speaker identification in video

Lukket Lagt ut 3 år siden Betales ved levering
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What is simple for a human may not always be an easy task for a machine. Speaker identification in video is one of such tasks. In this project human body and its (a)periodical movements (eg, hand waving) may be identified in video frames, and they are associated with human's speech. The final goal of the project is to identify a speaker at each moment in a stream of video where multiple human objects are present.

work will done by python and liabrires opencv , keras,dlib c++

I need to introduce ideas related to my project and find datasets to work on

Python Machine Learning (ML) Keras OpenCV Ansiktsgjenkjenning

Prosjekt-ID: #29330826

Om prosjektet

5 bud Eksternt prosjekt Aktiv 3 år siden

5 frilansere byr i gjennomsnitt £178 for denne jobben


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