Logo for a primary school

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $50
  • Mottatte bidrag: 1088
  • Vinner: abdulhalim38


I'm looking for a minimalistic logo for modern primary school with name - GIGASAN PRIMARY SCHOOL - SINCE 1956. The logo should incorporate an icon that represents student climbing on books

Key Requirements:
- A minimalistic design style
- Incorporation of an icon that represents student climbing on books
- Exclusive use of chocolate color shades

Ideal Skills:
- Strong background in minimalist design
- Proficiency in creating service-representative icons
- Excellent understanding and implementation of monochrome schemes

Anbefalte ferdigheter

Arbeidsgivers tilbakemelding

“Great work on time, effective communication ”

Profilbilde parthcse, India.

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