2d and 3d animation combined jobber
vi er en ungdomsbedrift fra oslo handelsgymnasium som trenger hjelp med å lage en 3D modell vi kan printe ut. Produktet er en slags motivasjonsklokke som skal ca være på strl med en sjakklokke, den skal ha et rom til telefonen og klokken skal følge pomodorometoden. klokken skal være et hjelpemiddel som skal motivere og strukturere til skolejobbing.
Søker 3D-artist til å lage realistiske og stilrene 3D-renderinger av våre peiser. Bildene skal brukes på vår nettside for å fremheve produktenes design og kvalitet. Se eksempel bilder av hva vi søker etter. Disse selges i Norge og Sverige, så skandinavisk stil er å foretrekke. Starter med 3 ulike produkter, med mulighet til mange flere hvis det blir gjort en god jobb. Du finner produktene og nettsiden på
trenger en 3D-modell for en skjermbeskytter laget av PMMA (plexiglass), spesifikt tilpasset iPhone 14 Pro. Produktet skal være en prototype for en skjermbeskytter med optisk styrke og blålysfilter, designet for brukere som trenger forstørrelse for å se skjermen tydelig uten briller. Spesifikasjoner: 1. Dimensjoner: • Tilpasset iPhone 14 Pro med eksakte mål. • Mål for iPhone 14 Pro: 71,5 mm bredde og 146,7 mm høyde (inkluder tilpasninger for hjørner og utskjæringer for kamera, Face ID-sensorer og høyttaler). • Tykkelse: • På midten: Beregnet til ca. 1,92 mm for å oppnå +3D optisk styrke. • I kantene: 0,2–0,3 mm for å sikre god passform og minimal ekstr...
Trenger hjelp til å lage en enkel 3d tegning. Den er rektangulær med myke hjørner. Konveks form fra midten av. derretter skal dette bli fylt igjen med en slags slim slik at den blir helt flat når tegningen er ferdig.
Vi er 3D Verkstedet. En 3D printing basert bedrift som designer og printer på oppdrag for forskjellige kunder. Bl.a de største har vi kaph entreprenør, MER energi, Rambøll og Kanalgården som kunder, i tillegg til mye enkeltoppdrag fra privatpersoner. Vi søker en 3D designer som kan jobbe for oss. Vi trenger en person som er løsningsorientert, lærevillig og flink med digitale programmer. Vi bruker hovedsakelig fusion 360, og litt blender. Per nå vil det ligge på ca. 3-4 oppdrag i måneden, men det ser ut til å bare øke i antall oppdrag som kommer. Dette er en gyllen mulighet til å bli med på noe spennende, annerledes og fremtidsrettet samtidig som det ligger gode peng...
Land er på 2000 kvm (sqm) og jeg trenger tegning på vei inn fra hovedvei til tomt. Ca 100 meter fra hovedvei til tomt.
Leter etter en som kan designe ett nytt produkt for meg i 3D.
Hei ! Jeg trenger en person som kan gjøre følgende: 1. Designe en karakter for meg. 2. Animere denne karakteren ( Stå "idle", åpne munnen, gråte og glad ). Jeg har lagt ved et vedlegg av figuren jeg vil ha laget. Takk på forhånd ! /Kollfinn Olsen
Jeg har løpende arbeid relatert til vårt tidligere prosjekt 'Programmering i Unity 3d.'
Hei ! Jeg trenger en person som kan Unity3d og kan hjelpe meg med en "enkel" sak. Har en 3d figur (med flere animeringer) som jeg vil bruke i et prosjekt. Denne figuren skal man kunne bevege og trigge animeringer ved hjelp av tastaturet. "a,d og space". Kan få til dette så ta kontakt ! Mvh: Kollfinn Olsen
Jeg vil få laget en 3D animasjonsfilm på intill 60 sekunders lengde, med norsk fortellerstemme og ferdig redigert manus. Budsjettet kan være helt fra 1200,-USD til 11800,-USD.
Vi har nettopp kjøpt oss hus! Jeg ønsker i den anledning en 3D skisse av huset , med noen fasade og farge endringer.
