Drupal 8 webform handler jobber
Trenger hjelp til å oversette 2 pdf filer. Oppsettet må være identisk til hvordan det er nå, og oversettelsen nøyaktig, ettersom det handler om brannsikkerhet.
Hei, jeg holder på med et prosjekt som handler om å lage et enklere grensesnitt for eldre mennesker slik at de kan bruke mobilbank app på mobilen. Det blir lettere også for dem å holde oversikt over deres økonomi og ta imot teknologi som de ikke har så kjennskap til. Jeg vil gjerne at prosjektet lages i figma eller Adobe xd så fort som mulig, helst ferdig iløpet av dagen idag eller imorgen på formiddagen. Prosjektet tar ikke mer enn 1-2 timer dersom du har kjennskap og erfaring med figma eller Adobe xd
Driver et advokatfirma og vil lage en ny side som gjelder arbeidsrett. Vi bistår både firmaer og private personer. Ønsker 1) en delikat forside 2.) 6-8 undersider om temaer 3) et kontaktskjema på første side - ønsker et moderne og delikat og brukervennlig design Law firm wants to create a new site that deals with employment law. We assist both companies and private individuals. Want 1) a delicate front page 2.) 6-8 subpages on themes 3) a contact form on the first page - want a modern and delicate and user-friendly design
Hej.... här kommer de 42st artiklarna. =)
jeg vil lage en app som handler om mat, jeg vil at man skal kunne skrive hva man har i kjøleskap og ut av hva man skriver få opp oppskrifter med retter man kan lage,slikk at man kaster minst mulig mat, og man for mest mulig ut av de varen man kjøper. men jeg har kun ideen , og jeg trenger hjelp med det jeg vil selvfølgelig kunne ta betalt for at folk skal bruke appen.
hei:) jeg trenger hjelp til å lage ett spill som kan legges ut på app store, det jeg tenker på er ett krigsspill, der hver person ...å lage ett spill som kan legges ut på app store, det jeg tenker på er ett krigsspill, der hver person må bygge opp sine baser, og tropper, samt bygge ting inne i basen.( kan være alt fra sykehus til radarstajon osv) helst ett online spill. personer kan spille alene, men må også kunne lage egne alianser i spille, og joine. etterhvert når person bygger ting så får han xp poeng og ranks, det hele handler om å bygge seg stor. spille vil være gratis, men person kan kjøpe f eks gull for å øke hastigheter på byggninger, tropper, forskning. ideen...
Hi, I need a database & mobile app to be created where I can enter the below details: 1. Customer Name 2. Phone (H): 3. Phone(M): 4. Email: 5. Delivery Option : (radio button to select “Pick-up” or “Delivery”) 6. Address: (if delivery option is “Delivery” then should ask to put address) a. Address Line 1 b. Address Line 2 c. Suburb 7. Date of Delivery: 8. Time of Delivery: 9. Order: (Drop down list – details will be provided) 10. Pre-Payment: (check-box) 11. Source of Referral: With delivery date and time I need build in a logic to be put in place. If there is already and order in that time slot then it should not allow to book the order, and should give them option of next available time slot. (Order interval will be 30...
Hi, I need a database & mobile app to be created where I can enter the below details: 1. Customer Name 2. Phone (H): 3. Phone(M): 4. Email: 5. Delivery Option : (radio button to select “Pick-up” or “Delivery”) 6. Address: (if delivery option is “Delivery” then should ask to put address) a. Address Line 1 b. Address Line 2 c. Suburb 7. Date of Delivery: 8. Time of Delivery: 9. Order: (Drop down list – details will be provided) 10. Pre-Payment: (check-box) 11. Source of Referral: With delivery date and time I need build in a logic to be put in place. If there is already and order in that time slot then it should not allow to book the order, and should give them option of next available time slot. (Order interval will be 30...
