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Dzaky Phounna I.
Designer | ARTIST | Editor | Animator
$5 USD / time
Indonesia (9:18 a.m.)
Ble med oktober 11, 2023
$5 USD / time
Hi, just call me Phounna
I lived in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I can do much things on Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects and Blender.
such as Logo design, logo animation, branding, motion graphic, photo editing, mock ups, 2D animation, 3D Modelling, and much more, i'll do my best for my clients and keep them comfort for my service and satisfied.
Hope you interested to work together with me, i have a good sense of humor
don't be skeptical :D
Let me know, like to see you further on your projects.
Im so happy to be able to work together and have the same vision, mission and goals in my current job. I hope that additional income from freelancing can increase my insight and work experience, with this I will be more accustomed to designing and trying to satisfy my clients.
Of course I will do all this with all my abilities and creativities which are quite good in the field of design.
jul., 2023 - nåværende
1 år, 7 måneder
Institut Kesenian Jakarta
2023 - 2024
1 år
1 - (Still Enrolled)
2023 - 2024
1 år
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