Flash countdown timer without days jobber
Vi er et digitalt markedsføringsbyrå s...detaljer og moderne design Evne til å jobbe selvstendig Gode kommunikasjonsevner Erfaring med sosiale medier-optimalisering Krav: Må kunne kommunisere flytende på norsk Må være tilgjengelig i norsk tidssone (CET) Kjennskap til norsk sosiale medier-kultur er viktig Erfaring med norsk marked er en fordel Varighet: Løpende samarbeid med regelmessige oppdrag Arbeidsmengde: Fleksibel, estimert 10-20 timer per uke Oppstart: Snarest Arbeidsform: Remote/hjemmekontor Vennligst inkluder følgende i ditt tilbud: Kort introduksjon om deg selv Link til portefølje/showreel Tidligere erfaring med lignende prosjekter Timepris Tilgjengelighet Vi ser etter en langsiktig samarbeidspartner som ka...
Hei, jeg holder på med et prosjekt som handler om å lage et enklere grensesnitt for eldre mennesker slik at de kan bruke mobilbank app på mobilen. Det blir lettere også for dem å holde oversikt over deres økonomi og ta imot teknologi som de ikke har så kjennskap til. Jeg vil gjerne at prosjektet lages i figma eller Adobe...handler om å lage et enklere grensesnitt for eldre mennesker slik at de kan bruke mobilbank app på mobilen. Det blir lettere også for dem å holde oversikt over deres økonomi og ta imot teknologi som de ikke har så kjennskap til. Jeg vil gjerne at prosjektet lages i figma eller Adobe xd så fort som mulig, helst ferdig iløpet av dagen idag eller imorgen på formiddagen. Prosje...
Vi trenger en Copywriter, som kan korrekturlese utkast vi lager for forskjellige type softwareperodukter. Vi ønsker umiidelbar oppstart. Ca fire timer jobb i uken.
Vi trenger noen som kan hjelpe til å gå turer i områdene i Oslo Vest. En som har ledig tid på dagtid mandag til fredag. Du nå være hundevant og like å være ute i allslags vær. Du kan jobbe 3-5 timer hver dag. Trenger hjelp fra september til og med desember. Mulig ennå lenger hvis det er ønskelig. Førerkort er ønskelig, men ikke et absolutt krav.
trenger regnskapshjelp noen timer i uken. You must be advanced users of application "Fiken" accounting system.
Jeg trenger en dyktig WordPress programmerer som kan designe nettsiden min fra skrætsj -- det gjelder både design, koding, multimedia i form av Flash-innhold, design av logo, og ikke minst endring av WP themes. Legg inn ditt bud bare om du er fra Norge, snakker flytende norsk, og kan jobbe i forhold til norsk lokal tidssone!
Hei, Jeg trenger min CV å være oversette fra Engelsk til Norsk så fort som mulig. Tror jeg, det trenger bare en til to timer arbeid. Jeg har utdanning som Ingeniør og hvis du har Ingeniør bakgrunn, da det vil være bedre. Min budsjett er 17 USD (150 NOK) Bare ønsker å ta kontakt med norske innfødte høyttalere som har flytende norsk kompetanse. Mvh, Debayan
...Delivery: 9. Order: (Drop down list – details will be provided) 10. Pre-Payment: (check-box) 11. Source of Referral: With delivery date and time I need build in a logic to be put in place. If there is already and order in that time slot then it should not allow to book the order, and should give them option of next available time slot. (Order interval will be 30min). Order cannot be placed within 7 days, if this is the case then it should give a prompt to contact us to place order. I also need 4 disclaimer be put in the app function only. However I should be able override this if needed. With app, I should have page which tells about my company, facebook link, order and contact page. Also there should be option, where I can block out dates, so no orders can be plac...
...Delivery: 9. Order: (Drop down list – details will be provided) 10. Pre-Payment: (check-box) 11. Source of Referral: With delivery date and time I need build in a logic to be put in place. If there is already and order in that time slot then it should not allow to book the order, and should give them option of next available time slot. (Order interval will be 30min). Order cannot be placed within 7 days, if this is the case then it should give a prompt to contact us to place order. I also need 4 disclaimer be put in the app function only. However I should be able override this if needed. With app, I should have page which tells about my company, facebook link, order and contact page. Also there should be option, where I can block out dates, so no orders can be plac...