Hei jimlei. Jeg driver med et prosjekt som handler om å lage en nettside med mulighet for innlogging til brukere. Det er rettet mot en spesifikk industri, så det jeg jobber med nå er å få laget en prototype av denne nettsiden slik at jeg får testet om dette er noe som folk vil faktisk ta i bruk eller ikke. Kunnskapen min med webutvikling er altfor liten og jeg har merket, etter å ha prøvd i ca 2 mnd, at dette blir for vanskelig. Jeg er veldig interessert i webutvikling, og ville gjerne tatt meg god tid for å lære det, men sannheten er at det er viktigere å få laget denne prototypen i gang så fort som mulig. Derfor kontakter jeg deg, for å vite om dette er noe du er interessert i å vite mer om ...
i need Iso auditord email data ,VSRPcmpt%3Atrans_nav&openFacets=N,G,CC&f_G=in%3A0&page_num=8&pt=people
En app med muligheten for å legge inn alt du bruker penger på hver eneste dag.rnAlt må kategoriseres. men det må være enkelt og det må gå fort å legge inn.rnForbruk, regninger, husleie, boliglån - alt må kunne legges inn fortløpende.rnman må også kunne legge inn inntekter. lønn, premier, barnebidrag, presanger o.l.rnDet må også være mulighet for å "tagge" steder man handler på, altså legge inn de stedene man bruker penger, eventuelt skrive det inn selv.rnDet skal også være mulighet for selskaper og produsenter å ha reklame på appen.rndet sakl være mulig å sende ukentlig og månedlig rapport til e-ma...
Jeg trenger et spill som handler om nordlys.(nothern lights) spillet skal i utgangspunktet vise til hvordan nordlyset blir til, utvikler seg og beveger seg. bruker skal kunne selv laget et nordlys ved og blande stoffene/gassene sammen. men også skal bruker kunne se på et kart hvor det er størst sjanse for å se nordlyset. jeg vil ha en åpningen av app skal vises til en skyfri himmel av stjerner slik stjernehimmelen er i dag. bruker, blander stoffene på den skyfrie himmelen og får frem nordlyset i forskjellig skarpheter. bruker skal kunne lagre bilde, video og se det fantastiske nordlyset.
男女均可 , 有活力 , 必須懂得使用 Whatsapp 聯絡工作 工作時間 : 8:00am – 11:00pm 任可時段 彈性工作時間 歡迎瀏覽我們 facebook 網頁
Project Link: Online Portfolio: Monkey Feet YouTube Link: TETÉU-ANIMATED FOOTBALL ASSISTANT FOR LIVE UPDATES- FOOTBALL 2014 Teteu-Animated Football Assistant YouTube Link: Website: Natwork Flow v=GNTcY01wwUE ArenasBands
Trenger hjelp med å skrive inhold for en nettside. Handler om flytting, renhold og transport tjenester.
appen skal fungere både på iphone og ipad fra ios 5 til ios 8 Biblen er ferdig oversatt så teksten har jeg det er bare å lime den inn har også musikk og bilder. og appen skal lages som en page based application
Web siden må inneholde følgen. lett og oversiktlig. lett for kunder å registrere seg. mulighet for reklame på siden. database med de 8 største byene i Norge.(med steds navn) mulighet for å registrere boenheter på siden mot betaling. Kunde profil.(den som registerer seg).utleier eller leietaker. automatisk mail til mulig leietaker når en leilighet er ledig på ønsket bo sted. søke motor for leiligheter i norge ! Lett for administrator å oppdatere. lett å bruke !
Vil gjerne ha et nytt friskt design til nettsiden min, ( ser ut som i bilde 1). Det handler om mafiaspill,så det skal være mørkt, men fasinerende på andre måter også. Jeg liker veldig godt designet på bilde2, men må være en fri også. All css designet som er generelt i spillet kommer fra en fil som har navnet
Vi ønsker en skribent for et av europas største seksuelle nettsteder. Nettstedet har over 600 000 sidevisninger pr mnd og har flere tusen treff pr dag. Hovedtemaet for siden er cukoldry og swingers og vi ønsker at vedkommende skal skrive 6-8 artikler pr mnd som omhandler både generelt sex og samliv og cuckoldry og swingers. Det ønskes at skribenten skal ha noe kunnskap om emnene men det er ikke et krav. Hovedforutsetningen er at artiklene skal være godt skrevet og på norsk.
