are looking for someone who can control levels for a popular word game for mobiles. The game is available in many different countries and will now be launched in Netherlands. Good knowledge of the dutch language is a requirement! The job is to check the translation and in some cases replace words that do not match the level. There are 3500 levels to be checked and each level has three words with a maximum of 10 letters. When well done, the current content writing and region responsibilities be possible. More info on contact.

$314 Average bid
$314 Snitt bud
6 bud

Hello, we are looking for someone who can control levels for a popular word game for mobiles. The game is available in many different countries and will now be launched in Germany. Good knowledge of the german language is a requirement! The job is to check the translation and in some cases replace words that do not match the level. There are 3500 levels to be checked and each level has three words with a maximum of 10 letters. When well done, the current content writing and region responsibilities be possible. More info on contact.

$334 Average bid
$334 Snitt bud
5 bud

Hei pnkj23rathore, jeg har lagt merke til profilen din og vil tilby deg prosjektet mitt. Vi kan diskutere detaljene over chat.

$450 Average bid
$450 Snitt bud
1 bud

Modify database report

$30 - $30
$30 - $30
0 bud

Hei ARCDiM, jeg har lagt merke til profilen din og vil tilby deg prosjektet mitt. Vi kan diskutere detaljene over chat.

$90 Average bid
$90 Snitt bud
1 bud

Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016Project for Soner 3/2016

$250 - $750
Fulltid Forseglet
$250 - $750
1 bud

Captiver App for Waver

$30 / hr Average bid
$30 / hr Snitt bud
1 bud

Hei infoway, jeg har lagt merke til profilen din og vil tilby deg prosjektet mitt. Vi kan diskutere detaljene over chat.

$2000 Average bid
$2000 Snitt bud
1 bud

Hei liangfang, jeg har lagt merke til profilen din og vil tilby deg prosjektet mitt. Vi kan diskutere detaljene over chat.

$25 Average bid
$25 Snitt bud
1 bud

Hei JohnRasok, jeg har lagt merke til profilen din og vil tilby deg prosjektet mitt. Vi kan diskutere detaljene over chat.

$200 Average bid
$200 Snitt bud
1 bud

[2]=10&attribute[1]=1&qty=1&productid=1971 benötige so einen oder ähnlichen text designer für , magento/gambio/xtcommerce usw

$775 Average bid
$775 Snitt bud
11 bud

Jeg trenger en som kan selge annonser for en webside for meg mot provisjon av salget. For mer informasjon ta kontakt.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Snitt bud
1 bud

Need someone to help me write some Ocaml modules. I need it in three days.

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bud
$120 - $120
0 bud

skal lage en enkel nettbutikk som har mulighet til å utvide med flere katogerier og produkter ved behov. den skal være lett å betjene og drifte. Jeg kan kjøpe ferdig laget hjemmesider idag men jeg vil ha det fra bunn som jeg vil. det må være mulighet til å koble til en betalingsløsning på den . jeg skal importerer varer fra alibabba og selge i norge, vil ha en hjemmeside som, hvis det er mulig til en god pris. jeg har veldig lav budjsett. vi vil kun begynn med en katogeri så utvide ettervert. Men måten de har laget er ganske smart.

$942 Average bid
$942 Snitt bud
7 bud

online sote ssl ,https certerficate

$272 Average bid
$272 Snitt bud
9 bud

Java 1.6,Tomcat 7 , eclipse juno , database ,dreamweaver etc .

$18 - $152
$18 - $152
0 bud

Need to build a small online store with few items.

$197 Average bid
$197 Snitt bud
20 bud
Database Project 3.
Avsluttet left

It is a database project.

$40 Average bid
$40 Snitt bud
1 bud

I want to create a website / online store with as domain names, it is a web store that will sell all of the possible electrical stuff, gadgets, teenaged related products and all of everyday products. There must be automatic payment options like Visa / Mastercard and shipping options and if there is something I did not mention here, but as a need in an online website. The store is a drop shipping store. There must be opportunities for me to update Website even after it is finished.

$200 Average bid
$200 Snitt bud
8 bud
Gjør 3D modellering
Avsluttet left

VIKTIG! VEDKOMMENDE MÅ KUNNE NORSK. Trenger hjelp med noen småting. 1. Trenger logo jeg h...Trenger et elektronisk newsletter som kan sendes til kunder på e-post med knyttelse til mailchimp. Det er et nødlader vi selger ved navnet level+ 3. Trenger en banner med produktet vårt med alle tre farger. Vi har foreløpig bilder av produktet men disse er i hver sitt farge. (bilder og info samt noe tekst blir oversendt) 4. Om ønskelig og om du kan, vil vi gjerne ha et html hjemmeside som vi allerede har kjøpt hos som er bare å redigere, sette inn bilder og info med tekst. Hvis du kan gjøre alle punkter er vi villig til å gi 1500 kr men du vil få et fot innefor vår bransje som utgjør fle...