RepLab er en reparasjonstjeneste for mobiltelefoner/ nettbrett og høreapparater. Vi vil ha laget en plugin i WordPress som tar hånd om booking av timer på våre nettsider. Kunden skal samtidig få vite pris på reparasjonstjenesten (prisliste) Han skal også få vite hvor lang tid han må vente på å få det gjort. (20 - 60 min) Tilbakemelding til kunde via SMS eller epost om hans booking. Det skal lages en arbeidslogg på hver kunde, der man enkelt kan se hva som er gjort av evt. reparasjoner på enheten tidligere. I fra loggen/ kundebildet skal det blant annet kunne skrives ut tickets til kunde. Altså en kvittering på vår kvitteringsskriver på at kunden har levert inn sin enhet for ...
project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman project for Daringman
Jeg trenger et plugin system der ansatte kan logge seg inn og stemple inn timer på et gitt sted. Er faste steder som man kan velge mellom, trenger og få skrevet ut lister for alle eller et gitt arbeidssted for regnskap. Helst enkelt og sikkert..
Jeg søker etter en person som kan lage 20 stk flash filmer eller animasjoner. Lengde på filmene varierer fra 40-60 sekunder. Kravspesifikasjoner blir sendt etter tilbud har blitt blir besvart med pris.
Vi trenger en person som vil komme til oss i Oslo, og i løpet av noen dager vise oss tips og triks i WooCommerce. Vi tenker oss 3 timer pr. dag i tids
...søvnvaner. Det er fire slike Youtube videoer som må lenkes til Youtube(embedda). Her er en av de: Søvnprogrammet har 4 moduler hvor hver modul har et eget arbeidsark med diverse oppgaver. Tanken er at personen som bruker appen kan fylle inn og checke av slike bokser på appen. Denne informasjonen trenger ikke å gå noe sted. Design og annet flash er helt unødvendig. Kan være plein og enkel. Kanskje noe søvnrelatert bakgrunn e.l.? Summert opp kan det se slik ut: En enkel interface med iconer 1: Tekstikon: Velkommen 2: 4 Moduler som er linker til youtube 3: 4 "Arbeidsark" tilknyttet hver modul hvor man kan fylle ut det arbeidet man gjør 4: Lenker til forskningsverktøy ala dett...
Hei. Jeg driver et lite Content-byrå, og kunne gjerne tenkt meg å tilknytte meg en tekstressurs som hjelper meg når jeg trenger det. Akkurat nå har jeg tre whitepapers/mini-guides som jeg holder på å skrive, og har lagt ut et oppdrag for hver av dem. På den måten kan jeg teste noen tekstressurser ut. Dette oppdraget gjelder whitepaperet: "R...den måten kan jeg teste noen tekstressurser ut. Dette oppdraget gjelder whitepaperet: "Regler for ferie og fravær". Det finnes ganske gode kilder på nett, så dette whitepaperet tenker jeg vil være relativt enkelt å skrive. Dette whitepaperet vil nok være et sted mellom 3 og 5 sider lengdemessig, med en innledning, ulike avsnitter o...
Hei. Jeg driver et lite Content-byrå, og kunne gjerne tenkt meg å tilknytte meg en tekstressurs som hjelper meg når jeg trenger det. Akkurat nå har jeg tre whitepapers/mini-guides som jeg holder på å skrive, og har lagt ut et oppdrag for hver av dem. På den måten kan jeg teste noen tekstressurser ut. Dette oppdraget gjelder whitepaperet: "Dette ...dokumentet står det noen stikkord og tabeller, men du må selv finne ut mer om hvordan toppbedriftene jobber med kundetilfredshet. Noe står nok på nettet, og dersom du er supertøff kan du også kontakte noen av bedriftene og spørre. Whitepaperne skal være 4-6 sider, med en innledning, ulike avsnitter og en konklusjon, og til slutt kilder...
Hei, Jeg har leid en freelancer til å integrere min opencart-butikk til leverandøren Focalprice sitt ...freelancer til å integrere min opencart-butikk til leverandøren Focalprice sitt api system. Kort forklart skal dette systemet gjøre følgende: Through API system, you can »Freely download images, products information. »Monitor the inventory of products, and if we update product information on our website, it will be took place on your website automatically. »Maintain your order management completely without any clicks. Jeg trenger ikke systemet undersøkt i detalj, men vil bare forsikre meg om at funksjonen som gjelder oppdatering av produktinformasjon på leverandørens side også oppdaterer seg p&ari...
