Iphone wifi conference app voice walkie jobber


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2,000 iphone wifi conference app voice walkie jobber funnet

Iphone Restaurant App Iphone Restaurant App Iphone Restaurant App Iphone Restaurant App

$2299 Average bid
$2299 Snitt bud
7 bud

...ut av. Prosjektet går ut på å hjelpe ungdom som bor alene eller studenter med et stramt budsjett i måneden. Kategori er mat og oppskrifter. Jeg vil helst snakke med interesserte på mail, ettersom jeg ikke ønsker å fortelle hele idéen til hvem som helst. Litt kjedelig å se at det finnes en applikasjon som er min idé neste uke. Trenger noen som kan utvikle applikasjoner (til både Android og iPhone er et stort pluss) Designe utseende og kode html (kan litt selv, men langt ifra nok til å ordne noe bra) Ønsker en enkel og lys farge som bakgrunn. Bildet skal være helt stille, ikke noen bevegelser. Dette kan føles som ubehagelig for noen. Trenger egentlig bare hjelp til å LAG...

$979 Average bid
$979 Snitt bud
2 bud

appen skal fungere både på iphone og ipad fra ios 5 til ios 8 Biblen er ferdig oversatt så teksten har jeg det er bare å lime den inn har også musikk og bilder. og appen skal lages som en page based application

$933 Average bid
$933 Snitt bud
4 bud

Knytte til meg programmerer / utvikler for programmering av applikasjoner til Iphone, Ipad og android. Først utvikle enkel app for forkortelser.

$29 - $245
$29 - $245
6 bud

Få tilknytning til en person som være tilgjengelig for å programmere forskjellige apps for meg. Den første jeg ønsker utviklet er en app for forkortelser.

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Snitt bud
5 bud

Implementing UIpopovercontroller for iphone

$22 Average bid
$22 Snitt bud
11 bud

Jeg er ute etter noen som kan lage et simpelt iphone/ipad spill, angående ideer så har jeg ingen akkurat nå, men er åpne for forslag fra dere. i prinsippet så vil jeg ha et spill som er simpelt men samtidig artig, alla flappy birds, satser på stor suksess ifra detter haha.

$29 - $245
$29 - $245
0 bud

Nnnn ffggff ffcdffffddddrdgjgfdd

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bud

Jeg ønsker å få lagd en app som måler tiden mellom to gps punkter i flere akebaner i Norge. Du kan måle din egen tid, men hvis du vil være med å konkurrere om premiering må du registrere deg og bli medlem i en klubb. Appen skal vise alle registrerte tider når du registrer deg, men bare din egen tid når du ikke er registrert. Det vil bli premiering for beste tider og for tilfeldige uttrekte. Appen må startes, men tiden starter og slutter mellom gps punktene.

$271 Average bid
$271 Snitt bud
1 bud
Design en logo
Avsluttet left

Hei, jeg har nettopp startet opp en app-nettside, () og trenger da en logo, det jeg tenkte på da var en rund logo med oransje farge og inni denne runde sirkelen skal det være en gorilla som titter frem med en iphone i handen (gorillaen ser på iphonen). Håper dette var godt nok forklart...

$41 Average bid
$41 Snitt bud
4 bud

dfbfm immpofdsmom d m ; t;o m;m f;gm mh;lhm df;mf;lm ;m dgm df;mf m l dflm d;glmgd;mgf;lgf lfm;lmd;l mf;'jh,hj/,

$5190 Average bid
$5190 Snitt bud
3 bud

Hei, Er på utkikk etter noen som kan utvikle/programmere en iPhone app i første omgang. Ideen er i grunn enkel, da den bygger litt på den allerede annerkjente appen "Snapchat". Stilrent design og enkle funksjoner, kan forklare mer til de som er interessert. I hovedsak ønsker jeg å samarbeide med noen som forstår Norsk og kan vise til tidligere prosjekter de har utviklet. Har et lavt budsjett, men pris kan diskuteres etter nærmere avtale.

$143 - $428
$143 - $428
0 bud
Help to a Quiz App
Avsluttet left

Have an idea for a quiz app Can any programming, but need help setting up the basics. The application shall be made for iOS iPAD and iPhone in the first place. Coded in Xcode 5 Or if you have other suggestions came with it.