Vi sø...betalingen vi kan tilby er noe begrenest. Prosjektinformasjon: 1. Prosjektlengden er 5-7 uker (kan forhandles) 2. 50,000 ord (kan forhandles) 3. Flytende norsk er et krav 4. Evne til å arbeide selvstendig med en positiv holdning 5. Evne til selv å prioritere arbeidet og overholde deadlines 6. Grunnleggende kjennskap til SEO er et pluss 7. Sterke dataferdigheter og god erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbeider hjemmefra og sender inn arbeidet sitt via email Betaling: Lønnen starter på 2,500 kroner og kan forhandles ytterligere på bakgrunn av erfaringsnivå og hvor lang tid prosjektet tar/arbeidsmengde. Dette prosjektet starter fortløpende. Etter å ha mottatt din søknad vil vi kontakte deg snare...
...avmerker/produkter til vår hjemmeside. Prosjektinformasjon: 1. Prosjektlengden er 5-7 uker (kan forhandles) 2. 50,000 ord (kan forhandles) 3. Flytende norsk er et krav 4. Evne til å arbeideselvstendig med en positiv holdning 5. Evne til selv å prioritere arbeidet og overholde deadlines 6. Grundleggende kjennskap til SEO er et pluss 7. Sterke dataferdigheter og god erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbeider hjemmefra og sender inn arbeidet sitt via email Betaling: Lønnen starter på 2,300 kroner og kan forhandles ytterligere på bakgrunn av erfaringsnivå og hvor lang tid prosjektet tar/arbeidsmengde. Du kan inkludére linker til eksempler på dine skriveferdigheter (artikler krediteret til deg foretrekkes) i di...
...detaljerte beskrivelser avmerker/produkter til vår hjemmeside. Prosjektinformasjon: 1. Prosjektlengden er 5-7 uker (kan forhandles) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytende norsk er et krav 4. Evne til å arbeideselvstendig meden positiv holdning 5. Evne til selv å prioritere arbeidetogoverholde deadlines 6. Grundleggende kjennskap til SEO er et pluss 7. Sterke dataferdigheter og god erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbeider hjemmefra og sender inn arbeidet sitt via email Betaling: Lønnen starter på 2,300 kroner og kan forhandles ytterligere på bakgrunn av erfaringsnivå og hvor lang tid prosjektet tar. Inkludér linker til eksempler på dine skriveferdigheter (artikler krediteret til deg foretrekkes) i din CV. Dette prosje...
85a E-SHOP 18-07-2013 job 85a (eigen foto's) 42 $2,00 $84,00 85b E-SHOP 24-07-2013 job 85b (eigen foto's) 109 $2,00 $218,00 85c E-SHOP 24-07-2013 job 85c (sites) 8 $1,00 $8,00 85d E-SHOP 26-07-2013 job 85d (eigen foto's) 65 $2,00 $130,00 85e E-SHOP 26-07-2013 job 85e (sites & flatshoot) 10 $1,00 $10,00 85f E-SHOP 30-07-2013 job 85f (boxers re-shoot) 87 $2,00 $174,00 85g E-SHOP 01-08-2013 job 85g (eigen foto’s) 84 $2,00 $168,00 total e-commerce project of 85a-g, for a grand total of 792 dollar
Hello, I need the following in urdu. Shama restaurant Dahi Barey Falooda Pakorey Mango Lassi Special goat Karahi Special Chicken Biryani Shama Restaurant ki taraf sey sub ko Ramzan Mubarik Masjid Omer ,+Brooklyn,+NY+11235&ie=UTF-8&ei=-PPaUf3QCe3F4AOS3YFY&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg Islamic Center of Brighton Beach Kalma Thanks Tahir
I'm looking for a contemporary design in round and square shape for Khakhra. Khakhra is a food item and basically traditiional item from Gujarat, India. Khakhra is basicall in round shape size 7.50 Inch. So I need round shape sticker size of 4 inch diameter and box size is 8*8*1.5 inch. require both design in eye catchie colour. Our brand name is "BAA - NA" which is our registered trademark but i didnt make its logo, So plan accordingly. Our food item is pure vegetarian so need veg symbole also as per indian policy. We also have FASSAI liscence. This design should be minimalist yet modern, appealing to a wide audience. It should incorporate our brand logo, some flavor text, and nutritional information in a way that's clear, engaging, and visually appe...
I'm seeking experienced English tutors for middle school students focusing on reading and writing according to US ELA standards for Grades 6-8.