Hei, Jeg har leid en freelancer til å integrere min opencart-butikk til leverandøren Focalprice sitt ...freelancer til å integrere min opencart-butikk til leverandøren Focalprice sitt api system. Kort forklart skal dette systemet gjøre følgende: Through API system, you can »Freely download images, products information. »Monitor the inventory of products, and if we update product information on our website, it will be took place on your website automatically. »Maintain your order management completely without any clicks. Jeg trenger ikke systemet undersøkt i detalj, men vil bare forsikre meg om at funksjonen som gjelder oppdatering av produktinformasjon på leverandørens side også oppdaterer seg p&ari...
Ta en eksisterende flash-animasjon og lage den som et canvas. Har originale filer i fla-format.
Arbeidsoppgaver Vi søker frilansere (Clickworkers) som kan skrive eller korrekturlese frie tekster, slik som for eksempel produktbeskrivelser, beskrivelser av byer eller hotellanmeldelser. Alt du trenger er en datamaskin med internettilgang. Du kan fritt velge hvor mange timer du ønsker å arbeide og hvor du vil arbeide. Om oss er en crowdsourcing-plattform. Våre klienter driver større prosjekter som blir fullført av frilansere som vi kaller clickworkers. Vi deler opp hvert oppdrag i flere småoppdrag og betaler clickworkers til å fullføre disse oppdragene. Ønskede kvalifikasjoner Perfekte skriftlige norskkunnskaper er nødvendig. I tillegg er gode språkkunnskaper i enten engelsk eller tysk n&os...
Jeg ønsker å få laget en app. Ønsker å mota tilbud fra noen som kan hjelpe meg med å lage denne appen best mulig. Den må kunne telle timer på hver enkelt sosiale medie du er inne på daglig. Ønsker ikke å si for mye før jeg finner en jeg kan samarbeide med.
...Reset ("Forgot Password") o Profile Management (Change profile image, name, email address, and password) • Support: A dedicated support section or contact form for user assistance. • Simple Games: Two simple question-and-answer games based on a true/false format. • Updateable Backend Database: The backend database should be designed to allow for easy updating of content (text, audio, and video) without requiring app updates. This includes the ability to add, edit, and delete content as needed. • Pro Version Upgrade: Users should be able to upgrade to a pro version of the app through a secure payment gateway. This feature needs to be developed to enable seamless transactions and enhanced app functionality for pro users. Technical Requirements: •...
Job Description: Freelancer Needed for Product Payment Flow Testing We are looking for a freelancer from India to help test our e-commerce platform's product payment process. The task involves placing test orders on our platform, where you will pay 101 INR through Paytm. This p...payment made for the test order is included in your compensation for this task. Requirements: Must be located in India. Must have experience shopping online on Indian e-commerce platforms. Strong attention to detail and the ability to provide constructive feedback. Good written communication skills in English. Duration: This is a one-time task, and we expect all 5 reports to be completed within 7 days. If you're interested and meet the requirements, please apply with your availability and any ...
...managing a community of volunteers. This program should allow volunteers to: - View their upcoming appointments - See a meeting and all the assigned duties - Initiate a duty swap with available peers The back-end should be written in Rust (go-lang is OK). A mobile app version for both iOS and Android is also desirable. The app should include user authentication via Email and Password, without integration with social media platforms for login. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Rust for back-end development - Experience in full-stack web and mobile app development - Knowledge of creating user authentication systems - Familiarity with scheduling and swapping functionalities in an app - Previous work on a project involving volunteers or commun...
I need a professional to redesign my existing WiX website. The goal is to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of the site. FREELANCERS WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WITH WIX DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND AND WILL BE IGNORED - Evaluation: Start with assessing the current website layout and user experience. - Design: Implement design improvements, focusing on the color scheme, typography, and image usage. - Responsiveness: Ensure the redesigned website is fully responsive across all devices. - Content Maintenance: Keep the existing website content during the transition. - Positioning: Adjust key content for better visibility to enhance user engagement. The website currently features marketing, form, video, gallery, and other elements. One specific area of focus is improving the...
