Create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD
€30-250 EUR
Betales ved levering
* Please deliver a locally working (DDEV!) composer based installation of TYPO3 v12.
* Use Bootstrap for Frontend!
* You will receive a PSD file and 2 Font files
* Page Template Header (see attached JPGs):
** main navi (should come from TYPO3 page tree), 2 levels, burger menu for mobile
** logo, Insta-Icon and red "bubble" can be hard coded in template
* Page Template Footer
** hard coded button: "Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen" with link to "contact" page in page tree
** hard coded link: "Impressum" with link to "impressum" page in page tree (hidden in menu)
* Content Elements:
** Please style the "Text with media" appropriatly (see "[login to view URL]"): Image, Headline etc
** Element "Card Group" to display a variable amount of Elements "Card" (preferred Extension: b13/container). In FE it should (for Desktop) display 3 Cards and if more than 3 Crads avauilable: left/right arrows to slide through the cards (see "[login to view URL]")
** Element "Card Image" (1 Image, Link; see left element in"[login to view URL]")
** Element "Card Image with Headline" (1 Image, Link, Headline that should fade in an mouseover in FE; see left element in"[login to view URL]")
** Element "Box" with 2 FE Templates (Headline, Text (RTE with styled <UL>), Button-Text, Button-Box, Selector for Template A/B; see right elements in"[login to view URL]")
Prosjekt-ID: #38132464
Om prosjektet
16 frilansere byr i gjennomsnitt €279 for denne jobben
I will create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD with PIXEL perfect, I’m senior developer having 7 years’ experience in WordPress, Shopify, React, Laravel, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, PHP and Graphic d Mer
Hi Martin N.! I have seen what are you looking for and I can work on your project " Create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD ". you will get your work done exactly as you need that will exceed your expectations I a Mer
Hi Martin N., I hope you are doing well, Please read it carefully as it is not an generic bid. I have completely gone through your project: Create new TYPO3 v12 Website from PSD and I am reaching out to you with gre Mer
Hello Martin, With over 5 years of experience in PSD to HTML conversion, I have carefully reviewed the requirements for creating a new TYPO3 v12 website from PSD. I propose to deliver a locally working composer-based Mer
As a highly skilled and experienced web developer, I am well-equipped to meet all of your project requirements. My extensive understanding of TYPO3 coupled with my proficiency in Bootstrap and PSD to HTML conversion le Mer
Ready to build your stunning TYPO3 website with ease? We're here to help! Our Expertise: DDEV & Composer Installation Masters: Set up a robust local development environment for seamless TYPO3 v12 installation. Bootst Mer