$105 Average bid
$105 Snitt bud
4 bud

Hei. Jeg har en genial idé for en iPhone app! Jeg trenger en som er flink med apper, som kan hjelpe meg. Har ikke lyst å skrive i detalj her hva apper går ut på. Vet egentlig ikke hva denne siden er, og hvem som kan lese dette. Vil ikke ha noe av at noen stjeler ideen min;-) Er det noen der som er flink med dette, og vil hjelpe til en god pris, ta kontakt!:-)

$1711 Average bid
$1711 Snitt bud
4 bud

Appens navn er: Process. Dette er en app som samler på informasjon om puls, kalorier, spillelister, treningsruter og tider. Appen skal være gratis å laste ned, men vi ønsker å ha reklame. Denne appen skal ha en privat profil med all informasjon, og en nettside der du kan dele all informasjon som du selv ønsker. Det skal også være mulig å dele informasjon, bilder og spillelister på andre sosiale medier som: instagram, facebook, snapchat, kik, vine, messenger, viber. Appen skal samle Appen skal ha en privatprofil der brukeren har all informasjon om trening, alle bilder og all musikk som bare brukeren selv kan se. Appen skal også ha en egen side der man kan dele den informasjonen som man selv ønsker. appen ska...

$155 Average bid
$155 Snitt bud
1 bud

Vi ønsker å få laget en Iphone applikasjon som skal vise når diverse butikker får inn nyheter og når de kommer til å ha salg.

$6 - $17
$6 - $17
0 bud
Iphone kalender app
Avsluttet left

Jeg ønsker en skift kalender til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore på rigg, samt for sjøfolk. Det finnes i dag flere slike på nett, men ingen til iPhone. Se på følgende link for som er en nettversjon av det jeg ønsker: I tillegg til de funksjonene som er der ønsker jeg å kunne eksportere "jobb" periodene til iPhone kalenderen, eksportere til venner via mail/sms ( i bilde/pdf format) og eksportere til "mine bilder" på iPhone. Når kalenderen genereres må det være mulig å kunne sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra...

$508 Average bid
$508 Snitt bud
2 bud

Jeg trenger hjelp til å lage en iphone/ipad app som lærere kan bruke i sin planlegging av arbeidsdagen. Jeg har en idé om hvordan en slik app skal se ut, og hvordan den skal virke, men trenger hjelp til å fullføre ideen. Jeg har prøvd mange slike applikasjoner, men ingen er slik jeg ønsker den skal være. Håper noen er interessert i høre på min idé.

$649 Average bid
$649 Snitt bud
4 bud
Vietnam Voice Recording Project
6 dager left

Vietnam Recording Project Recruitment ( Vietnam) Recording Project Vietnam Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 363 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Vietnam speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Vietnam speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 5$ for 363 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completi...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Snitt bud
2 bud
Malay Voice Recording Project
6 dager left

Malay Recording Project Recruitment ( Malay ) Recording Project Malay Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 819 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Malay speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Malay speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 10$ for 819 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of th...

$5 - $10 / hr
$5 - $10 / hr
0 bud

I am in need of a content writer who specializes in crafting product descriptions. The primary focus is on quality, engaging, and persuasive descriptions that can effectively communicate the value and features of our products to potential buyers. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing an...am in need of a content writer who specializes in crafting product descriptions. The primary focus is on quality, engaging, and persuasive descriptions that can effectively communicate the value and features of our products to potential buyers. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Experience in content writing, specifically product descriptions - Ability to adhere to brand voice and guidelines - Understanding of SEO principles - Capable of meeting deadlines without compromisi...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snitt bud
6 bud

I am in need of a content writer who specializes in crafting product descriptions. The primary focus is on quality, engaging, and persuasive descriptions that can effectively communicate the value and features of our products to potential buyers. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing an...am in need of a content writer who specializes in crafting product descriptions. The primary focus is on quality, engaging, and persuasive descriptions that can effectively communicate the value and features of our products to potential buyers. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Experience in content writing, specifically product descriptions - Ability to adhere to brand voice and guidelines - Understanding of SEO principles - Capable of meeting deadlines without compromisi...