I need a small web scraping project to extract property listings from the site: ******************* The script should be able to scrape the following details from each property listing: - Property address - Price - Description The ideal freelan...from the site: ******************* The script should be able to scrape the following details from each property listing: - Property address - Price - Description The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with Scrapy and web scraping in general. The code needs to be runnable by myself on a virtual server, which I can rent if necessary. It should be capable of running daily, without any captchas but with some tricks to bypass potential obstacles on the site. Please provide me with an estimation for this micro-project. ...
I'm seeking to buy old Google Play consoles (2023 and earlier) for the purpose of launching new apps. Key details: - Budget: $800 for consoles with live app, $400 for those without - I'm a consistent buyer and can purchase as many consoles as you have - There's no specific regional preference as to where the consoles are registered, any region will do Ideal candidates for this project are those who have access to multiple old Google Play consoles. Experience in sourcing tech products, particularly gaming or app-related consoles, would be advantageous. Please feel free to reach out if you have consoles available for sale.
...support page for FAQs, tutorials, and troubleshooting. - Include contact options (email, chat, or in-app ticket system). - Make the support page accessible from the settings menu. 8. Share Functionality Update - Allow sharing videos and images directly to popular platforms (Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat). - Generate shareable links with previews. - Add customizable sharing options (e.g., with or without watermarks). 9. Multi-Language Support - Implement internationalization (i18n) with support for key languages like Spanish, Chinese, French, etc. - Include an option for users to select their preferred language in the settings. - Test UI layouts for languages with different text directions (e.g., Arabic, Hebrew). 10. Add Firebase Crashlytics (New) - Integrate Firebase Crashlyti...
I'm in need of a ready-made OnePlus flashing tool. It should possess the following capabilities: - Unlocking the bootloader - Installing custom ROMs The tool should be compatible with all OnePlus models (OnePlus 8, 9, 10, etc.). Additionally, it needs to come with a simple graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI should be user-friendly, without being overly complicated. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience with developing or working with flashing tools - Familiarity with OnePlus devices - Skills in GUI design and development
...domains. Test and Verify: Conduct thorough testing to ensure the mail server operates without errors. Provide detailed documentation of all changes and configurations made during the process. Requirements: Proven expertise with Postfix mail server and Plesk panel. Strong knowledge of email protocols (SMTP, IMAP, POP3) and security configurations (SPF, DKIM, DMARC). Experience in configuring email clients like Gmail to work with hosted mail servers. Availability to start immediately and complete the task promptly. Domains Affected: This job involves multiple domains hosted on the same server. Details will be provided after the project is awarded. Deliverables: Fully operational Postfix mail server without errors. Properly configured email rerouting for Gmail integration. ...
Job Title: Part-Time Full Stack Developer for Web Applications Job Type: Part-Time Hours: 4 hours daily, 5 days a week Salary: $450 USD per month Job Description: We are looking for a talented and reliable Full Stack Developer to join our team on a part-time basis. You will be responsible for developing, maintaining, and optimizing web applications. This role is ideal for someone who enjoys building innovative solutions and has a keen eye for detail. Responsibilities: Design and develop scalable and efficient web applications. Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Collaborate with the team to define and implement new features. Debug and resolve issues across the stack. Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability. Stay updated with emerging trends and techn...
I'm experiencing an iss...suggests that there might be a missing Repository service or an issue with the AuthenticationSupport dependencies. The specific error is: " handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request." Here is some additional information about my AEM instance: - It is running on a cloud service - The system has been stable without any recent updates or changes - It uses Basic Authentication as the authentication method Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge in troubleshooting Adobe AEM instances - Experience working with cloud service platforms - Proficiency in understanding and resolving issues related to Basic Authentication in AEM Note: The service is running on CentOS
I will stress test the website. I will test the response rate, latency, error rate for the website, and the maximum number of users that can result in performance degrade. I will also stress test the website including maximum number of users simultaneously and total number of users that the website allows. The first report will be in 5th day and the second report will be in 10 days.
...side, always before sunset and always 20 minutes after sunset, they observe the new moon with binoculars and telescope, enter data on a laptop while they are up in that mountain environment... walking, camera from multiple angles, drone footage and these listed scenes if they can be mountains from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bjelašnica, Igman, Vlašić, Jahorina) to put some nasheed without music, some sound effects (without music) of walking, stepping, wind, sounds of nature, night sounds, animations, textual presentations "Gledanje mlađaka Bosna i Hercegovina" --> this means "seeing new moon Bosnia and Herzegoina", website "", always people who are shown to be decent dressed and wearing modest, baggy clothes, they have beards on t...
