Joomla / C++, Update Software to V2.0

Avbrutt Lagt ut 4 år siden Betales ved levering
Avbrutt Betales ved levering

We use the Component VikRestaurants 1.8.1 on our Joomla Website.

With VikRestaurant guests can reserve tables and order food.

A freelacer created for us a Extension to print immadeately and directly the reservations and and the food orders to the kitchen printer.

We want some updates for this software as:

1. better view for Reservation and Take-Away

2. Export to XML File

3. Tickets after reconnect to Internet

4. Button CONFIRM

5. Button DENY or REJECT

6. Status DENIED

7. Take-Away Food Categories and several Printers

8. Welcome Message for Guests

9. Full Adress and Map on Delivery order

10. PrinterGate runs as Service

11. Printergate and VikBooking

12. Pop-up for incoming orders with alarm etc.

20. some unexpected little things

30. cosmetics (make beautiful)

- please only Professionals

- We don't pay any upfronts or initial costs

- Estimated time to update: 20h

- We are the owner of the codes

- Coder for further updates are welcome

C++ Programmering Joomla MySQL PHP

Prosjekt-ID: #28274814

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Eksternt prosjekt Aktiv 4 år siden