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Snitt bud
21 bud

I need a freelancer to convert 3 lists of German words (in total 313 words) into MP3 audio files. (one milestone per list) Key Requirements: - Use of an online voice synthesizer as indicated in the attached instructions (or any other method that produces the same output) - Delivery of .mp3 files as a single ZIP file Ideal Skills: - Familiarity with Excel - Attention to details (for example, all output files are produced with the same volume) - Ideally, although not compulsory, familiarity with German language - If you are native or master any of these additional languages: simplified chinese, arabic, italian, we can talk to extend the project to these languages

$20 Average bid
$20 Snitt bud
7 bud

I'm seeking a developer to create an AI voice assistant for my Android device. This assistant should be capable of handling business calls, both inbound and outbound. Preferably, it should utilize Gemini AI APIs, but I'm open to other affordable recommendations. Key Requirements: - The assistant should be able to receive inbound calls and make outbound calls as per my instructions. - Seamless integration with Android phone systems for calls and SMS is crucial. - Ensure the assistant is compatible and functional with standard Android phone calling features. Specific Needs: - The AI voice assistant will not require advanced natural language processing capabilities as it will be utilizing existing APIs. - The assistant should be able to schedule follow-up calls via c...

$493 Average bid
$493 Snitt bud
22 bud

I'm looking for a professional who can wri... Key Requirements: - Writing: The freelancer must have experience in scriptwriting for advertisements. The script should be engaging and informative, capturing the essence of the astrology reports. - Animation: The freelancer should have skills in 3D animation. The video should be visually captivating, making use of high-quality animation techniques. - Voice Over Coordination: The freelancer should have experience coordinating with voice over artists, ensuring the timing and delivery of the script matches the visuals of the animation. The video should be 2 minutes long. The freelancer must be able to deliver the project in a timely manner, and be open to feedback and revisions. Please provide examples of similar projects yo...

$12 Average bid
$12 Snitt bud
4 bud

I'm looking for a creative writer and illustrator who can help me with writing and drawing for my social media marketing. This project primarily focuses on promoting my brand and products via engaging and captivating content. - Writing: The content should be catchy, relatable, and aligned with our brand's voice. The ideal candidate should have experience in writing for social media and understanding of how to create viral content. - Drawing: The illustrations should be eye-catching and capable of grabbing attention in a crowded feed. Experience in creating illustrations for social media is a plus. If you have a knack for engaging content creation and can help us promote our brand, I'd love to hear from you.

$219 Average bid
$219 Snitt bud
19 bud

I'm looking for a skilled iOS app developer who can create an application similar to InkZone and InkCase. This app's primary function is to update the case image using NFC, without any provided SDK. Not provided case. I just want app same with inkzone and inkcase can update the case. Need in 7 days. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in iOS app development - Proficiency in NFC technology integration - Ability to develop custom solutions without SDKs - Prior work on similar e-book or note-taking applications The user interaction for this app involves a manual selection within the app to update the case image via NFC. Therefore, the freelancer should also focus on creating a user-friendly interface that allows for easy m...

$516 Average bid
$516 Snitt bud
12 bud

I'm looking for a freelancer to attend a conference in Cape Town my behalf. The primary goal of this assignment is to network with potential clients. Your responsibilities will include representing my company and establishing connections that could lead to future business opportunities. We are looking for a local freelancer of Cape Town, who can attend a conference on behalf of our company . We will provide you Hall ticket and our visiting cards and all .The conference is a premium conference ,it will be organized in a five star hotel , they will arrange lunch and evening time party and all too. You have to join their as our executive, Make the presence of our company over there. You have to exchange the card with all the exhibitors who has kept their sta...

$17 - $143
$17 - $143
0 bud

I want to create the figma designs based on these functionality: Fengshui AI Agent – Functional Specifica...floorplan analysis 3.3 Platform Integration • WhatsApp API • WeChat API • Line API • Facebook Messenger API • Instagram API 4. Future Enhancements 1. Audio Call Consultations (AI-based voice Fengshui master) 2. Live Video Call Feature (Consult real Fengshui masters) 3. Personalized AI Fengshui Reports 4. Fengshui Marketplace (Buy related products) 5. Augmented Reality (AR) Floorplan Scanning (AR-assisted placement) Other Ideas • Fengshui AI for Homebuyers: Suggests best homes based on user’s Bazi. • AI-Powered Home Décor Guide: Recommends decorations & plants for better energy flow. • AI Fengshui Calendar A...