...professional to deploy the SaaS Boilerplate from the provided GitHub repository on AWS . The deployment should follow standard procedures without any custom configurations. Key Responsibilities: - Thoroughly read the documentation provided in the GitHub repository to understand the deployment process. - Perform a standard deployment of the code on AWS. Requirements: - Proven experience with AWS,. - Familiarity with GitHub and ability to understand technical documentation. - Ability to follow standard deployment procedures without custom configurations. Skills and Experience: - AWS EC2 Deployment - GitHub Proficiency - Technical Documentation Interpretation - Standard
...The suggested name should have an available .com domain or be purchasable for a maximum of $1,000 • Logo: Creativity, modern and professional design, and alignment with technology and cloud services concepts 10. Participation Rules: • Each designer has only 3 chances to participate; repeated submissions will not be accepted. • You must create a story for the name and logo you find; submissions without a brand story will be rejected. • The winning contestant's submitted brand name, design, and story will belong to our company with all rights. • No mockup submissions will be accepted; we only want to see the name + logo + story, nothing more. Mockup submissions will be directly rejected. • The winning contestant is obliged to deliver all design f...
...annotations: - A bounding box tightly encompassing the hand. - A point annotation precisely marking the wrist area. Deliverable Requirements: - The annotations must be accurate and consistent across all images. - Deliverables should be provided in COCO or YOLO format, including both the bounding box and the wrist point annotation. Project Timeline: - The annotations must be completed within 4 days of project acceptance. Budget: - Our budget for this project is $200. Skills Required: - Experience in image annotation, data labeling, or similar tasks. - Proficiency with annotation tools like CVAT, LabelImg, or equivalent. - Knowledge of COCO and YOLO formats is a must. Additional Notes: - Please share examples of previous annotation work you’ve done, especially with...
Russian Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Russian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 66 short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $3 dollar for 66 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
Title: Need a Freelancer to Create a Personal Google Knowledge Panel Job Description: I am looking for an experienced freelancer who can help me create a verified Google Knowledge Panel and establish other professional profiles...Google’s guidelines for verification. Provide guidance on maintaining and updating the panel. Requirements: Proven experience in creating and verifying Google Knowledge Panels. Familiarity with Google’s policies and guidelines. Strong understanding of SEO and personal branding. Ability to demonstrate past successful projects (please provide examples). Excellent communication skills. Deadline: 4–5 days If you’re interested, please send your proposal with relevant experience and examples of similar work. Let’s work together to...
(Not an AI project, AI-generated content will be rejected!!!) "Designers, please see the attached photo." Project Overview: We are looking for a simple yet elegant logo for our brand "Forezo Honey." The logo should reflect a sense of luxury and exclusivity, fitting for a premium honey brand. It should be minimalistic, modern, and use only one color. Additionally, we would ...should be presented in a simple and modern style. - Theme: The overall theme should highlight nature and authenticity while also emphasizing the luxury and premium nature of the product. Elements like bees, hives, and trees should enhance the natural and organic feel of the brand. - File Formats: We need the final logo in JPG, PNG (with transparent background), and SVG (for scalability ...
Please do not apply if you understand the following. [ Purpose ] : My Brushless ESC integrated to Flight Controller(FC) is lower current than 20A. I want to use independent another 40A ESC without any modification of Brushless ESC integrated to Flight Controller. [ Connection Diagram ] Brushless 20A ESC integrated to FC -> out signal(three phase power) of ESC -> Module (need to develop) -> pwm signal(+5v) -> ESC 40A -> output signal -> Brushless motor [ Todo list ] : 1. Schematic(Arduino and so on) and Firmware, Technical Document for Converting Input Signal to Output Signal - Input Signal : Output signal(three phase power) of one Drone Brushless ESC - Output Signal : Control Signal(PWM/+5v) to control another Drone Brushless ESC
I'm seeking assistance in configuring the Task Scheduler on my AWS machine. The task involves running a Python script on a daily basis. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS, particularly in task scheduling - Proficiency in Python scripting - Experience with AWS machine configuration The ideal freelancer would have a strong background in cloud computing and Python with proven exper...Python script on a daily basis. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS, particularly in task scheduling - Proficiency in Python scripting - Experience with AWS machine configuration The ideal freelancer would have a strong background in cloud computing and Python with proven experience in configuring task schedulers on AWS. Your main task will be to ensure the Python script runs correctly every day wi...
