Converter layout php para html jobber
Er i oppstartsfasen av en universal nettbutikk, men trenger å endre design til noe mer etter min smak. Noe som er simpelt, elegant, brukervennlig men også proffesjonelt. Jeg har god kunnskap om data generelt, men lite om HTML/CSS/etc. Viktig at det er brukervennlig CMS slik at jeg kan endre på layout/design, legge til og fjerne produkter osv. Bruker Shopify som plattform. Har anbud ute på flere freelancer nettsider som Upwork, Fiverr osv. Så legger ut her kun for å se prissammenligninger og hvor bred ekspertise det er å skille mellom. Ønsker en fastpris og vi blir enige om tidsramme samt hva som skal bli gjort så vi begge er fornøyde og unngår misforståelser. Kan fint komme på Zoom/Skype/andre ...
Hi freelander. Do you know php? Do you know Mailgun? Do you know how to convert html code into a pdf file? I have a system developed in Scriptcase, which is a framework for code generation and php coding. I have been trying to access Mailgun from my system, using API. This worked for a while, but now I get errors and meet different challenges. I have tried to move to a different webserver , but my skills are limited on this and I need help. Before sending the email, I am trying to convert a html code into a pdf file. This pdf file is ment to be an attachment in the email. After upgrading to php 8.1, this also does not work any more, but result in an error message. Helping me to fix this, is also a part of the project. I need help from someo...
Jeg trenger et script som kan utføre diverse automatiske oppgaver som blant annet, 1. overvåking av domeneportefølje - Informere om enhver status endring. 2. Flytte domener til nye abonnenter. 3. Registrere nye domener. 4. Automatisk Whois og liste definert informasjon etc.. Dette er i grove trekk det jeg trenger. Jeg vet det finnes mange delte gratis script, det er helt ok for meg å bruke open source script, så lenge resultatet er velfungerende.
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Heisann! Jeg kommer fra en bedrift som heter Tenfjord Industrier, og vi er på jakt etter noen som kan gi vår eksisterende nettside en mer profesjonell og finere layout. Nettsiden vi har idag er: Programmet vi bruker er Wordpress. Vi har idag en person som har laget siden og gjør jevnlige oppdateringer, men vi trenger noen som går inn på nettsiden og lager den mest mulig profesjonell og oversiktelig (gjerne med fine slidere/og funksjoner); altså en engangsjobb. Vi er ikke ute etter ekstra fasiliteter (handlekurv osv), vi vil kun ha de fasiliteter som er på siden idag. Kan dere eventuelt logge inn på vår wordpress-bruker og gjøre endringer? Hva skal dere evt. ha for (engangs)-jobben? På forhå...
Jeg ønsker å starte en norsk nettside med profiler (en slags kontaktside tenkt for rundt 10000 personer). Forsiden av siden må ha innloggingsfelt med...siden skal være minimalistisk, hvit og enkel. Detaljene rundt hvor på siden ting skal være, kan vi ta når vi snakkes. Dette er altså en nettside for en minoritetsgruppe hvor tanken er at de skal kunne utveksle tips og annet og finne hverandre generelt og komme i kontakt. Bildet under er kun et eksempel. Mine ferdigheter: Jeg forstår noe html, men mine ferdigheter er ikke så mye å skryte av. Laget nettsider ved hjelp av Word, Frontpage og diverse ferdig html implenteringer for 15 år siden, så ja, jeg trenger hjelp til dette ;) Det må v&aeli...
Hei! Jeg har nettstedet Ønsker å oppgradere layouten på siden og gjøre den mer brukervennlig for administrator. - Jeg må selv kunne redigere siden. Ønsker at det blir lettere å legge ut nye innlegg og enklere å redigere innhold i sidebars, mm. Jeg vil bruke mer tid på å skrive og mindre tid på å jobbe med det tekniske på siden. - Fornuftig plassering av annonser - Menyen er ok, men ønsker å få mer ut av vinduet øverst på siden - Må fungere godt på mobil/ipad
Danske tekster som skal oversættes til norsk direkte i HTML.