Ønsker å få tegningen av huset laget i 2D eller 3D . Ønsker å bruke det til inspirasjon til oppussing.
this 3d model heaight dett jestrike plane 3d model
Jeg skulle ha fått laget en 3D tegning av prosjektet mitt. Det er en koppholder som er en klype som kan festes til kjøkkenbordet, i bilen, i båte, i skogen o.l. Denne skal ha en mekanisme som gjør at man kan klype den fast loddrett og vannrett.( slik som en stikkontakt har blitt i de nyeste tider) Jeg vil få laget denne koppholderen som et krokodillehode (jeg vil hodet skal se mest mulig ekte ut), slik at det ser ut som den biter seg fast i bordet. Jeg vet ikke om dette er nok info, da dette er nytt for meg. Med hilsen Tinna
Project Link: Online Portfolio: Monkey Feet YouTube Link: TETÉU-ANIMATED FOOTBALL ASSISTANT FOR LIVE UPDATES- FOOTBALL 2014 Teteu-Animated Football Assistant YouTube Link: Website: Natwork Flow v=GNTcY01wwUE ArenasBands UnityAsset !/content/29328 !/content/29043 !/content/29005 SWAGWARZ YouTube Link: Party-Pirates YouTube Link: v=GLs0ZQGN6EM&list=UU4_HoobneuglZ12BEPGQ Q8A The IIFYM Lifestyle StickGamez Widgetizer Widgets HD sult#? t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5XaWRnZXQuV2lkZ2V0aXplciJd Cristmas Dream Jump Ideal Animal – I phone Game Development YouTube Link: Twist4Fun Puzzle Fruit Carnival YouTube Link: Break Brick !Fun For you! search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5tb3N0ZGVhbHNmb3J5b3UuQnJlY WtCcmljayJd...
VIKTIG! VEDKOMMENDE MÅ KUNNE NORSK. Trenger hjelp med noen småting. 1. Trenger logo jeg har i full vektor format samt endring av farge på logo (enkel jobb). 2. Trenger et elektronisk newsletter som kan sendes til kunder på e-post med knyttelse til mailchimp. Det er et nødlader vi selger ved navnet level+ 3. Trenger en banner med produktet vårt med alle tre farger. Vi har foreløpig bilder av produktet men disse er i hver sitt farge. (bilder og info samt noe tekst blir oversendt) 4. Om ønskelig og om du kan, vil vi gjerne ha et html hjemmeside som vi allerede har kjøpt hos som er bare å redigere, sette inn bilder og info med tekst. Hvis du kan gjøre alle punkter er vi villig til å gi 1500 kr men du vil f&...
Animation for NAC CANADA Animation for NAC CANADA Animation for NAC CANADA Animation for NAC CANADA Animation for NAC CANADA Animation for NAC CANADA
programming algoritthm for 3d models
I'm looking for a skilled animator to create a whiteboard style animation featuring a Santa Claus and various other characters. Project Focus: - The primary aim of this project is to entertain children. The animation should be engaging, fun, and appealing to a young audience. Character Style: - All characters should be drawn in a cartoonish style. I am looking for a professional who can create vibrant, lively characters that will hold children's interest. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in whiteboard animations or similar video drawing techniques - Experience creating content aimed at children - Ability to create and animate in a cartoonish style - Strong storytelling skills to keep the content engaging
I'm looking for a talented freelancer to create high-quality, educational whiteboard animation doodle videos for YouTube. Each video will be 20-30 minutes long and needs to include: - Unique, custom illustrations in a hand-drawn style The aim of these videos is to simplify and explain complex topics. Your ability to create engaging, clear, and visually appealing content will be key to the success of this project. Skills and experience required: - Expertise in whiteboard animation - Strong illustration skills, particularly in a hand-drawn style - Experience in creating educational content - Ability to work with custom illustrations - Understanding of how to simplify complex topics
I'm looking f...purifier. Your responsibilities will include: * Designing the purifier's physical components such as the housing, tanks, and filtration units. * Using CAD software like SolidWorks or AutoCAD to create 3D models and technical drawings. * Selecting appropriate materials, focusing on food-grade plastics and stainless steel, considering both durability and cost. The water purifier will utilize three filtration technologies: Reverse Osmosis, Ultraviolet Purification, and Activated Carbon Filtration. Ideal candidates should have: * Proficiency in CAD software * A solid understanding of material science * Experience with prototyping If you have a passion for product design and a commitment to creating a high-quality,...
I have several CAD drawings of aluminium profiles that need to be finalized for 3d printing. The final output should include both 2D and 3D renderings. There are also a couple of hand drawn sketches that will need to be added to the existing files. Key Requirements: - Finish off initial drawings. - Create accurate 2D and 3D renderings and finalise items for 3d printing Specific Details for CAD Drawings: - All CAD models must reflect exact dimensions from the sketches Primary Use of CAD Models: - The CAD models will be used for manufacturing, so precision is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in CAD software - Prior experience in designing for manufacturing is a plus. Please ensure your bid reflects...
