I had a successful career in the insurance business rising from an underwriter trainee to company president. I have created and taught continuing education insurance classes and, when I retired from corporate America I taught English, creative writing, and general business classes to juniors and seniors in high school. I have written two nonfiction and two fiction books that were published. I have written several hundred pieces for ads and have written over 30 business plans.
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sep., 2003 - sep., 2012
9 år
Fenwick High School
sep., 2003 - sep., 2012
9 år
I left the insurance business and hired with the mandate to teach good writing skills to all junior students in this private college prep school.
sep., 2003 - sep., 2012
9 år
Midwest Director
jun., 2000 - jul., 2003
3 år, 1 måned
Burlington Insurance Group
jun., 2000 - jul., 2003
3 år, 1 måned
Responsible for production, underwriting, marketing and management of Midwest division personnel. Objective was to grow the Midwestern fourteen state division. I succeeded in growing this division from eight million dollars in revenue to twenty-five million dollars.
jun., 2000 - jul., 2003
3 år, 1 måned
jan., 1985 - jan., 2000
15 år
Miami Valley Excess & Surplus Agency
jan., 1985 - jan., 2000
15 år
Owner/founder of this specialty commercial brokerage insurance agency operating in six Midwest states with three offices and with $6,000,000 in revenue the last year.
jan., 1985 - jan., 2000
15 år
University of Dayton
1962 - 1976
14 år
BS Management
United States
1962 - 1976
14 år
Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter
American Institute for Property Liability Insurance
Minimum three insurance experience; pass four comprehensive exams covering insurance principles, accounting, law, life and health insurance, insurance company rating and regulations
No Fear In My Classroom
Adams Media
This is a nonfiction book about the modern classroom and analysis of the fears brought into it by students and teachers.
Not In My Classroom
Adams Media
Nonfiction book primarily for training both new and experienced teachers of grades 1 thru 12.
US English
Basic Numeracy
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