Misc development for Gaming Website.
I need some misc work for my gaming website, specifically 10 small changes.
Things that need to be done:
- Only show social buttons if the user has made a link for it (3 in profile page)
- Require http:// for social links and for video links in leaderboard submissions
- Lower text opacity or change text to dimmer color of unverfied times to show it is not currently a legitimate time
- Change [login to view URL] to profile/[username] for easy linking
- Display unverified times in moderator dashboard on all profile pages rather than just your account page
- Display moderator icon to regular users (only mods can currently see this)
- Take out the "rank" section for unverified times and replace with "Player" so moderators can see who submitted the times
- Require a valid email for [login to view URL] (users can just put "test"), disallow same email used twice
- Display a 404 for profile usernames that don't exist (example: profile/thisisafakeuser displays a fake profile with registration date of 1970)
- Limit number of personal bests on profile page to 10 entries to prevent long profile pages