Create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD

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* Please deliver a locally working (DDEV!) composer based installation of TYPO3 v12.

* Use Bootstrap for Frontend!

* You will receive a PSD file and 2 Font files

* Page Template Header (see attached JPGs):

** main navi (should come from TYPO3 page tree), 2 levels, burger menu for mobile

** logo, Insta-Icon and red "bubble" can be hard coded in template

* Page Template Footer

** hard coded button: "Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen" with link to "contact" page in page tree

** hard coded link: "Impressum" with link to "impressum" page in page tree (hidden in menu)

* Content Elements:

** Please style the "Text with media" appropriatly (see "[login to view URL]"): Image, Headline etc

** Element "Card Group" to display a variable amount of Elements "Card" (preferred Extension: b13/container). In FE it should (for Desktop) display 3 Cards and if more than 3 Crads avauilable: left/right arrows to slide through the cards (see "[login to view URL]")

** Element "Card Image" (1 Image, Link; see left element in"[login to view URL]")

** Element "Card Image with Headline" (1 Image, Link, Headline that should fade in an mouseover in FE; see left element in"[login to view URL]")

** Element "Box" with 2 FE Templates (Headline, Text (RTE with styled <UL>), Button-Text, Button-Box, Selector for Template A/B; see right elements in"[login to view URL]")

Bootstrap PSD til HTML TYPO3

Prosjekt-ID: #38132464

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16 bud Eksternt prosjekt Aktiv 9 måneder siden

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Hi, Good day! I living in Duisburg Germany since last 4 years. I have been worked 2 years full-time as [login to view URL] Developer (Backend Developer) at The Brettinghams GmbH, Berlin, Germany. Working with Web Development Mer

€300 EUR på 10 dager
(25 omtaler)

16 frilansere byr i gjennomsnitt €279 for denne jobben


I will create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD with PIXEL perfect, I’m senior developer having 7 years’ experience in WordPress, Shopify, React, Laravel, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, PHP and Graphic d Mer

€450 EUR på 3 dager
(17 Omtaler)

Hi, With your Create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD project, I'm your ideal partner. I can deliver unflagging enthusiasm, high quality results, good communication and short deadlines. We look forward to chatting with Mer

€140 EUR på 7 dager
(0 Omtaler)

Hi Martin N.! I have seen what are you looking for and I can work on your project " Create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD ". you will get your work done exactly as you need that will exceed your expectations I a Mer

€99 EUR på 1 dag
(0 Omtaler)

Hi Martin N., I hope you are doing well, Please read it carefully as it is not an generic bid. I have completely gone through your project: Create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD and I am reaching out to you with gre Mer

€120 EUR på 7 dager
(0 Omtaler)

Dear Martin N., I saw your project titled "Create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD" and I'm interested in submitting a proposal. With over 10 years of experience in software development, I have a proven track record a Mer

€140 EUR på 7 dager
(0 Omtaler)

Hello Martin, With over 5 years of experience in PSD to HTML conversion, I have carefully reviewed the requirements for creating a new TYPO3 v12 website from PSD. I propose to deliver a locally working composer-based Mer

€65 EUR på 7 dager
(0 Omtaler)

As an experienced web developer and graphic designer with over 8 years of practice, I am well-equipped to handle your TYPO3 v12 website creation project competently. My record speaks for itself, with over 350 positive Mer

€50 EUR på 2 dager
(0 Omtaler)

As a highly skilled and experienced web developer, I am well-equipped to meet all of your project requirements. My extensive understanding of TYPO3 coupled with my proficiency in Bootstrap and PSD to HTML conversion le Mer

€120 EUR på 7 dager
(0 Omtaler)

Ready to build your stunning TYPO3 website with ease? We're here to help! Our Expertise: DDEV & Composer Installation Masters: Set up a robust local development environment for seamless TYPO3 v12 installation. Bootst Mer

€140 EUR på 7 dager
(1 anmeldelse)