$525 Average bid
$525 Snitt bud
36 bud

Fengshui AI Agent – Functional Specification 1. Overview The Fengshui AI Agent is an AI-powered chatbot de...floorplan analysis 3.3 Platform Integration • WhatsApp API • WeChat API • Line API • Facebook Messenger API • Instagram API 4. Future Enhancements 1. Audio Call Consultations (AI-based voice Fengshui master) 2. Live Video Call Feature (Consult real Fengshui masters) 3. Personalized AI Fengshui Reports 4. Fengshui Marketplace (Buy related products) 5. Augmented Reality (AR) Floorplan Scanning (AR-assisted placement) Other Ideas • Fengshui AI for Homebuyers: Suggests best homes based on user’s Bazi. • AI-Powered Home Décor Guide: Recommends decorations & plants for better energy flow. • AI Fengshui Calendar A...

$2267 Average bid
$2267 Snitt bud
37 bud

I'm searching for a talented UI designer to create a modern, user-friendly design for an E-commerce Android/iPhone app and a corresponding web interface for PC screens. Key Features: - User Authentication: The design should facilitate a smooth sign-up and login process. - Product Search and Filtering: An intuitive layout for product browsing, with filters to streamline the search. - Payment Gateway Integration: Seamless and secure payment process within the design. - Cart: A visually engaging and easy-to-use cart interface for users to keep their selected items. - Wishlist: A dedicated space for users to store their desired products. Design Style: The desired design aesthetic is modern. The UI should be clean, simple, and easy to navigate, while still incorporating co...

$138 Average bid
$138 Snitt bud
11 bud

I'm seeking a skilled Digital Content Coordinator to manage and streamline our website's content. Key R...writing skills in English and familiarity with content management systems are essential to ensure our website remains the most updated site minute by minute. - Oversee the website's content, ensuring its timely and accurate publication. - Coordinate with the editorial team to manage the flow of articles, videos, and infographics. - Ensure that all content adheres to our quality standards and brand voice. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience coordinating digital content for a news website. - Strong understanding of web content management systems. - Excellent organisational skills and attention to detail. - Ability to work under tight deadlines in ...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Snitt bud
11 bud

Project Title: Initial Steps for a 1000 x 1000 Unity World Unity Version: Compatible with Unity 2022.3.44f1 App: Illusion Trails Multi-World Hiking Simulation Objective: Create a realistic-looking world that runs smoothly on Samsung Galaxy S22 and iPhone 13 or better. Requirements: 1. Large Lake: Located in the middle of the world. Include realistic water and coastal effects. 2. Mountain Area: Located west of the lake. Realistic mountains with a waterfall emptying into the lake. Exciting trails extending at least 100 meters up the mountain. Trails to include switchbacks, rock crevices, a wooden bridge across a chasm, and a wooden catwalk on the mountain side. At least one trail should go under the waterfall...

$200 Average bid
22 bidrag

I'm seeking a talented, professional female American voice over artist for an audio book recording of approximately twelve thousand words. The ideal candidate will have: - A clear, engaging and professional tone, suitable for an audio book - A warm and friendly undertone to keep listeners interested - A native American accent Your voice should be able to convey the narrative of the book in a captivating way, making it easy for listeners to follow along. Experience in voice over work, particularly for audio books, is highly desirable. Please provide samples of your work that match this description.

$43 Average bid
$43 Snitt bud
12 bud

i need to build AI-powered video technology, particularly in creating digital avatars and AI-generated videos. The platform allows users to turn photos or digital characters into realistic, talking avatars using deep learning, facial animation, and voice synthesis. **1. Objective** Develop an **AI-powered virtual character** that: - **Simulates human appearance** with facial expressions and lip-sync. - **Converses naturally** using AI-generated text and speech. - **Engages users in real-time** through interactive video responses. --- **2. Core Features & Technical Requirements** **A. AI-Generated Digital Human** - **Realistic AI avatar** that animates facial expressions, lip-sync, and head movements. - **Customizable appearance**, including face, clothing,...