...). The main functionalities to implement are cash-in, cash-out, transfer via PIX and report. Your expertise would ensure seamless transactions and enhance the overall efficiency of the gateway. Key requirements: - Integration of PIX API into Walletium - Implementation of cash-in, cash-out, transfer via PIX and report functionalities - Software Framework : Laravel - Software Version: PHP 8.x, MySQL 5.x Preferred libraries: - PIXUP () - TOPPAY ( password:xtsq) Skills and experience: - Proficient in API integrations - Familiar with Walletium and its functionalities - Experience with PIXUP and TOPPAY libraries - Experience with Laravel, PHP and MySQL - The freelancer must inform
...though, it is on the 22nd of February, we would like to collaborate and fully organize the ‘CrewZ’ as well we the even with “Dirab” with full approval from the Ministry of Sports and the “Saudi Automobile & Motorcycle Federation” (i.e., I have their full support in regards to this event). The Event: Dirab & CrewZNatioN FOUNDATION DAY - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21st 2025 Phase 1 The Event will begin at 8 am on Friday, February 21st, 2025. The meet will being at Tala Mall & we will start our ‘CrewZ to “Dirab” at 9:30 AM – We will begin our ‘CrewZ’ at the Northern Ring Road and from there we will enter Makkah Road and from there we will continue our ‘CrewZ’ to “Dirab Pa...
...engine. - Ensure seamless distribution of orders across multiple instances. - Handle remaining unmatched orders by updating the order book. Requirements: - Strong proficiency in JavaScript. - Experience with Grenache or similar P2P communication tools. - Familiarity with Node.js and asynchronous programming. - Understanding of order-matching logic. - Ability to work independently and deliver within 6-8 hours. Nice to Have: - Knowledge of race condition handling in distributed systems. - Experience working with decentralized applications (DApps). Project Constraints: - No UI or HTTP API development is needed. - No database or filesystem storage required. - Focus on functionality over completeness. Deliverables: - Clean, well-commented JavaScript code. - Documentation of what i...
...Deliverables 1. PLECS simulation of AC-DC converter and DC - DC converter 1. Overall system design and modules 2. Schematic of each module in Altium 3. Power module PCB Design (same form factor as ATX) and BOM 4. Controller PCB as daughter board 5. Firmware for the controller (incremental changes from the reference design) 6. CANBus/Ethernet interface 7. Adding 3 phase AC contactor to the reference design 8. Thermal Analysis 9. Load testing All the designs, modules, firmware should be checked in to
Opportunity for experienced Laravel developers to work on our projects. Also, should be able to complete the tasks in quicker time, All bugs are to be fixed free of charge. Please send your answers for the ...experience you have in Laravel software development? 3. How many years of Industry experience you have in Vue software development? 4. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel + Vue software development? 5. What are your other skills and capabilities? 6. Are you employed anywhere now and if as in which capacity and responsibilities? 7. What is your lowest expected monthly salary in USD? 8. What is your No of working days per week? 9. What is your No of working hours per day? 10. Are you ready to work on the project wise (hourly rate based on the above monthl...
...response. 5. Data Handling: • The model should work with a pre-fed database or custom datasets provided during runtime. 6. Integration: • Compatible with peripherals like Raspberry Pi cameras, microphones, and speakers. • Use Python or C++ for integration with Raspberry Pi 5. 7. Preferred Frameworks: • TensorFlow Lite, PyTorch Mobile, or similar lightweight frameworks suitable for edge devices. 8. Documentation & Support: • Provide complete documentation for setup, deployment, and use. • Offer basic post-delivery support for debugging and minor changes. Deliverables: • A fully functional and optimized LLM model compatible with Raspberry Pi 5. • Scripts/codebase for data feeding and model training (if required). • Inte...
...can upload videos, select CG characters, and replace actors automatically. 6. Real-Time Rendering: Support real-time or near real-time rendering (free for business). 7. Must work fast on my server and on Windows 10 and higher computers. Must be able to save all work as an MP4 and highest quality and resolution for YouTube video uploads. It must render my videos and CG Characters in high resolution. 8. I have my own CG Character. I don't need any CG Characters made. This program must work perfectly with my CG Characters and any new CG Characters I have made for me. 9. It must allow me unlimited use and video creation with any of my CG Characters. It must allow for unlimited CG Characters to be used in my videos. Deliverables: 1. A platform capable of replacing live-action ac...