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Fulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testingFulltime Live PHP Website for testing
VIKTIG! VEDKOMMENDE MÅ KUNNE NORSK. Trenger hjelp med noen småt...på logo (enkel jobb). 2. Trenger et elektronisk newsletter som kan sendes til kunder på e-post med knyttelse til mailchimp. Det er et nødlader vi selger ved navnet level+ 3. Trenger en banner med produktet vårt med alle tre farger. Vi har foreløpig bilder av produktet men disse er i hver sitt farge. (bilder og info samt noe tekst blir oversendt) 4. Om ønskelig og om du kan, vil vi gjerne ha et html hjemmeside som vi allerede har kjøpt hos som er bare å redigere, sette inn bilder og info med tekst. Hvis du kan gjøre alle punkter er vi villig til å gi 1500 kr men du vil få et fot innefor vår bransje som utgjør flere...
Iphone Restaurant App Iphone Restaurant App Iphone Restaurant App Iphone Restaurant App
Vi skal opprette en ny nettside for et styling/reklamebyrå. Tanken er at nettsiden skal være enkel å vedlikeholde og ønsker derfor å basere den på wordpress og et "theme" som må tilpasses. Sideoppsett: - forside: statisk side med 3-4 bilde i en "mosaikk" - portefølje: 1-4 sider med en layout som ligner pinterest (altså bilde-basert) - siste nytt: instagram-feed - om oss + kontakt oss: statiske sider med kontaktinformasjon Det er viktig at siden fungerer fint på telefon og at den er enkel å vedlikeholde. Eksempelvis så liker vi menyen og mobil-tilpassningen på denne nettsiden:
for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley for stanley
Dette er kun en idé j...alene eller studenter med et stramt budsjett i måneden. Kategori er mat og oppskrifter. Jeg vil helst snakke med interesserte på mail, ettersom jeg ikke ønsker å fortelle hele idéen til hvem som helst. Litt kjedelig å se at det finnes en applikasjon som er min idé neste uke. Trenger noen som kan utvikle applikasjoner (til både Android og iPhone er et stort pluss) Designe utseende og kode html (kan litt selv, men langt ifra nok til å ordne noe bra) Ønsker en enkel og lys farge som bakgrunn. Bildet skal være helt stille, ikke noen bevegelser. Dette kan føles som ubehagelig for noen. Trenger egentlig bare hjelp til å LAGE selve applikasjonen og å få ...
Looking for professional scripter, webhoster, php +++ NOR godta så kan vi snakke vidre på chat, mye lettere! pris og slik underher er bare noe random som står ! vi blir enige! MVH
Looking for professional scripter, webhoster, php +++ NOR godta så kan vi snakke vidre på chat, mye lettere! pris og slik underher er bare noe random som står ! vi blir enige! MVH
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i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
Vi er fire jenter på Roald Amundsen VGS i Oppegård som har ungt entreprenørskap i år. Vår ungdomsbedrift går ut på at vi skal lage en app som heter Først ut. Den skal fortelle kundene i god tid når butikkene i nærområdet vårt(Ski, Kolbotn, Vinterbro) kommer med salg og nyheter, slik at kundene kommer først ut ...entreprenørskap i år. Vår ungdomsbedrift går ut på at vi skal lage en app som heter Først ut. Den skal fortelle kundene i god tid når butikkene i nærområdet vårt(Ski, Kolbotn, Vinterbro) kommer med salg og nyheter, slik at kundene kommer først ut til godene. Vi har sett for oss hvordan appen kan se ut, men vi trenger noen til å...
