Power Modules update and enhancement for ESP based Circuit
₹12500-37500 INR
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₹12500-37500 INR
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ESP Master/Valve Driver Update:
1. Replace the 5v LDO to Buck converter. So we can provide 12v input power supply and convert it to 5v for ICs
2. We would like to connect pressure transmitter sensor with i/p 10-30v and current output 4-20mA. Shall we use the existing S1 port for this purpose? If not, we would like your recommendations
3. Experience heat beneath IO Expander IC in 4-Valve/8-Valve board.
4. May need to revisit the power draw of LEDs in master board
5. Sometimes ESP overheats with WiFi STA/AP mode.
6. Redesign existing Eagle project into Easy EDA
7. Provide adequate support for Firmware changes
Slave/Wireless Pump Controller:
1. Handle ESP32 brownout/flicer scenarios when WiFi is turned On and sending HTTP request to master
2. Remove the 5V power supply to I2C FRC Connector. We may not need this anymore
3. Battery IC Overheating. Guess you suggested to change the resitor.
4. Replace unused sensor port with 12v Power rail. So we can connect Pressure sesnsor with I/P 10-30V and current output 4-20mA