Am nevoie de editarea unui podcast video de 2 ore. Podcastul este filmat cu 3 camere din 3 unghiuri cu 4 microfoane. 3 fisiere video vor fi primite pentru cele 3 camere, impreuna cu 4 fisiere audio, pentru cele 4 microfoane.
Am nevoie de eidatea acestui podcast, fisierele audio sa fie sincronizate cu cele video. Pentru partea de video, o camera va avea imaginile cu toti cei 4 invitati iar celelalte doua cu cate 2 invitati. Video-ul va fi editat astfel incat sa fie imagini cu toti invitatii pentru prezentare si incheiere sau cand este o discutie comuna, cadrul va fi schimbat cand vorbeste o singura persoana cu imaginea celor doi invitati din aceeasi parte a mesei. Vor fi 2 invitati pe o parte a mesei.
Hi I can start right now. I m a professional video editor and 2D animator
you can check my portfolio here by going on my profile portfolio section. (I will send more samples if you want)
I worked with almost 400+ clients with 99% of positive feedback give me one chance to show my creativity in this project.
I used adobe premier pro and after effect. I can deliver quality work to tight deadlines.
can you please come into my inbox so I can show you some sample of recent work thanks.
I'm interested to hear more about the project I'd be very happy to discuss this further
and get started for you as soon as possible.
Hello, my name is Arbaz and I am a video editing professional with 5 years of experience in the industry. I specialize in editing video podcasts and have the skills necessary to deliver top-notch services tailored to meet the unique needs of my clients.
I understand from your description that you are looking for the editare a 2-hour video podcast and need 2-hour long edit. The podcast is filmed using 3 cameras from 3 angles with 4 microphones. For the 3 cameras together with 4 audio files are needed for the 4 microphones.
I need to edit this podcast such that the audio files are synchronized with the video files. For part of the video, a camera will have images of all 4 guests while the other two will have images of 2 guests each. The video will be edited so that all guests appear in appropriate scenes at appropriate times or when there is a common discussion among them on the table. There will be 2 guests on one side of the table.
My skills include video editing as well as video production and services so you can rest assured that you are getting exactly what you want when you hire me for this project.
Fiind obisnuit sa montez filmari facute de mine la diverse evenimente, stiu sa sincronizez sunetul si imaginile capturate separat. Stiu ca editarea de podcast necesita multa rabdare si atentie, si consider ca as face fata cu succes acestui task.