...bcz of the following reason: Precision and Creativity: I specialize in creating detailed and eye-catching vector art that stands out. Tailored to Your Vision: Your ideas and preferences are my top priority. I work closely with clients to ensure the final product aligns perfectly with their expectations. Quick Turnaround: I understand the value of your time and always deliver projects promptly without compromising quality. Unlimited Scalability: My vector designs are resolution-independent, ensuring they look perfect on any medium – from tiny icons to massive billboards. Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed: I’m committed to making sure you’re 100% satisfied with the final design. Let’s bring your vision to life with a design that truly represents your brand o...
...query to determine the exact address based on the geographical location. If no district data is available, provide an "Other" option. Store address, including region, city, and district. Store status, selectable from a predefined list (e.g., operational, under maintenance, opening soon). Store type, selectable from a predefined list (e.g., mall, part of a small market, standalone shop). Working days (multi-select). Daily working hours. Main products (multi-select from a predefined list). Sub-products (dependent on selected main products). Sales method, selectable from a list (e.g., only two options). Storefront image upload (allow users to upload an image). Contact phone number. Store email. Acknowledgment checkbox 1. Acknowledgment checkbox 2. Acknowledgment checkbox 3...
I need a freelancer to help me copy and list 300 Ebay products on my NopCommerce website. The project involves copying product details, prices, images, and other specifications from the source to my site. Key Requirements: - Copy and pa...from the source to my site. Key Requirements: - Copy and paste product information such as Title, Specifications, Details, Price, Item ID, and Reviews. - Select appropriate product categories. - Add meta keywords and meta descriptions. - Format product specifications in bullet points as per my requirements. - Use only high-resolution images as specified. The task needs to be completed within 3 days. Prior experience with NopCommerce and data entry is crucial for this job. Attention to detail is essential to ensure all listings are accurate and...
...Please Note:- ADHERING TO THESE STRICT REQUIREMENTS IS CRUCIAL TO DELIVER THE HIGHEST QUALITY RECORDINGS FOR OUR ADVANCED TEXT-TO-SPEECH MODEL DEVELOPMENT Preferred Practices: 1. Ensure no pauses within the speech and no heavy breathing for smooth, continuous recordings. 2. Clean up any retakes, click sounds, and lip-smacking. 3. Retain natural breathing sounds. 4. Maintain a normal speech pace without rushing. Additional Information: 1. Type: Project-based, remote opportunity. 2. Suitability: Ideal for professional voiceover artists who can meet the above-mentioned technical standards. Usage Rights: The recorded samples will be used exclusively to train and improve our AI model. They will not be used for commercial audio reproduction, distribution, or as standalone copyrighte...
...Please Note:- ADHERING TO THESE STRICT REQUIREMENTS IS CRUCIAL TO DELIVER THE HIGHEST QUALITY RECORDINGS FOR OUR ADVANCED TEXT-TO-SPEECH MODEL DEVELOPMENT Preferred Practices: 1. Ensure no pauses within the speech and no heavy breathing for smooth, continuous recordings. 2. Clean up any retakes, click sounds, and lip-smacking. 3. Retain natural breathing sounds. 4. Maintain a normal speech pace without rushing. Additional Information: 1. Type: Project-based, remote opportunity. 2. Suitability: Ideal for professional voiceover artists who can meet the above-mentioned technical standards. Usage Rights: The recorded samples will be used exclusively to train and improve our AI model. They will not be used for commercial audio reproduction, distribution, or as standalone copyrighte...
...Please Note:- ADHERING TO THESE STRICT REQUIREMENTS IS CRUCIAL TO DELIVER THE HIGHEST QUALITY RECORDINGS FOR OUR ADVANCED TEXT-TO-SPEECH MODEL DEVELOPMENT Preferred Practices: 1. Ensure no pauses within the speech and no heavy breathing for smooth, continuous recordings. 2. Clean up any retakes, click sounds, and lip-smacking. 3. Retain natural breathing sounds. 4. Maintain a normal speech pace without rushing. Additional Information: 1. Type: Project-based, remote opportunity. 2. Suitability: Ideal for professional voiceover artists who can meet the above-mentioned technical standards. Usage Rights: The recorded samples will be used exclusively to train and improve our AI model. They will not be used for commercial audio reproduction, distribution, or as standalone copyrighte...