Need to make a visually accurate Sketchup 3D model (exterior only) from google map Google map- Google earth 3d - Need Green marked building Sketchup 3D model (green Facades and their Roof colours) we have already finished sketchup 3D model, You just need to add facades and roof colours only Thank You
I need a captivating, 3D logo for my "Higher Mathematics" project, rich with mathematical formulas. The design should be strikingly in tune with the project's full name, featuring a dark yet lustrous color scheme with shades of blue-black and a hint of yellow. The key elements to focus on are: - Prominence of Mathematical Formulas: The logo should be brimming with various mathematical formulas, showcasing the essence of the project. - Inclusion of Specific Algebraic Equations, Geometric Shapes, and Calculus Notations: I will provide specific algebraic equations and the design should also incorporate geometric shapes and calculus notations. - Masterful Use of 3D Effects and Color Combination: The 3D effects should be sk...
...talented animator who can create a short, under 1-minute, humorous stickman animation for entertainment purposes. The project entails: - Designing and animating stickman characters in a comical manner - Crafting an engaging storyline that suits the stickman style - Ensuring the animation is smooth and visually appealing Ideal candidates should have experience in creating stickman animations, with a portfolio of humorous content. Understanding of timing and pacing for comedic effect is essential. Please provide relevant samples of your work. The script: Scene 1: Entering the Room Shot 1: Wide shot – A young stickman teenager opens the door to his room, stepping in. Shot 2: Mid shot – He swings off his backpack and tosses it onto th...
...PNG base image and an animated GIF overlay that enhances its prestige. The enhancements must be scalable across multiple artworks within the same tier, meaning they should not require custom adjustments per piece. The effects should be subtle yet striking, adding depth and rarity without overwhelming the base artwork. Scope of Work: Develop six levels of GIF-based visual effects, with increasing intensity and prestige. The effects must be universal and reusable, applying seamlessly across all artworks in a given tier. The final designs must work as an overlay on a static PNG, meaning the GIF should have a consistent animation loop that doesn’t rely on user interaction (e.g., no parallax, no angle-based shifts). Effects should elevate the artwor...
Preciso de alguém para animar um Personagem 3D que eu ja tenho, preciso de animação de Andar, atacar e de saudação
We are developing a wardrobe application and require a skilled 3D artist to create a Proof of Concept (POC) for a 3D avatar feature. The objective is to design a realistic, customizable 3D avatar that users can personalize to reflect their appearance and visualize clothing selections within the app.
I'm looking for a talented 3D artist to create some compelling renders of my product in various outdoor home and landscape settings. Key Responsibilities: - Create detailed and accurate 3D models of my product within a home exterior setting. - The models should include surrounding landscaping and elements typical of a home exterior you would in Australia - Incorporate features like external cladding on the home that is offered in our services as well as gardens, plants, and patio/seating areas into the renders. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D rendering software. - Experience with product visualization, particularly in home settings. - Strong understanding of outdoor landscapes and ability to create realistic and engag...
Detailed Explanation of the App Idea for the Developer 1. Overview: An entertainment mobile application for Android and iOS that allows users to engage in live-streamed game challenges, such as chess, card games, and dominoes. Users can place monetary bets, and winnings are distributed as follows: 40% to the winner 10% to the loser as a consolation prize 50% to the app 2. Core Features: A. Games & Live Streaming Support for games like chess, card games, dominoes, and more. Live streaming system within the app, allowing users to play in real-time. Options to create private and public game rooms. B. Betting System & Financial Distribution Before starting a challenge, each player deposits an amount as a participation fee. The total amo...
I run a YouTube channel called 'The World of Fear', where I create horror stories. I'm looking for a skilled 2D animator who can bring my horror stories to life with smooth animations, eerie sound effects, and a suspenseful atmosphere.
Calling All Video Animators! 🚀 We’re looking for a talented video animator to bring $Chadette’s story to life! If you have a passion for storytelling, dynamic animation, and creating viral-worthy content, this is your chance to work on a crypto-powered brand that’s taking over! What We Need: ✅ Animated video series telling the story of Chadette ✅ High-quality content for social media & YouTube ✅ Creative, engaging, and visually striking animations What We’re Looking For: 🎥 Experience in motion graphics & animation 🔥 Ability to create eye-catching crypto & brand-related content 💡 A creative mind that can turn ideas into compelling visuals $Chadette | Not Just a Coin, Whales fortify the throne, community reigns supreme...