$471 Average bid
$471 Snitt bud
6 bud

Hei. Vi trenger å få designet et flygeblad. Designmessig kan dere se bilde vedlegg for hvordan oppsett skal være, ellers så ønsker vi at 3 flygeblad er på en a4-side slik at vi sparer papir ved printing og flyer ikke oppfattes som store. Videre ønsker vi å beholde design men ønsker et mer profft oppsett av tekst og punkter. Trenger dette ikveld om mulig.

$19 Average bid
$19 Snitt bud
1 bud

im,jnfvkjbfdkjvnsfdakjvnaksdfj nv,msda n

$120 Average bid
$120 Snitt bud
1 bud

softwares hjfryujhgbkjgfyhfjgjugku,hykj

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snitt bud
4 bud

Har en Magentoshop der skal flyttes til en ny server. Der skal laves enkelte mindre tilretninger som f.eks. et ekstra sprog dansk. udvikling af favicon og logo Herudover skal der sættes ca. 15 domæner op med dns på denne server til brug for wordpress sites som jeg selv installerer.

$279 Average bid
$279 Snitt bud
4 bud

Poll undate version 3 Poll undate version 3

$205 Average bid
$205 Snitt bud
1 bud
Marketing 3
Avsluttet left

2000 real FB likes

$30 / hr Average bid
$30 / hr Snitt bud
1 bud
3 x susanne grafisk
Avsluttet left

3 logo, susanne, tegneprogram, economicvideoer.

$75 / hr Average bid
$75 / hr Snitt bud
1 bud

...veltalende oversetter, som har god grammatik og kan overholde deadlines. Vi er en mote-orienteret e-handels virksomhet fra Norge, som spesialiserer seg i designer-solbriller og -briller, og vi søker en freelance-skribent til å hjelpe oss med å skrive detaljerte beskrivelser avmerker/produkter til vår hjemmeside. Prosjektinformasjon: 1. Prosjektlengden er 5-7 uker (kan forhandles) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytende norsk er et krav 4. Evne til å arbeideselvstendig meden positiv holdning 5. Evne til selv å prioritere arbeidetogoverholde deadlines 6. Grundleggende kjennskap til SEO er et pluss 7. Sterke dataferdigheter og god erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbeider hjemmefra og sender inn arbeidet sitt via email Betaling: Lønnen...

$833 Average bid
$833 Snitt bud
1 bud

I'm seeking a talented copywriter with a strong underst...talented copywriter with a strong understanding of electronics and e-commerce, to craft compelling product descriptions for an online store. Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of English, with a knack for persuasive writing. - Deep understanding of electronics, including technical specifications and user benefits. - Experience in e-commerce and understanding of what drives online sales. Key Responsibilities: - Highlight technical specifications in an easy-to-understand manner. - Showcase user benefits clearly and compellingly. - Emphasize unique selling points effectively. Your goal will be to create product descriptions that not only inform but also engage and persuade potenti...

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Snitt bud
2 bud

Good morning, for a client of mine we need to do this work: • Set-up of tracking pixels (and API) for Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok in the Google TAG Manager platform • Set-up of events, attribution models and conversion windows in Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok • Connection between the platform for the consent management banner for analytics tracking with the tag trigger in GTM. • Resolution of data loss due to the non-acceptance of the banner in GA4 (90% drop in users per site). • Overcome the difficulty in collecting and measuring data, given by a double domain per site i.e.  up to the cart, from checkout onwards We need pixels/APIs on the Linkedin, META, TikTok, Pinterest, GA4, Google

$445 Average bid
$445 Snitt bud
9 bud sources), uses version control (git) and unit tests, and is overall pretty simple and robust. 3. It's been in production for about 2 years and the output of the app is used by 2-3 clients. 4. There have been no significant issues and the app runs without issue. # What the app is for: The app is built for clients in the recruitment industry, who, (a) every time a new job is posted: want to automatically find the company behind the job post, and then (b) find the hiring managers within those companies. Separately, we have the automation that does (b). The SaaS app, for each client: 1. Receives and aggregates jobs from various sources 2. For each company, picks the 'best' job based on a select criteria (b...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Snitt bud
16 bud

I'm looking for a seasoned content creator to design a professional course specifically for facility management companies. The course should consist of 300 meticulously crafted slides per course, all developed in a creative and colorful style. Management toics: Quality Management  Quality Assurance and Quality Control  Continuous Improvement Methodologies  Performance Metrics and Key Performance Indicators  Customer Satisfaction Index and User Experience Management  Continuous Improvement and Performance Optimization Requirements: - The slides must incorporate: - High-quality images, graphs, infographics, and charts to facilitate comprehension. - Content that is clear, concise, and logically sequenced. ...

$1610 Average bid
$1610 Snitt bud
24 bud

I am in need of a .step file for a chair, made from a 2D technical drawing and constructed from 12 mm round steel wire. The project specifications are as follows: - Dimensions: All necessary dimensions are clearly specified on the 2D technical drawing. - Preferred Software: The .step file should be created using AutoCAD. - Level of Detail: The model should represent a detailed structure, inclusive of joint details. Ideal candidates for this project should be proficient in using AutoCAD and have experience in creating .step files from 2D technical drawings. A keen understanding of detailed structural modeling is essential, as is the ability to accurately represent joint details within the model.