i neen php script for instagram api , sql & OAuth Login with username instagram with my app Description script : Full View user's profile - Showing 10 random users with a button (follow) - Showing 10 users of image files randomly with Button (like) - When a user follow the script automatically follow you after some time. - When (like) image, the script is (like) image of the last your photos . If your account Private , script does not follow back or like back you All operations are stored to the database admin file Edit user Delete a user View Statistics Users view Private accounts Design For Browser and Mobile
Jeg har løpende arbeid relatert til vårt tidligere prosjekt'PHP Nuke Modul'
Jeg ønsker en skift kalender til iPhone/iPad for de som jobber offshore på rigg, samt for sjøfolk. Det finnes i dag flere slike på nett, men ingen til iPhone. Se på følgende link for som er en nettversjon av det jeg ønsker: I tillegg til de funksjonen...sette navn på den, slik at det f.eks. i toppen kommer "Ola Normann - 2013". Om mulig ønsker jeg også mulighet til å importere kalendere fra inntil 3 venner som også bruker samme kalender. Da må det være mulig å velge f.eks. forskjellige farger for hver person. Trenger du bilder som kan brukes som bakgrunn e.l. er det bare å gi beskjed så sender jeg over noen. Ellers står du fritt til design/layout. Nå...
Se busca responsable de catálogo ecommerce. Puedes ver todos los detalles del rol en el documento adjunto. Las habilidad...responsable de catálogo ecommerce. Puedes ver todos los detalles del rol en el documento adjunto. Las habilidades principales que se requieren son: - Buena capacidad lógica y de razonamiento - Mucha organización y buen manejo de Excel/Google Sheets - Ganas de trabajar y de aspirar a crecer profesionalmente El manejo de Amazon no es un requisito indispensable ya que te podemos formar internamente para usarlo. Es un ecommerce complejo de más de 600 productos personalizables por el usuario y requiere de alguien capaz, con muy buena organización y capacidad de razonamiento lógico bueno. Remuneración: Es un...
I'm seeking a professional to elevate our pitch deck's visual appeal and alignment with industry standards. The primary aim is to attract new investors. Key Areas of Focus: - Enhancing the visual design and layout of the pitch deck - Improving the presentation of charts and graphs - Upgrading the usage of images and icons - Refining the slides background and overall theme Ideal Candidates Should: - Have a strong background in visual design, specifically for business presentations - Possess an understanding of investor expectations and industry norms - Be skilled in creating engaging and compelling visual elements Your expertise will help transform our pitch deck into a more compelling, investor-friendly presentation.
I'm looking for a web designer with a knack for modern and artistic aesthetics to create a unique portfolio site for me. Key Responsibilities: - Design a creative and artistic portfolio website work. - Implement a modern and minimalistic style throughout the site, ensuring a professional touch. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web design and development. - Experience in creating portfolio websites. - Strong understanding of modern and minimalist design principles. - Ability to translate graphic designs into an engaging and interactive website. While I haven't specified a preferred layout for displaying my designs, I am open to suggestions that would best showcase my work. A visual understanding of design paired with technical skills will be key to the succ...
Presupuesto 30 dolares solo personas certificadas y de habla español Tengo una certificación de ingresos y un trabajo que me hizo una persona de los 12 meses del 2024 el punto es que no confío mucho en lo que me entrego por lo tanto busco una persona certifique y corrija o verifique o arregle en caso de ser necesario o agregue para dejar esto lo mejor posible sin alterar nada
...buscando un perfil para crear la estrategia y planning para tres marcas que tenemos de un grupo empresarial. Esta empresa se dedica a crear, vender y potenciar artículos para el sector del transporte por carretera. Dos de las marcas son prácticamente nuevas y la otra tiene mucho tiempo en el mercado, pero necesitamos potenciar la marca. Vendimos hace 1 año la distribución en España y necesitamos potenciar la misma marca para el resto de países de Europa. En oficina tenemos una persona con amplios conocimientos sobre las marcas, el sector al que nos dedicamos, publicidad en redes sociales, estrategia y contenido, pero necesitamos un "senior" con un nivel superior para que sea más fáci...
I need a skilled developer to integrate Firebase user authentication into my static HTML + JavaScript web app. The app currently features no libraries or frameworks apart from plain HTML and JavaScript. The authentication should cover typical signup, signin, and logout procedures using email, Google, and Facebook. It is critical that existing functionalities of the app remain unchanged. Key Requirements: - Implement a sign-up process capturing the user's email and password - Facilitate sign-in and log-out processes - Integrate Google and Facebook login options - Ensure all current features of the web app remain intact post integration Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML and JavaScript - Extensive experience with Firebase - Familiarity with Google and Facebook au... the layout for my children's book. Targeted at children aged 4-10, the story features five kids, a kind king, and a grumpy minister, with themes centered around kindness, teamwork, and problem-solving. The tone of the book is inspirational. Key Responsibilities: - Create high-quality, bright and vibrant, cartoon-style illustrations that will engage children and appeal to parents. - Design a professional layout suitable for Kindle publishing. - Incorporate interactive elements like speech bubbles and integrate text with illustrations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in children's book illustration and design. - Proficiency in creating engaging, high-quality illustrations. - Familiarity with Kindle publishing layout standards. - Cre...