...happening in a compelling way with animation. I will provide relevant contextual screenshots or videos of what should be shown on any computer screens or in any specific office space. Our timeline is less than a week to get this project done. Here is the script for context on timing: (Storyboard can be provided if needed for shot by shot, what should show.) Information Worker: Alex It's the evening, and Alex is home planning his workday for tomorrow. Using Copilot, he summarizes his tasks and meetings. He doesn't normally plan to go into the office on that day, but thanks to Microsoft Places he sees in Outlook that many of his colleagues plan to go in, including a team member who will be visiting from another city. He adjusts his schedule to be in the ...
Cartoonish YouTube Banner for Kids' Channel
I'm in need of a 3D logo for my PC gaming channel. The logo should embody a futuristic style and incorporate a headset, symbolizing the gaming world. The color scheme should be vibrant neon colors, which are not only eye-catching but also resonate with the gaming culture. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Experience in logo design, particularly for gaming - Understanding of futuristic design elements - Ability to work with neon color schemes Please share your portfolio related to this project.
I'm looking for a 3D rendered video of a metal bed frame that rises vertically on all four legs. The bed's elevation should be controlled by a wireless remote. Key Requirements: - The level of detail in the video should be a basic outline with movement. - The video should showcase multiple angles of the bed frame. - The functionalities of the remote to be highlighted are: basic up and down movement and custom height settings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and animation software. - Previous experience creating 3D render videos. - Understanding of product animation for showcasing functionality. - Ability to deliver a video with a clear, simple, and engaging outline of movement.
I am seeking a professional service for 3D printing of tops for Rainbird Maxi Paw sprinklers. It's two pieces per item, the top itself (about 4" diameter) and the small clip that holds it onto the sprinkler head (about 3/4" diameter). I can provide new pieces for scanning when the time comes. - Material: Preferably ABS, as I believe the OEM tops are made of polystyrene. - Color: All tops should be black. - Quantity: More than 10. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with 3D printing, particularly with ABS material. They should also have the capability to produce high-quality, durable prints that can withstand outdoor conditions. Proficiency in consistent production is essential for the project’s success.
I'm looking for a 3D model of a mini dragon. The final STL file will be used for 3D printing. Key Requirements: - Inspired by Spyro the Dragon - The dragon should be designed to be very small, approximately 1 inch tall. - Ability to print in two colors would be great. As in the horns, chest and wings be a separate color option. - The level of detail should be basic. It doesn't need to have intricate features, but should be recognizable as a dragon when printed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience creating STL files for 3D printing - Ability to design for specific size constraints - Understanding of basic 3D design principles
...a professional 3D modeler and renderer to create a highly detailed model of a drum rim attachment for a drum stick. This model is intended for 3D printing, so it needs to be structurally sound and optimized for this purpose. Key Aspects: - Product Type: The model is for a musical accessory, specifically a drum rim attachment for a drum stick. - Level of Detail: Although the model will primarily consist of basic shapes and structures, it will still need to be of high detail, with precise measurements and intricate design features. - this will eventually be used for Injection Molding Ideal skills for the job include: - Expertise in 3D product and concept modeling and rendering. - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (l...
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...electronics engineer to review, finalize, and improve an existing calculator project that was previously developed but has some unresolved issues. Project Scope & Requirements: ✅ Verify & Correct BOM (Bill of Materials) The current freelancer could not provide the correct part numbers needed to manufacture the board via PCBWay. Ensure all components match the design and are available for order. ✅ Review & Fix Firmware (EasyEDA) The firmware/code was provided, but I am uncertain if it works correctly. Need a firmware expert to review and adjust any necessary fixes. Ensure all button functions are correctly mapped. ✅ PCB Adjustments & Optimizations The project was converted from a dual-PCB design to a single PCB. Ensure all traces, connections, ...
I'm in need of an expert who can resize and modify my STL 3D file for a prototype/model. The freelancer will need to add or remove features as necessary. Key Requirements: - Proficient in handling STL files - Experience in 3D design and modification - Ability to understand and implement design changes for a prototype - Attention to detail to ensure the file is ready for printing
To create 2D plans and 3D exterior/ interior renders of different size houses as mentioned in the chat.
...talented and committed video editor and motion graphics designer to own the entire video production process, ensuring consistency in branding, quality, and engagement of our new faceless YouTube channel. If you have a passion for visual storytelling, video editing, YouTube SEO, and high-impact animations, this role is for you! Key Responsibilities: ✅ Edit and produce high-quality faceless YouTube videos (8-10min long) using stock footage, motion graphics, and engaging visuals. ✅ Create eye-catching animations, kinetic typography, and infographic-style visuals to explain financial concepts in an engaging way. ✅ Research and implement YouTube SEO best practices (thumbnails, metadata, engagement strategies) to maximize video reach. ...
Create an engaging 2D animation for website