$372 Average bid
$372 Snitt bud
14 bud

...and key regional Indian languages. • Voice-enabled interaction – Users can interact with the chatbot via voice and text. 2. AI-Powered Medical Report & Prescription Explanation • AI should: • Read and analyze diagnostic reports (e.g., blood tests, ECGs, MRIs). • Interpret doctor prescriptions and explain medications, dosages, and precautions. • Use non-medical analogies to simplify explanations (e.g., “Your blood vessels are like water pipes, and high cholesterol is like grease blocking them”). • Detect critical conditions and advise patients to seek medical attention urgently. 3. Voice Integration for Seamless Communication • Implement speech-to-text (STT) and text-to-speech (TTS) using Google Speech...

$4033 Average bid
$4033 Snitt bud
6 bud

...from start to finish. The goal is to create a system that allows busy podcast hosts to have an AI-powered chatbot that engages with their listeners in both text and audio responses, using the host’s unique voice. Project Requirements: Chatbot Training on Podcast Transcripts The chatbot should be trained on transcriptions of podcast episodes to ensure it responds in the same style, tone, and reasoning as the host. It should be able to generate text responses and audio responses that sound like the podcast host. Voice Cloning & Text-to-Speech (TTS) The chatbot should speak in the voice of the podcast host, using a system like Eleven Labs or an alternative that the developer should have the option to receive a response in either audio or text format. Me...

$810 Average bid
$810 Snitt bud
22 bud

...from start to finish. The goal is to create a system that allows busy podcast hosts to have an AI-powered chatbot that engages with their listeners in both text and audio responses, using the host’s unique voice. Project Requirements: Chatbot Training on Podcast Transcripts The chatbot should be trained on transcriptions of podcast episodes to ensure it responds in the same style, tone, and reasoning as the host. It should be able to generate text responses and audio responses that sound like the podcast host. Voice Cloning & Text-to-Speech (TTS) The chatbot should speak in the voice of the podcast host, using a system like Eleven Labs or an alternative that the developer should have the option to receive a response in either audio or text format. Me...

$2382 Average bid
$2382 Snitt bud
22 bud

...implement a comprehensive social media strategy aligned with brand identity and marketing objectives. * Stay up-to-date with current industry trends and audience insights to refine strategies. 2. Content Creation: * Produce engaging content for various social media platforms, including text, images, videos, and stories, ensuring relevance to the target audience. * Maintain consistency in voice and tone across all social media content. 3. Content Calendar Management: * Plan and schedule social media posts to ensure a consistent brand presence. * Optimize posting times for maximum audience reach and engagement. 4. Community Engagement: * Respond to comments, direct messages, and mentions in a timely and friendly manner. * Foster positive interactions and...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Snitt bud
10 bud

I'm in need of a professional Japanese voice-over artist to narrate a fiction audiobook. Key Requirements: - Exceptional voice modulation and pacing suitable for fiction - Prior experience in audiobook narration preferred - High-quality audio production capabilities - Ability to deliver on time and communicate effectively Please provide samples of your previous work, specifically any audiobook narrations, in your proposal.

$73 Average bid
$73 Snitt bud
9 bud

I have two short AVI videos that need audio editing. The goal is to remove all ambient noise, such as wind and traffic, and leave only the background voices. The videos are for personal use, so the final audio needs to be of high clarity, making the voices very clear and distinct. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Professional audio editing and noise removal - Experience with video editing software - Ability to enhance audio clarity Please send me a message and I will share the videos for you to assess the task.

$25 Average bid
$25 Snitt bud
35 bud

I'm in need of a voice-over artist for a commercial advertisement. The voice should be a professional and authoritative English lady. The script is ready, I just need your voice to bring it to life. Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly in commercial voice overs. A clear demonstration of a professional and authoritative tone in your samples will be greatly appreciated. Skills Required: - Voice Over - English (UK) Proficiency - Commercial Advertisement Experience - Professional and Authoritative Tone - Script Reading Experience with engaging voice work for commercial advertisements is a plus. Your voice should convey trust and professionalism to engage our audience.

