Analog Circuit Simulation Using Cadence Virtuoso -- 2

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I need to increase my circuit gain to 3000 using this behavioral model

Elektrisk ingeniørvitenskap Elektronikk Ingeniørvitenskap

Prosjekt-ID: #38838559

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4 bud Eksternt prosjekt Aktiv 1 måned siden

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Hi I have seen your model as well as the schematic implementation. I think I can analyze your problem and implement the necessary measures to achieve your target. I have access to the necessary tools to simulate and sh Mer

$20 USD på 7 dager
(0 omtaler)

4 frilansere byr i gjennomsnitt $38 for denne jobben


I should be your go-to electrical engineer for this complex task because I have a deep understanding of circuit design and extensive experience with Cadence Virtuoso. My skills in both robotics and AI have equipped me Mer

$80 USD på 7 dager
(61 Omtaler)

With my proficiency in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Circuit Design, I am well-equipped to enhance your circuit gain to 3000 using the Cadence Virtuoso platform. My expertise goes beyond just being well-vers Mer

$20 USD på 3 dager
(5 Omtaler)

I have reviewed your amplifier circuit design and simulation details. The issue lies in achieving a gain of 3000, which is limited by the current per-stage gain constraints. To address this, I suggest introducing addit Mer

$30 USD på 2 dager
(3 Omtaler)