Armenian to English Translation 01-879 - NATIVE SPEAKERS ONLY. NO TO AGENCY

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I'm in need of a translator who can help to translate a number of articles from Armenian to English. The articles are intended to be informative and will be published on a website.

The ideal freelancer for this project should:

- Be fluent in both Armenian and English, with excellent translation skills.

- Have experience translating articles, particularly for an informative website.

- Be able to accurately convey the content and tone of the original articles in the translation.

- Be flexible and able to work with articles on a variety of subjects.

If you're a skilled translator with a knack for making content accessible in English, I'd love to hear from you.

Oversettelse Korrekturlesing Armenian Translator

Prosjekt-ID: #39051949

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6 bud Eksternt prosjekt Aktiv 4 uker siden

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I can help you with this task. I have 10+ years of experience in article writing and translation. I will provide high quality translation. Thanks.

$8 USD / time
(0 omtaler)

6 frilansere byr i gjennomsnitt $5/time for denne jobben


Hello, Thank you posting you project here on We're a diverse bunch from all over the world, skilled in translating just about anything you throw at us. After checking out your project description, it's Mer

$5 USD / time
(120 Omtaler)

As a skilled translator with over 7 years of expertise in various fields, I'm highly confident in delivering the top-notch quality translation service your project requires. Being fluent is both English and Armenian, I Mer

$2 USD / time
(1 anmeldelse)

With my passion for language and my sharp translation skills, I am the perfect fit for your Armenian to English project. I understand the importance of accuracy and tone when it comes to translations, and I will ensure Mer

$2 USD / time
(0 Omtaler)

I am excited to apply for the Armenian to English translation project. With fluency in both Armenian and English, I have experience translating articles while ensuring accuracy, clarity, and a natural tone. Why Choose Mer

$5 USD / time
(0 Omtaler)