...range I would like to analyze 1Hz to 300GHz. The antennas must be directional antennas. The devices need to be handheld portable size that are inexpensive and easy to assemble and get working. And you will provide any other part information and assembly instructions I might need that I did not think of. You will provide and easy to assemble and power source that is portable and will last at least 8 hours. You will teach me how to assemble the technology, install the program, use the technology, and get it working properly. I will need to know how many SDR's would be needed and the links and pricing to all parts and they must be available in the United States. If I encounter assembly problems or difficulties you will guide me through the process step by step. You must si...
I'm looking for a creative freelancer...specifically Facebook and Instagram. Key Focus Areas: - Quality and Taste: Highlight the superior quality and delicious taste of our mangoes. - Health Benefits: Showcase the numerous health benefits of consuming mangoes. - Origin and Sourcing: Educate viewers about where our mangoes come from and the sourcing process. - Copyright free background audio/music - Update 1 video to be split into 2 reels + 8 new creative reels with my brand logo/branding. - IP rights for the videos created for me needs to be transferred to me. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in video editing and social media marketing, with a knack for creating engaging, promotional content. Experience in food promotion, particularly fruit, would be a si...
Ho fatto un rilievo 3d con matterport di un edificio di 4 piani fuori terra, 8 appartamenti più garage interrati. Ho la nuvola di punti e vorrei un file di revit standard, solo porte finestre, muri con le giuste stratigrafie. Fra un mese, ma questo sarà valutato dopo, avrò bisogno dei render.
... - Survey Creation: Create a feedback survey using GHL’s survey tool or integrate Google Forms. Include questions about the service quality, customer satisfaction, and areas for improvement. 7. Categorize Feedback: -Organize feedback into categories (e.g., service quality, punctuality, organization, time management, communication etc.) to pinpoint specific areas that may need adjustments. 8. Reputation Management: -Automated Review Requests: After a first time wash service is completed or any detail service and feedback is collected, send an automated request for a review. Use GHL to send links to our Google My Business. Responding to Reviews: Develop an automated strategy for responding to both positive and negative reviews. Thank clients for positive feedback a...
I'm seeking a skilled academic writer to develop a thorough paper comparing the Psychological and Sociocultural models of addiction etiology. The paper should be structured in bl...develop a thorough paper comparing the Psychological and Sociocultural models of addiction etiology. The paper should be structured in block format and include: - A detailed description of each model - Comparative analyses - Critical evaluations - Discussions on how both models address treatment approaches for co-occurring disorders. The paper must adhere to APA style guidelines, span approximately 6-8 pages, and incorporate a minimum of 5 professional sources. Ideal candidates should have strong experience in academic writing, particularly in psychology and sociology, and a solid understanding of ...
Hi ApexWebCube, I need Marketing to a specific demographic within the united states. Please create milestones for the following: Off-page submission (Monthly task) 1- Article Submission 2- Social Bookmarking 3- Social profile submission 4- Local listing submission 5- Image submission 6- Classified submission 7- Search engine submission 8- Web 2.0 submissions 9- Syndication Submission
I'm looking for a professional who can create math assessments in both Word Document and Publisher for Grades 5, 7, 8, and 9. I will provide the topics and types of questions, as well as the textbook students are using to ensure the assessments are at the appropriate level. Key Responsibilities: - Create 1 assessment for each grade - Follow provided guidelines in terms of format, fonts, sizes, etc. - Produce 3-5 sample questions for review and approval before proceeding Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in both Word and Publisher - Prior experience in creating educational assessments - Strong understanding of math topics appropriate for Grades 5-9 - Excellent attention to detail and ability to follow specific instructions Please note, the types of questions will include a mix o...
I'm in search of a talented illustrator for my children's book, aimed at 6-8 year olds. The illustrations should be cartoonish, featuring human characters. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in creating engaging, cartoonish illustrations - Experience illustrating for children's books, particularly targeting the 6-8 age group - Ability to depict human characters in a fun and appealing way - Ability to draw African American children, especially their hair. The ideal candidate will understand the visual language that resonates with children and can bring my story to life through captivating illustrations. I have the main character designed but unbeknownst to me the person was using AI and could not duplicate the character for the rest of the book. I need someone ...