$17 Average bid
$17 Snitt bud
2 bud

...ESP32, or similar) with multiple UARTs and GPIOs. Auto-detection & configuration of connected devices. Configuration via USB, Bluetooth, or WiFi for easy setup. 6. Connectivity & Debugging USB or Serial Port for debugging and device configuration. LED Indicators for power, communication status, and errors. Technical Specifications Feature Specification Power Input 12V/24V from vending machine or bill acceptor Power Output Pass-through to connected devices Microcontroller STM32, ESP32, or similar with multiple UARTs and GPIOs Supported Protocols ccTalk, MDB, Pulse/Mars, Parallel Interfaces UART, SPI, I2C, GPIO, USB Configuration USB, Bluetooth, or WiFi Status Indicators LED indicators for power, communication, and error states Project Deliverables PCB Design (Sch...

$1312 Average bid
$1312 Snitt bud
27 bud

...Backlink profile health (DR, spam score). - Technical SEO audits (screenshots of fixes). - Custom dashboard (e.g., Google Looker Studio). --- ### **9. Additional Requirements** - **Security**: - Regular backups, malware scanning, and DDoS protection. - **Integrations**: - CRM/email marketing tools (e.g., HubSpot, Mailchimp). - Social media SEO (Open Graph tags, Twitter cards). - **Voice Search Optimization**: - FAQ schema + conversational keywords. --- ### **10. Deliverables & Timeline** - Sitemap and wireframe approval before development. - Post-launch SEO audit (using tools like Screaming Frog). - 3–6 months of post-launch support for adjustments. - Clear milestones (e.g., "Phase 1: Technical SEO, Phase 2: Content"). --- ### **11. Budget ...

$409 Average bid
$409 Snitt bud
83 bud

I'm looking for an experienced video...workshop presentation at an upcoming conference on 3/22/25 from 10-11:30am at the Linq hotel in Las Vegas, NV. The footage will be used for marketing purposes, so it's crucial that the video is of high quality and professionally edited. Key Responsibilities: - Film my workshop presentation, capturing both audio and video clearly. - I'll be using clips of the footage for a variety of marketing purposes so let's talk about the need for you to edit the video and the benefit that would provide. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in filming conference presentations. - High-quality video and sound equipment. - Strong editing skills, with a portfolio of similar work, if editing is important. - Ability to deliver the final p...

$359 Average bid
$359 Snitt bud
28 bud

I have a audio clip from a meeting that need enhancement and transcription (auto). The 2 voices on the clip is very bad and you need to be skilled to isolate the voice (e.g. with audacity). And do an auto transcription to see if your work is ok. Key Requirements: - Improve audio quality of low volume clips - Use of software like Audacity or similar for audio enhancement - Accurate auto transcription of the audio content The total duration of the audio clips is approximately 180 minutes. Experience with sound editing and transcription is crucial for this project. I will send you a small 10 sec. test file, to check your skills.

$76 Average bid
$76 Snitt bud
33 bud

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Forseglet Taushetspliktsavtale

I run a Residential and Commercial Cleaning company and I'm seeking a marketing expert to create professional yet relatable and friendly content for our sp...Cleaning company and I'm seeking a marketing expert to create professional yet relatable and friendly content for our spring cleaning promotion. This will involve: - Crafting engaging posts for our Facebook and Instagram, using our branding, colors, and logo. - Targeting our recurring deals and the launch of new areas. Given my decade of marketing experience, I can provide insights on our brand voice, but I need someone to take over the execution. Your content will need to balance professionalism with a friendly, approachable tone. Experience in creating social media content for cleaning or service-based businesses ...

$318 Average bid
$318 Snitt bud
46 bud

I'm in need of an AI voice bot specialist who can create an inbound support agent for my home services company. This agent will specifically cater to HVAC and plumbing inquiries. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in AI and voice bot technology - Previous work with inbound support agents preferred - Knowledge or experience in home services industry (HVAC, Plumbing) would be a significant advantage The aim is to enhance customer service efficiency and reduce load on human agents. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Snitt bud
18 bud
Android App for Server-Driven TTS
6 dager left

I need an Android application that connects to my server, receives text messages, and reads them aloud using the default system voice. The app has two screens: the first for authentication via Basic Authentication, and the second for displaying a custom graphic. Key Features: - First screen for username/password authentication - Server verification via a URL - Reading of configuration for second page's content - Displaying a custom graphic on second page - Keeping the screen on if in focus - Accepting and reading text messages even if screen is off or app is not in focus Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience with Text-to-Speech implementation - Understanding of Basic Authentication - Ability to work with server communication a...

$163 Average bid
$163 Snitt bud
33 bud