I need a professional 3D designer with AutoCAD skills to create a design for my exhibition within the next 24 hours. The exhibition is intended to showcase a series of my invented projects. Key Requirements: - Expert in 3D design and AutoCAD - Ability to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines - Previous experience in designing product exhibitions is a plus Please note that the size...- Ability to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines - Previous experience in designing product exhibitions is a plus Please note that the size of the exhibition space has not been determined yet. However, your design should be flexible enough to accommodate different space sizes. Your understanding of product showcase design will be key to creating an engaging and effective exhibition l...
Develop custom firmware for STM32 to interface with 4 EM4095 RFID modules. Optimize PCB layout and antenna design to improve power efficiency and RFID range. Implement error handling, data filtering, and power management features. Provide source code, schematics, and performance validation.
I'm looking to rebuild my existing WordPress site into a more professional and corporate design. The content will remain the same, but the overall representation and design will need to be more meaningful an...content will remain the same, but the overall representation and design will need to be more meaningful and impactful. Key Requirements: - A complete overhaul of the current design to a sleek, professional and corporate style. - Enhancements in typography, color scheme, and layout structure. - Focus on improving the overall design aesthetics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress with a strong portfolio of corporate website designs. - Excellent understanding of typography, color schemes, and layout structures. - Ability to create a seamless, eng...
My Android app is encountering crash errors during specific actions, and there are several UI/UX issues related to navigation, layout design, and user interactions. Key Issues: - Crash errors: These happen during specific actions within the app. - UI/UX Bugs: Problems with navigation, layout design, and user interactions. I'm looking for an experienced Kotlin developer who can help identify and rectify these issues. Please provide examples of your previous work with Kotlin and any relevant experience you have with troubleshooting Android apps.
Buenos dias, buscamos programador .net , xml ... para realizarnos unas modificaciones en nuestro erp propio con bda Postgresql, entre ellas (QUITAR ESTADO PROCESANDO del ERP (BDA) , PESO INDIVIDUAL de artículos crv(BDA) , Cargar contaminantes en fichas de descontaminación(ERP), hacer funcionar el certificado de destrucción telemático en la comunidad valenciana(XML).
I'm looking for a comprehensive review of my modern and minimalist portfolio website (). Your expertise will be essential in evaluating the following aspects: NOTE : don't call on the any mobile numbers found on website. - Visual Design: Assess the overall aesthetics, layout, and design elements of the site. - Content/Language: Review the language used throughout the website, checking for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. - User Experience: Analyze the site's navigation, interactivity, and overall user journey. Ideal candidates should have experience in web design critique, content editing, and user experience analysis. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I require a professional PowerPoint slide that is creatively designed with smooth animations and high-quality images, focusing on a company overview of Etihad Airways. The slide should have: - A corporate presentation quality - Subtle and professional animations - Engaging and visually appealing layout - Use of high-resolution images/icons The ideal freelancer for this project should have strong skills in PowerPoint design and animation, with a creative approach to corporate presentations. A quick turnaround is essential. If you can deliver a high-quality, engaging slide that meets these requirements, I encourage you to apply.
