Create logo based on existing draft
- Status: Closed
- Premie: $10
- Mottatte bidrag: 73
- Vinner: thuhinalam009
Please see attached logo!
I need you to create a logo based on the attached image, with the following requirements:
- Keep the same icon and text
- Clean and refine the small detail errors in the draft image
- Convert the logo to svg format
- Provide the logo as 2 files: one for the icon and one for the text
- For the colors use: #1bc5bd (light color), #133d3b (dark color)
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Arbeidsgivers tilbakemelding
“Followed the requirements and provided a quality graphic logo.”
grozadanut, Romania.
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arifajannat Bangladesh
thuhinalam009 Bangladesh
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Amirshohel24 Bangladesh
Amirshohel24 Bangladesh
Amirshohel24 Bangladesh
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