$42 Average bid
$42 Snitt bud
20 bud

I run an Etsy shop selling custom tools and I'm looking for a professional to help me with social media management. - Main Platform: My primary focus is on Etsy, so most of the marketing efforts will be centered there. - Social Media Management: I need assistance in managing my presence on both Facebook and Instagram. This includes posting updates, interacting with followers, and growing my audience. - Product Promotion: Help needed in promoting new product launches, particularly through engaging content on social media. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in e-commerce and social media marketing, particularly with Etsy and Shopify. Experience with online costume tools is a plus.

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Snitt bud
27 bud All Rounder Revenue Generation Assistants. Your mission: to build and maximize digital revenue streams from scratch. You’ll be responsible for driving monetization initiatives across various digital channels, and you'll collaborate closely with your partner via our Slack workspace. Key Responsibilities: Digital Channel Creation & Monetization: Build, optimize, and manage social media accounts on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Develop and implement content strategies to boost audience engagement and drive monetization through advertisements, sponsorships, or affiliate links. E-commerce & Web Development: Create, launch, and maintain WordPress websites tailored for revenue generation. Set up ...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Snitt bud
30 bud a comprehensive and visually appealing professional course specifically for facility management companies. The course should consist of 300 slides that are not only informative but also engaging. Key Responsibilities: - Create 300 professionally designed slides for the course. - Use of high-quality pictures, graphs, infographics, and charts to aid understanding. - Ensure content is clear, concise, and logically structured. - Provide proper references for all sourced material including academic papers, industry standards, and case studies. Management topics: Finance Management  Budgeting and Forecasting  Cost Control and Containment Measures  Financial Analysis and Reporting  Investment Analysis  CAPEX ...

$315 Average bid
$315 Snitt bud
24 bud

We are looking for a talented Human Resources Specialist to support our team in recruiting qualified entry-level Property Managers. The ideal candidate will have experience in sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates for property management positions. Your expertise will be essential in helping us find and hire the best talent for our expanding organization. If you're passionate about matching people with the right roles and have a strong understanding of the property management industry, we'd love to hear from you!

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Snitt bud
13 bud

I need assistance in tracing all call records of a mobile phone for personal investigation purposes. Key Requirements: - Tracing call records for the last week - Providing comprehensive details including call duration, caller and receiver information, and timestamps of calls. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data analysis and mobile forensics - Prior experience in personal investigation - High level of discretion and confidentiality

$7 - $17
$7 - $17
0 bud

...for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Product Catalog: The app should have an extensive, easily navigable catalog of our steel products. - Order Tracking: A reliable system for tracking customer orders is a must. - Customer Reviews: A section for customer reviews to foster engagement and trust. User Roles: - Primarily, the app will be used by our customers and management. The design should cater to a seamless user experience for both. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in cross-platform app development. - Previous experience with e-commerce app development, preferably in the B2B sector. - Understanding of creating multi-tier approval systems and user roles within an app. Please note, the app needs to have a registration-based acce...

$697 Average bid
$697 Snitt bud
62 bud

...looking for a seasoned content creator to design a comprehensive professional course aimed at facility management companies. Key Requirements: - Creation of 300 slides per course, all professionally designed and visually appealing. - Inclusion of high-quality visual elements to facilitate understanding, such as pictures, graphs, infographics, and charts. - Advanced and in-depth content with a logical flow. - Proper referencing of all sourced material, ideally from a mix of academic papers, industry standards, and case studies. A- Management Topics 1- Business Management  Strategic Planning and Organization’s Goals Alignment  Risk Management  Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity  Organizational Behavior an...

$3268 Average bid
$3268 Snitt bud
26 bud

...Year 13 daughter, who is studying the A-Level British curriculum. The tutor should specialize in both Economics and English Language, with a particular focus on the following areas: Economics: - Microeconomics - Macroeconomics English Language: - Creative Writing - Structuring for A-Level Ideal skills and experience include: - Extensive knowledge of Edexcel A-Level Economics - Proficiency in teaching English Language at advanced levels - Experience in tutoring microeconomics and macroeconomics - Ability to guide in creative writing and A-Level structuring - Previous experience working with international students. -Answering the past papers in English & Economics Your expertise will help my daughter navigate the complexit...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Snitt bud
10 bud
Online Casino platform website
6 dager left

I wish to hire a developer who had develop casino related portal in his past or present job. Show me what you had done. I need to see a demo by login and then we could customize it.

$784 Average bid
$784 Snitt bud
28 bud

I'm looking for a talented designer to create product infographics for a charger. Key Responsibilities: - Design modern and sleek infographics that reflect a high level of creativity and quality. - Use neutral branding colors to align with a minimalistic yet elegant aesthetic. Requirements: - Prior experience in designing infographics for electronic products is a must. - A portfolio demonstrating quality, creativity, and relevant design experience. - Ability to provide editable source files (AI, PSD) for future modifications. Please ensure to check if the prospective freelancer's portfolio aligns with these requirements before making a bid.

$17 Average bid
$17 Snitt bud
14 bud