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Signal Processing is a field of engineering which is concerned with the analysis, modification, and synthesis of signals such as sound waves or electrical signals. It makes use of mathematical principles to process signals so that the information they contain is effectively and efficiently communicated. A Signal Processing expert can help you investigate signals from audio, acoustic, or communication systems; develop algorithms; identify, evaluate, document and refine signal processing methods; generate reports and present research results; create models for signal modulation; apply modulation algorithms for efficient data communication; debug hardware and software systems; launch projects involving signal processing applications; and implement signal processing solutions.
When interviewing a Signal Processing specialist, it is important to assess their qualifications and experience in the field. Ask them specific technical questions related to their abilities in signal analysis and synthesis. Additionally, you need to understand their communication style and assess if they have a proven ability to work well with others. It is typical to pay Signal Processing specialists from $35-$50 per hour - although depending on qualifications and experience this rate can vary greatly.
Hire a Signal Processing specialist on Freelancer.com today for access to qualified professionals with verified credentials. Get access to an extensive global network of specialized talent in this field. With Freelancer.com, you can select the right expert for the job based on your budget and requirements in real-time.