...uploaded the template but have no idea how to connect the video upload to Rumble. Essentially I need to make the website work. I need users to be able to do the following. 1. Create a profile 2. Upload videos 3. Share videos 4. Comment and like videos 5. Create logins for Creators (Creators videos automatically go to top of page and their profiles. 6. X Feeds page 7. Link all social media accounts 8. I need to be able to delete, pause, or approve of videos and content. 9. News can be added by Creators (Connect to Rumble not Youtube) 10. The buttons at the should match the buttons on the side. I'm looking for an experienced WordPress Elementor Pro specialist who can set up a corporate-style business site for me. Key Features: - A well-structured site with service pages...
- The site is made in drupal 7 - Please kindly have some experience in drupal 7 and the stripe api as i encountered some issues with bidders not having the necessary skill when awarded the project on the last listing Key Requirements - Be able to update content by automatically once payment has been received from stripe - Allow uses to see their current plan and upgrade if desired - Update account content type to suspended when subscription payment hasn't gone through for 1 week DETAILS We are looking for an experienced developer to help integrate Stripe's automated subscription payment system into our Drupal website. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Drupal and have a solid understanding of Stripe API and payment gateways. Requirements: ...
...with our information on it. This is the description you will be getting to put the video together: (Video 1 STriaght) Intro 1:03-1:34 (Video 1 Straight) ST summary 2:03-2:17 (Video 1 Straight) Googles rule 2:19-3:50 (Video 1 Straight) Dawn websites 4:30-4:36 (Video 2 R Side) 5:25-5:40, (Video 2 R Side) 5:41-5:50, (Video 2 R Side) 7:02-7:05 (Video 1 Straight) 7:07-7:19 (Video 1 Straight) 7:29-8:16 (Video 2 R Side) SEO 17:29-17-41 (Video 1 Straight) Google ads 17:43-18:51 (Video 1 Straight) Email marketing 19:45 – 20:43 (Video 2 R Side) Recap: 28:04 -28:40 (Video 1 Straight) Social media: 29:16 – 29:53 (Video 1 Straight) 30:44-31:01 (Video 1 Straight) 31:54-32:13 (Video 2 R Side) 32:52-33:19 (Video 1 Straight) 33:48-34:02 (Video 1 Straight) Kinds of posts: 34:41...
I'm looking for a video editor who can create three separate countdown video clips for me to overlay on my video. - Timer one: 4 seconds - Timer two: 7 seconds - Timer three: 8 seconds The countdown numbers should be in a minimalistic plain text style. If you have experience with video editing and can deliver high quality countdown clips in a timely manner, please get in touch. Thank you!
El proyecto es para entregarse en dos horas no busco persona improvisando Presupuesto 8 dólares Hola. Necesito el apoyo para hacer una hoja de cotización funcional en excel, pero con el diseño de imagen corporativa .png / .jpg colocada como fondo. El diseño corporativo de la hoja membretada ya la tenemos y abierto a sugerencias para una mejor solución.
6 case înșiruite, P + E, fiecare sa aiba L (fața și spatele casei) = 8 m , l (pereții comunii, laterali)= 7 m. Parterul să conțină bucătăria, locul de luat masa, living, baie, cămara. Etajul: 2 dormitoare cu o baie comună și un dormitor matrimonial cu dressing și baie proprie. Scara casei este interioară. În fața bucătărie și locului de luat masa, o mică terasă.
I'm looking for a skilled iOS developer to create a minimalistic, user-friendly app for monitoring moisture levels via Arduino sensors. The app will connect with 1 to 8 sensors over Wi-Fi, displaying their readings on a grid layout. Key Features: - User can set a default moisture level - Visual feedback: table turns red when moisture exceeds the set level, stays green when below - Option to display readings from 1, 4, or all 8 sensors - Push notifications alerting the user to changes in moisture levels Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in iOS app development - Prior work with IoT (Internet of Things) applications is a plus - Strong understanding of minimalistic design principles - Experience implementing push notifications in apps - Knowledge of creating...
I'm in the process of creating a children's book tailored for readers aged 4-8 and am seeking a seasoned illustrator, ideally located in the UK, to translate my ideas into vibrant illustrations. The illustrations should be: - Cartoonish in style, appealing to the target age group - Colorful and lively, designed to engage and captivate young readers - Depicting a child as the main character, along with various animals and elements of nature The project entails creating illustrations for: - 32 pages of the book, including both the cover and the inner pages. If you're interested in this project, I would love to review some of your previous work that aligns with this style. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you. Thank you for your time. Best rega...