I'm seeking a professional who can design a simple yet elegant 3D box for a cosmetic product. The dimensions of the box are 10cm x 6.5cm x 3cm. I already have a reference layout and the text prepared for all six sides of the box. Key requirements: - Create a detailled and elegant 3D box design. - Incorporate our brand logo and product imagery into the design. - Use finishing techniques like embossing and debossing for the product and some stripes. - Use specific colors that we will decide together. - Work should be finished in a few days, we can work closely together for the best outcome. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong background in 3D design and packaging. - Previous experience in designing for cosmetic products is a plus. - Proficient in using specific colors and cr...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to build a portfolio website for a portfolio website for personal branding. The site should primarily include sections detailing 'About Me' and 'Projects'. Key Project Elements: - Section 'About Me': This should provide a comprehensive yet succinct narrative about my professional journey, skills, and aspirations. - Section 'Projects': This will showcase my work and achievements, needing a visually appealing and intuitive layout to captivate visitors. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience in creating portfolio websites - Strong understanding of personal branding strategies - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing my vision P...
I'm seeking an expert to enhance my existing slidedeck. The presentation is intended for a client meeting, so it must be both engaging and professional. Your task will include: - Implementing a Creative and Modern design theme throughout the slidedeck - Improving the layout and graphics to better showcase visuals and images Ideal candidates should have a strong background in graphic design and presentation prep, with a knack for creating visually appealing content. Experience with client-facing presentations is a plus.
I'm seeking a PHP developer to create a simple, form-based web application for sports team fixturing. Key Requirements: - Implement a fixturing system for 20-30 teams from 12-15 clubs, across various ladders (A, B, C grade, etc.). - Ensure all teams play each other twice, with equal distribution of home and away matches. - Adhere to club hosting limitations on match nights. The application should allow for: - Printable fixtures - Manual adjustments to fixtures - Adding non-play dates (e.g. holidays) The data will be sourced from a SQL database, with basic information provided for development. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP - Experience with SQL databases - Web application development - Knowledge of sports league and fixturing systems is a plus.
...This site should cater to both institutional clients as well as high net worth individuals. Key Features Include: - The site should be capable of attracting new clients while also providing necessary information to our current clientele. - It should serve as a platform to showcase our research and case studies, specifically investment recommendations on stocks listed in India. - The design and layout should be appealing and professional, in line with industry standards. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in developing websites for financial institutions or advisory firms will be a significant advantage. - Proficiency in creating user-friendly interfaces, with an understanding of how to present complex data in an easy-to-understand format. - Knowledge about SEO, di...
I'm seeking a professional interior designer to create an inviting 2D layout and a stunning 3D design for my Bakery & Cafe, which spans 550 sq. ft., inclusive of a 370 sq. ft. seating area. ### **Key Design Features:** - **Style:** Embrace either a Scandinavian or Japandi design approach - **Ambiance:** The overall theme should evoke a warm, cozy feeling - **Color Palette:** Use soft neutrals (whites, light greys) to create the calm, inviting atmosphere ### **Specific Design Elements:** - The cafe has a road-facing facade with two openings. One side includes the main entrance door leading directly to the counter. - The interior will feature matte-finish walls and sleek wooden (Action Tesa) furniture. - Lighting will consist of track lights on the ceiling and pendant...
I'm seeking a professional interior designer with a keen eye for the Scandinavian or Japandi styles to create a captivating 2D layout and 3D design for my Bakery & Cafe. The total space is 550 sq. ft., with 370 sq. ft. dedicated to a warm and inviting seating area. Key Design Areas: - **Seating Area & Bakery Counter:** The bulk of the design will focus on making these spaces comfortable and visually appealing. Color & Finish Preferences: - **Neutral Tones:** All walls and furniture should be in soft, neutral shades that contribute to a cozy atmosphere, finished in a matte style. Decorative Elements: - **Wall Art:** I envision a selection of tasteful wall art pieces to enhance the warm, inviting ambiance. Additional Design Features: - **Facade:** The cafe feat...
I'm looking for a PHP expert to modify my PHP script. This script wasnt written by me so i offer NO support. This is a request script in which the user can request a song and it will play over the radio station live stream. How it works is by querying the list of songs on our internal hard drive and allowing users to search thru our library and select a song. Then submitting the form sends that data to our station software and puts it into the queue. Heres the mods: You need to change the script search box so that a user can start typing the artist OR song title and it will auto populate the results under the search form field and then the user can select the one they want then submit the form. You will also make this page mobile friendly so that it looks good and ...